¶ Madhu Anderson
Anderson Described Herself As “Pro-Life.” According to Anderson’s campaign website, “Madhu (Ma-due) Anderson is a common-sense conservative republican. Madhu is pro-life and pro 2nd amendment.” [MadhuAnderson.com, accessed 6/30/22]
Anderson Was Endorsed By Right To Life Of Michigan. [Right to Life of Michigan, accessed 6/30/22]
- Right To Life Of Michigan Required Endorsed Candidates To Oppose Exceptions For Rape And Incest. According to Right To Life Of Michigan, “What are the RLM-PAC Endorsement Criteria? RLM-PAC endorsements are non-partisan, and based solely on RLM-PAC bylaws and the criteria listed below. Prolife – A candidate must be prolife with no exceptions other than life of the mother. A candidate must also complete a questionnaire based on the office the candidate is seeking.” [Right To Life Of Michigan, accessed 6/30/22]