Section Overview:
Laxalt Described His Position On Abortion As “Pro-Life.” According to Nevada Independent, “Asked for his stance on abortion, Laxalt responded with a two-word statement: ‘I’m pro-life.’” [Nevada Independent, 1/27/18]
On Several Occasions, Laxalt Objected To Completing The Nevada Independence’s Candidate Questionnaire On Abortion
January 2018: Laxalt Refused To Answer Further Questions On His Abortion Stance. According to Nevada Independent, “The conservative gubernatorial candidate did not respond to questions on whether abortion should be outlawed at all stages or just some, whether there should be requirements for parental notification, ultrasounds before abortion or a waiting period. His campaign website also does not address social issues.” [Nevada Independent, 1/27/18]
Laxalt Did Not Respond To The Nevada Independent’s Questionnaire On Candidates Stance On Abortion Access According to Nevada Independent, “Laxalt also did not respond to the questionnaire but following the leak of the Supreme Court draft, he wrote that if the document reflected the Supreme Court’s final decision, ‘it would constitute a historic victory for the sanctity of life.’ Laxalt condemned the leak, though, and noted that ‘no matter the Court’s ultimate decision on Roe, it is currently settled law in [Nevada].’” [Nevada Independent, 5/28/22]
Nevada Independent Gained Access To The Candidate Questionnaire The National Right To Life Used To Grade Possible Candidate Endorsements, Although Laxalt Was Endorsed His Responses Remain Unknown. According to Nevada Independent, “In the wake of Laxalt’s endorsement last week from anti-abortion National Right to Life, The Nevada Independent obtained a copy of the candidate questionnaire the group used to grade possible candidate endorsements. Though Laxalt’s responses remain unknown, the questionnaire included prompts such as ‘Do you advocate reversing and/or changing Roe v. Wade … so that elected legislative bodies … may once again protect unborn children by limiting and/or prohibiting abortion?’ It also asked if they would support ‘repeal and replacement’ of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Additionally, the questionnaire asked respondents whether they would oppose attempts to enact the Equal Rights Amendment, and if candidates for Senate would vote to support only anti-abortion Supreme Court nominees who interpret the Constitution ‘according to its text.’” [Nevada Independent, 4/28/22]
Laxalt Refused To Comment On Cortez Masto’s Question Regarding Laxalt’s Opposition To Pro-Choice Legislation. According to Reno Gazette Journal, “If Democratic U.S. Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto were stuck in an elevator with challenger Adam Laxalt, she’d use the time to talk about the reproductive rights of women. ‘Women’s reproductive freedoms are so important,' she said when asked what, in the unlikely scenario, she’d tell Laxalt. Cortez Masto spoke to the RGJ Monday after she filed to run to retain her seat and told the crowd that the race against Laxalt will be tough. Laxalt, who will face Sam Brown in the Republican primary for Senate, didn’t respond to the same question sent to his campaign.” [Reno Gazette Journal, 3/18/22]
Laxalt Remained Quiet On His Stance On Abortion Protections Or Supreme Court Decisions During His Senate Race. According to Nevada Independent, “Laxalt did not directly respond to specific questions on his stance on abortion protections or the upcoming Supreme Court decision. Asked by reporters during an October campaign event about Texas’ abortion law that bans most abortions as early as six weeks, Laxalt refused to comment and has avoided stating how he would vote if the question of codifying Roe v. Wade came before the Senate. As attorney general, Laxalt signed onto multiple legal efforts geared toward restricting abortion access and pledged to ‘look into’ overturning Nevada’s 1990 codification of Roe v. Wade. During his run for attorney general, he also received the endorsement of anti-abortion group Nevada Right to Life.” [Nevada Independent, 3/25/22]
Laxalt Praised Anti-Choice Protestors During The March For Life Rally. Laxalt tweeted. “I am proudly pro-life and I’m running to give a voice to those who cannot speak for themselves. We have to stand up for the rights of the unborn. I’m honored to be in this fight for the future of our country with all of the pro-life activists marching today.” [Twitter, @AdamLaxalt, 1/21/22]
Laxalt Said He Rejected “The Premise” Of The Question If Abortions Should Always Be Legally Available, And Said That Was An “Extremist Position That’s Never Been Supported By Either The U.S. Supreme Court Or The People.” According to, “Should abortions always be legally available? I reject the premise of that question. That’s an extremist phrasing of the issue that’s never been supported by either the U.S. Supreme Court or the people of Nevada, which is why there are already some restrictions in place today, such as partial-birth abortion and late-term abortion, both of which I’m against.” [, 4/23/18]
Laxalt Said He Supported A 13 Week Limit On Abortions And Claimed That Most Nevadan’s Agreed With Him. According to Reno Gazette Journal, “A journalist recently asked me if I would support a referendum limiting abortion to the first 13 weeks of pregnancy, essentially, the first trimester. I said that I would, and I stand by that view. I also believe that most Nevadans agree with that position.” [Reno Gazette Journal, 8/2/22]
[VIDEO] Laxalt Promised To “Have That Debate” On Abortion And When Asked If He Was Planning To Propose A Referendum To Overturn Question 7, Laxalt Said “We Are Going To Look Into It.” According to KOLOTV, “But in the past five months, Nevada’s Attorney General has filed friend-of-the-court briefs, asking the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn a California law requiring crisis pregnancy centers to inform women of their options. In March, another AMICUS brief was filed to an appeals court, asking it to uphold a Texas law outlawing 2nd trimester abortions. ‘We pay him to do the work of our state,’ says Hawkins. ‘You know I’m going to err on the side of life,’ says Adam Laxalt. We talked to Attorney General Laxalt after winning his party’s nomination for Nevada governor about his legal filings on behalf of Nevadans. Does Nevada have a dog in that fight does it? ‘We are going to have many months to talk about this. The bottom line is my opponents have been very clear in the last many months they are incredibly extreme on abortion. We are going to have plenty of time to have that debate,’ says Laxalt. But you can’t change it without a vote of the people. ‘We are happy to talk about that in the coming months,’ replied Laxalt. ‘Are you planning on doing that as governor? Would you propose a referendum for voters to vote on that? Because that is how it has to change in Nevada.’ ‘We are going to look into it,’ says Laxalt.” [KOLOTV, 6/13/18]
[VIDEO] Laxalt Said Nevada Was “Gonna Look Into It” When Asked About Question 7. Adam Laxalt is attempting to open the abortion debate after decades of a freeze on abortion laws. Now, Adam Laxalt wants to take up the issue again. In 1990, Question 7 left the state’s abortion laws as is, unless there was a referendum to overturn it. Question 7 passed by over 60% of the vote. In the last five months, Adam Laxalt filed an amicus brief asking the SCOTUS to overturn California’s law requiring Crisis Pregnancy Centers to inform women of their termination options. Laxalt filed another brief in support of a Texas law outlawing second trimester terminations. After winning his nomination, Laxalt discussed his filings: “We’re going to have many months to talk about this, the bottom line is my opponents have been very clear in the last many months, they’re incredibly extreme on abortion. We’re going to have plenty of time to have that debate.” When reminded the issue would have to be changed by referendum Laxalt smiled adding, “We’re gonna look into it.” Despite Laxalt frequently sending press releases for various Friend of the Court briefs, his office did not send out any releases in the two abortion-related cases. [KOLOTV, 6/13/18]
1990: Question 7, Which Barred Changes To Nevada Abortion Laws Without First Obtaining Voter Approval, Passed With 63 Percent Of The Vote. According to KOLOTV, “Back in the 1990 election, Question 7 was called ‘the single most emotional issue Nevada voters must decide in the fall.’ If passed, Question 7 would leave our state’s abortion laws as is, unless there was a vote of the people. ‘We knew we had the opportunity by either referendum or initiative to secure our Roe v. Wade which is in our NRS,’ says Mylan Hawkins, Question 7 Campaign Coordinator. Hawkins says they gathered more signatures for the referendum than any other petition in state history to that point. But campaign offices were burglarized and its members faced death threats. Hawkins herself says her car tires were slashed on a nearly daily basis.[…] The anti-abortion campaign contended if passed, Nevada would be the U.S abortion capital. They placed pamphlets on doorsteps in Sparks that showed a picture of a 20-week old aborted fetus. Question 7 proponents spent half a million dollars on the campaign, urging Nevadans to vote yes on 7. Election night, Question 7 passed by 63% of the vote. ‘I said, this is over by 8 o’clock; we’ve won it,’ says Hawkins. An editorial the next day stated, ‘…the message was so forceful that no one needs to bother asking about it anymore.’” [KOLOTV, 6/13/18]
Laxalt’s Campaign Claimed His Comments Were Taken Out Of Context And Said Laxalt Had “Zero Interest” In Undoing The 1990 Law. According to KOLOTV, “Laxalt’s campaign said in a statement Thursday that he ‘has zero interest in ‘undoing’ the 1990 law in question.’ Laxalt told KOLO-TV in Reno, ‘We’re going to look into it,’ when he was asked if he would propose a referendum for voters to consider changing Nevada’s abortion law. The Nevada Democratic party said in a statement that Laxalt wanted to roll back access to abortion and called him ‘extreme.’ Laxalt campaign manager Kristin Davison says Laxalt’s statement was taken out of context about what Laxalt meant.” [KOLOTV, 6/15/18]
[VIDEO] Pro-Choice Advocated Questioned Whether Laxalt Knew What The State Laws On Abortion Were. Pro-choice advocates responded to answers Adam Laxalt gave about Nevada’s abortion laws. NARAL protested Laxalt’s anti-choice comments at his victory party when asked why he’s filed several anti-choice lawsuits to change abortion laws in the state. Currently, any changes to abortion laws must come from referendum. Some protestors questioned whether Laxalt even knew what the laws/referendums were because of how little time he’s spent in Nevada. [KOLO (ABC), 6/19/18]
[VIDEO] NARAL’s Nevada Director Caroline Mello Roberson: Laxalt’s “Statements Are Not Only Troubling, But Dangerous For Nevada Women.” “ANCHOR 1: One week ago, during his victory party in Reno, we asked gubernatorial candidate Adam Laxalt about why his office was participating in court action contrary to our state's abortion laws, the story, which aired the following day, sparked a lot of interest and strong reaction […] ANCHOR 2: The reaction from pro-choice advocates was swift and nearly instantaneous. MELLO ROBERSON: His statements are not only troubling, but dangerous for Nevada women. We believe that repealing established law in our state is the wrong move for Nevada. And we also believe that women should be able to make their own reproductive health care choices.” [KOLO (ABC), 6/19/18]
Laxalt Joined A Brief In Defense Of A Texas Law Banning A Common Second-Trimester Abortion Procedure. According to Nevada Independent, “Attorney General Adam Laxalt has signed on to an amicus brief defending a Texas law that bans the most common method of abortion used in the second trimester. Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry announced Friday that Nevada is among a 25-state coalition that filed an amicus brief in the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals. Texas lawmakers had passed a law in 2017 banning abortion through the dilation and evacuation method — in which the cervix is dilated and the fetus is removed in pieces with forceps or other instruments and suction — unless the heart is stopped through drugs. […] Laxalt has said he is pro-life, but has not answered questions about whether he would seek to implement greater restrictions on abortion in Nevada, such as an ultrasound requirement, parental notification or a waiting period. His campaign did not respond to a request for comment Tuesday evening about whether he would support or sponsor a ban on dilation and evacuation abortions if elected governor.” [Nevada Independent, 3/14/18]
Laxalt Failed To Consult Governor Sandoval On His Decision To Sign Onto An Amicus Brief In Defense Of The Abortion Law. According to Nevada Independent, “Attorney General Adam Laxalt has signed on to an amicus brief defending a Texas law that bans the most common method of abortion used in the second trimester. […] Gov. Brian Sandoval’s office said it was not consulted before Laxalt signed Nevada onto the brief. Sandoval’s spokeswoman did not answer when asked whether Sandoval, a Republican who is pro-abortion rights, supports the Texas law or the amicus brief in principle.” [Nevada Independent, 3/14/18]
NARAL Pro-Choice Nevada Director Caroline Mello Roberson: Laxalt’s Action Contradicts “The 74% Of Nevadans Who Support A Woman’s Right To Choose.” According to a NARAL Pro-Choice Nevada press release, “NARAL Pro-Choice Nevada State Director Caroline Mello Roberson issued the following statement: ‘[…] Abortion bans such as the one AG Laxalt is trying to defend without the consultation of Nevada’s pro-choice Republican Governor, prevent health care providers from giving their patients the best health care possible in what can be a very difficult situation. Even worse: the ban does not include exceptions for rape or incest. ‘Laxalt and his protégé Wes Duncan have made their positions clear, and they contradict the 74% of Nevadans who support a woman’s right to choose.’ ‘Nevadans want their elected officials to focus on creating jobs, fixing education, and strengthening access to health care. Instead, Adam Laxalt and his protégé Wes Duncan are obsessed with outlawing abortion and punishing women — and their actions are wildly out of touch with the vast majority of Nevadans. Enough is enough.’” [NARAL Pro-Choice Nevada, 3/16/18]
NARAL Pro-Choice Nevada Director Caroline Mello Roberson: Laxalt Moves “Would Be A Great Step Backward For Reproductive Freedom And For Nevada Women.” In a Reno Gazette Journal op-ed Caroline Mello Roberson wrote, “This month, Attorney General Adam Laxalt signed the state of Nevada onto two amicus briefs that, if the court decides as Laxalt prefers, would be a great step backward for reproductive freedom and for Nevada women. Laxalt, also a Republican candidate for governor, signed on in support of anti-choice groups challenging a California law at the Supreme Court that helps provide important, accurate and honest information to pregnant women. Oral arguments were heard by the Supreme Court on March 20 with a decision expected to come down in June. […] And here is the kicker: this isn’t Laxalt’s first attempt to push his own dangerous agenda. He signed onto an amicus brief defending a Texas abortion ban law that was ruled unconstitutional by a federal judge. To be clear: Texas considered a whopping 50 measures in their last legislative session to restrict reproductive freedom. They also have the highest maternal mortality rate in the developed world. Is this Adam Laxalt’s vision for Nevada?” [Reno Gazette Journal, 4/12/18]
Laxalt’s Campaign Did Not Respond To Request For Comment About Texas’ Abortion Ban. According to the Washington Post, “Democratic women running in Senate elections next year said in interviews that the Supreme Court’s action was a wake-up call that women were already heeding. Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto (D-Nev.), who is facing challenges from several antiabortion Republicans, including former state attorney general Adam Laxalt, was quick to cast next year’s election as a referendum on abortion rights. ‘It matters who sits in this seat in this race,’ she said. ‘There’s no doubt in my mind, if elected, [my Republican opponents] would support the conservative Supreme Court justices that would further undermine Roe v. Wade, and they would vote for federal legislation to restrict reproductive rights.’ Laxalt has described himself as an opponent of abortion and, as attorney general, signed briefs supporting restrictive abortion laws in other states. His campaign did not respond to an email seeking comment.” [Washington Post, 9/2/21]
Laxalt Signed The State Onto A Letter In Support Of Protections For Health Workers With Religious Or Moral Objections To Providing Abortions And Transitional Services To Transgender Patients. According to Nevada Independent, “Republican gubernatorial candidate and Attorney General Adam Laxalt has signed on to a letter supporting a new set of regulations that aims to protect health workers who don’t want to perform abortions, help transgender patients transition or take other actions because of religious or moral objections. Laxalt joined 16 other attorneys general in signing the March 27 letter to Alex Azar, secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The letter lauds the ‘Protecting Statutory Conscience Rights in Health Care; Delegations of Authority’ regulations, saying it’s important to return to obeying conscience protections enacted by Congress and restore the rule of law in Washington. ‘Despite the clearly-expressed directives from Congress set out above, the Department in recent years has failed to assure that participants in its healthcare programs honor these conscience and religious freedom protections,’ the letter said. ‘In particular, the Department has failed to adequately address situations where program participants have coerced healthcare professionals into participating in abortions, dispensing drugs that end human life, and providing health insurance coverage for abortions.’” [Nevada Independent, 3/20/18]
Laxalt Accused Cortez Masto Of Having The Most “Radical, Pro-Abortion Position” Of Any Senator In Nevada History. According to Nevada Independent, “’I stand for reproductive women’s rights, he’s opposed to that,’ Cortez Masto said after a campaign kickoff event in Reno earlier this month. ‘There’s a clear distinction between us, and the voters will be able to know that.’ In an emailed statement to The Nevada Independent, Laxalt accused Cortez Masto of having the most ‘radical, pro-abortion position’ of any senator in Nevada history. He also criticized her support for repealing bans on taxpayer-funded abortions and her opposition to a bill that would have required a health care practicioner to preserve the life of any child born alive after an abortion or attempted abortion. ‘These cruel practices represent the rising tide of abortion extremism from the far left,’ Laxalt said in a statement. ‘They have no place in civilized society and Nevadans rightfully reject them.’” [Nevada Independent, 3/25/22]
Laxalt Criticized Cortez Masto’s Support For Repealing Bans On Taxpayer-Funded Abortions And Her Opposition The Born Alive Act, “These Cruel Practices Represent The Rising Tide Of Abortion Extremism From The Far Left…They Have No Place In Civilized Society And Nevadans Rightfully Reject Them.” According to Nevada Independent, “He also criticized her support for repealing bans on taxpayer-funded abortions and her opposition to a bill that would have required a health care practicioner to preserve the life of any child born alive after an abortion or attempted abortion. ‘These cruel practices represent the rising tide of abortion extremism from the far left,’ Laxalt said in a statement. ‘They have no place in civilized society and Nevadans rightfully reject them.’ Cortez Masto said in a statement that she opposed the legislation because it interfered in medical decisions that should be made by patients and doctors, and could have complicated the options for medical procedures required to save the life of a woman facing severe fetal diagnosis and hindered doctors from performing their jobs. ‘Senate Republican leaders brought a bill to the floor that does nothing short of attacking a woman’s protected right to make her own reproductive health decisions,’ she said at the time.” [Nevada Independent, 3/25/22]
Laxalt Attacked Cortez Masto’s Record On Protection Access To Abortions, He Claimed She Supported Barbaric And Radical Infanticide Policies. According to Reno Gazette Journal, “Ironically, however, it is Cortez Masto who has spent her time in office trying to shift the policy on abortion. How? She has consistently voted to allow the barbaric procedure of late-term abortion, up to the point of live birth, even forcing you, the taxpayer, to fund this infanticide. That is a radical policy change from what currently exists in Nevada — which is the ability to have a legal abortion procedure up through six months of pregnancy. This unconscionable position of killing a full-term baby is indefensible, so naturally, Cortez Masto and her allies are spending millions of dollars in campaign ads trying to deflect from it and make you believe in a falsehood that I would support a federal ban on abortion as a U.S. senator, or that I am somehow ‘anti-woman’ because I value, support and defend life at all stages. Much of my life has informed that view, including, among other things, being born to a young single mother who chose not to abort me, being a father of four, and my Christian faith. For my entire adult life, I have held the view that the Supreme Court should return the issue of abortion to the people and let them decide the issue on a state-by-state basis.” [Reno Gazette Journal, 8/2/22]
February 2018: Laxalt Visited First Choice Pregnancy Services, An Anti-Choice Crisis Pregnancy Center In Las Vegas. According to Nevada Independent, “Republican Attorney General Adam Laxalt’s visit to a pro-life crisis pregnancy clinic sparked some sharply worded tweets from Nevada candidates last week. Matt Teis, pastor at Liberty Baptist Church in Las Vegas, tweeted a photo on Wednesday of Laxalt and others outside of First Choice Pregnancy Services, along with the message ‘Great talk today with @AdamLaxalt today about the importance of life.’” [Nevada Independent, 2/26/18]
The Clinic Indicated That Women Facing Unwanted Pregnancies “May Not Need An Abortion” As A Quarter Of Pregnancies End In Miscarriage. According to Nevada Independent, “The clinic, which offers pregnancy testing and ultrasounds, promotes adoption and parenting for women with an unplanned pregnancy. It says on its website: ‘We are not here to sell you an abortion,’ and indicates that ‘you may not need an abortion’ because about a quarter of pregnancies end in miscarriage.” [Nevada Independent, 2/26/18]
Steve Sisolak Slammed Laxalt For Embracing The “Shameful Group.” According to Nevada Independent, “Democratic governor candidate Steve Sisolak shot back the next day with a critical tweet: ‘@.AdamLaxalt’s anti-choice views are beyond the pale. If his outspoken opposition to @.PPFA isn’t enough, his embrace of this shameful group is enough to demonstrate where he stands. As governor, I would protect access to women’s healthcare and a woman’s right to choose.’” [Nevada Independent, 2/26/18]
January 2018: Laxalt Signed Onto An Amicus Brief In Support Of Anti-Choice Challenges To California’s Regulation Of Crisis Pregnancy Centers. According to Nevada Independent, “Pro-life pregnancy clinics that are the subject of a fight over abortion in Nevada’s gubernatorial election took center stage in the Supreme Court on Tuesday, with the justices raising concerns about the free-speech rights of California clinics forced to notify patrons of abortion alternatives. […] Republican Attorney General and gubernatorial candidate Adam Laxalt signed on to an amicus brief in January with conservative attorneys general supporting the pro-life group suing California over the law.” [Nevada Independent, 3/21/18]
Nevada Independent: It Was “Unclear” If Laxalt Consulted Pro-Choice Governor Sandoval In His Decision To Join The Amicus Brief. According to Nevada Independent, “It’s unclear whether he consulted with Republican Gov. Brian Sandoval, who’s pro-choice, on the matter. Laxalt’s office did not respond to an inquiry seeking comment.” [Nevada Independent, 3/21/18]
Laxalt Expressed Support For The SCOTUS Ruling In Favor Of Crisis Pregnancy Centers. “ANCHOR: Attorney General Adam Laxalt, who signed onto a brief in support of the lawsuit, called the ruling a victory for free speech. In a statement, he said, quote, ‘The decision protects private citizens from having the government force them to make statements with which they disagree when those statements serve no medical or antifraud purpose. The Supreme Court reinforced the rights of private individuals and organizations not to be forced to promote the government's message.’” [KTVN (CBS), 6/26/18]
Laxalt’s Office Published A Statement Celebrating The SCOTUS Decision In NIFLA v. Becerra, Calling It “Another Important Victory For Free Speech.” According to a press release from Attorney General Adam Laxalt, “Today's Becerra decision is another important victory for free speech. The decision protects private citizens from having the government force them to make statements with which they disagree when those statements serve no medical or anti-fraud purpose. Nevada, along with almost half of the states, joined a friend-of-the-court brief addressing a California law’s infringement on the First Amendment. After considering the arguments, the Supreme Court reinforced the rights of private individuals and organizations not to be forced to promote the government's message.” [Press release - Attorney General Adam Laxalt accessed via Web Archive,6/26/18]
In NIFLA v. Becerra, SCOTUS Ruled That California Can’t Force Crisis Pregnancy Centers To Post Signs About State-Sponsored Abortion Services According to the Atlantic, “The Supreme Court handed a big win to the pro-life movement on Tuesday. In a 5–4 decision in NIFLA v. Becerra, the justices ruled that California can’t force crisis-pregnancy centers to post signs about state-sponsored abortion services, regardless of whether those facilities are licensed medical providers or not. The decision vindicated pro-life advocates who have long argued that states and cities unfairly target these centers, which exist to provide alternative pregnancy services to women who don’t want abortions. Even more importantly, the decision vindicated pro-life voters, who look to the Supreme Court to limit abortion rights in America.” [Atlantic, 6/26/18]
Laxalt Wrote A Letter Requesting Nevada’s Planned Parenthood Affiliates To Confirm Their Offices Do Not Perform Surgical Abortions. According to Las Vegas Review-Journal, “Nevada Attorney General Adam Laxalt has waded into the Planned Parenthood fetal tissue debate, sending a letter to the group’s state affiliates asking for confirmation that they do not perform surgical abortions at their offices. […] Laxalt said the group’s Nevada websites say the only medical abortion procedures performed involve the use of a pill up to 10 weeks into a pregnancy that results in the termination of a pregnancy at home. ‘Therefore, it would leave one to conclude that such circumstances would not allow the Nevada PP facilities to have or participate in tissue donation programs,’ Laxalt said in the letter. ‘Please confirm in writing that the Nevada facilities do not provide surgical abortions.’” [Las Vegas Review-Journal, 9/20/15]
The Letter Came After The Release Of Videos Alleging Potential Donations Of Fetal Tissue. According to Las Vegas Review-Journal, “The letter, dated Sept. 15, points to videos released by a group called the Center for Medical Progress that allege potential violations regarding tissue donations from aborted fetuses from Planned Parenthood affiliates in other jurisdictions.” [Las Vegas Review-Journal, 9/20/15]
Laxalt Also Requested The Affiliates To Confirm They Don’t Participate In Fetal Tissue Donations. According to Las Vegas Review-Journal, “Laxalt also asked for confirmation the affiliates do not participate in tissue donation and that the Nevada facilities are in full compliance with state and federal laws and regulations.” [Las Vegas Review-Journal, 9/20/15]
Democrats Accused Laxalt Of Using His Office To Advance His “Blind Ambition And Partisan Ideological Agenda.” According to Las Vegas Review-Journal, “The Nevada State Democratic Party accused Laxalt, a Republican, of pushing a ‘partisan ideological agenda.’ ‘Nevada women who rely on the preventative health care services Planned Parenthood provides are not pawns to be used by Adam Laxalt to burnish his Republican primary credentials in his inevitable future runs for higher office,’ spokesman Zach Hudson said. ‘Adam Laxalt should stop using his office to advance his blind ambition and partisan, ideological agenda.’” [Las Vegas Review-Journal, 9/20/15]
Laxalt Closed The Inquiry Months After The Clinic Confirmed They Did Not Perform Abortions Or Partake In Fetal Tissue Donation Programs. According to Nevada Independent, “He closed the inquiry a few months later after Planned Parenthood clinics in Las Vegas confirmed their facilities don’t perform surgical abortions or participate in fetal tissue donation programs.” [Nevada Independent, 1/27/18]
Laxalt Refused To Answer Questions On Planned Parenthood Funding, Said He Was Against Both Partial-Birth And Late-Term Abortions. According to Reno Gazette Journal, “Laxalt did not directly answer a question about funding for Planned Parenthood, saying only that it was an issue for federal representatives to address. Laxalt also declined to respond to a question about whether abortions should always be legally available, explaining that was an ‘extremist phrasing of the issue.’ He said he was against both partial-birth and late-term abortions.” [Reno Gazette Journal, 4/23/18]
Laxalt Said Planned Parenthood Funding Was “An Issue For Our Federal Representatives To Address.” According to, “Should federal funding be provided to Planned Parenthood? I’m running for state office and this is an issue for our federal representatives to address.” [, 4/23/18]
Laxalt Said The Trump’s Efforts To Stack The Supreme Court With Anti-Abortion Judges Would Not Threaten Nevadan’s Access To Abortion Because Of Question 7. According to the Nevada Independent, “Republican gubernatorial candidate Adam Laxalt downplayed concerns that he may push to limit abortion rights in Nevada if elected governor as he praised President Donald Trump’s decision to nominate Brett Kavanaugh to join the Supreme Court. ‘Nevada is uniquely situated since we have a referendum on the books from 1990 that guarantees a woman's right to have an abortion,’ Laxalt, who is pro-life and serves as attorney general, said on a conference call with reporters. ‘Certainly in our state this will not be an issue.’” [Nevada Independent, 7/10/18]
Laxalt Praised The Supreme Court’s Leaked Ruling Which Favored The Overturning Of Roe v. Wade As A “Historic Victory.” According to Press release from Adam Laxalt, “Nevada Republican U.S. Senate candidate Adam Laxalt released the following statement in response to news of a leaked draft of a decision out of the United States Supreme Court: ‘If the leaked draft reflects the Supreme Court’s ultimate decision, it would constitute an historic victory for the sanctity of life and the principles of democratic self-determination. The Supreme Court has never had the expertise nor the authority to unilaterally legislate on abortion. After more than 50 years, that responsibility is poised to finally return to its rightful owners: the American people and their elected representatives.’” [Press release - Adam Laxalt, 5/3/22]
While Celebrating The Potential Of Overturning Of Roe, Laxalt Acknowledged That Nevada’s Abortion Rights Would Remain Protected Under A 1990 Referendum. According to Press release from Adam Laxalt, “Nevada Republican U.S. Senate candidate Adam Laxalt released the following statement in response to news of a leaked draft of a decision out of the United States Supreme Court: ‘If the leaked draft reflects the Supreme Court’s ultimate decision, it would constitute an historic victory for the sanctity of life and the principles of democratic self-determination. […] ‘The people of Nevada have already voted to make abortion rights legal in our state, and so no matter the Court’s ultimate decision on Roe, it is currently settled law in our state.’” [Press release - Adam Laxalt, 5/3/22]
Laxalt Tip-Toed Around The Issue Of Abortion But Mentioned That He Believed Abortion Should Be Managed At A State Level. According to Las Vegas Review-Journal, “Both said they would not support amnesty for undocumented immigrants in any circumstances, believe the filibuster should remain in the U.S. Senate, and both described themselves as ‘pro-life,’ when it comes to abortions. But both candidates also did their fair share of side-stepping. Brown did not directly answer when asked if he would support federal restrictions on abortion, calling it a ‘hypothetical question.’ Laxalt was not asked the same question, but said that he believes that abortion laws are ‘better left to the states.’” [Las Vegas Review-Journal, 5/9/22]
Laxalt Condemned The Leak Of The Opinion And Blamed Democrats For Trying To Intimidate And Undermine The Supreme Court, Laxalt Called For The Leaker To Be Punished To The Fullest Extent Possible. According to Press release from Adam Laxalt, “‘The sinister act of leaking a highly confidential Supreme Court draft decision is the culmination of Left’s multi-year effort to intimidate and undermine the highest Court in the land and our American institutions. The individual(s) responsible for this unprecedented and unforgivable attack on America’s judiciary must be punished to the fullest possible extent. ‘The people of Nevada have already voted to make abortion rights legal in our state, and so no matter the Court’s ultimate decision on Roe, it is currently settled law in our state.’” [Press release - Adam Laxalt, 5/3/22]
Laxalt Advocated For Further Investigations Into The Supreme Court Document Leak. According to Nevada Current, “’I think we need to see what happens with this leaked published opinion,’ Laxalt said. ‘The Democrats are going to start spinning all sorts of tales of woe and go completely overboard and say all past precedents and all the Supreme Court history is going to be overturned.’” [Nevada Current, 5/9/22]
Laxalt Celebrated The Supreme Court’s Ruling To Overturn Roe v. Wade; He Called The Decision A “Historic Victory.” According to Press release from Adam Laxalt for Senate, “Today, Nevada Republican U.S. Senate candidate Adam Laxalt issued the following statement this morning regarding the Supreme Court’s decision overturning Roe v. Wade: ‘This is a historic victory for the sanctity of life and the principles of democratic self-determination. The Supreme Court has never had the expertise nor the authority to unilaterally legislate on abortion. After more than 50 years, that responsibility is poised to finally return to its rightful owners: the American people and their elected representatives. The people of Nevada have already voted to make abortion rights legal in our state and the Court’s decision on Roe doesn’t change settled law and it won’t distract voters from unaffordable prices, rising crime or the border crisis.’” [Press release - Adam Laxalt for Senate, 6/24/22]
Laxalt Praised The Overturning Of Roe But Acknowledged Nevada’s Law That Protected Abortion Access. According to Reno Gazette Journal, “Yet, despite our differences, my views have not shifted the policy in Nevada, nor has the ruling in the Dobbs case. Voters in 1990 determined that Nevada is and will remain a pro-choice state. The Supreme Court ruling in Dobbs did not change Nevada law in this regard, as Senator Cortez Masto repeatedly has acknowledged. […] In its recent Dobbs decision, the Supreme Court embraced this view, and returned the issue of abortion to the people. The people of each state will now decide what laws they want. As mentioned, in Nevada, the people have already had their say. A journalist recently asked me if I would support a referendum limiting abortion to the first 13 weeks of pregnancy, essentially, the first trimester. I said that I would, and I stand by that view. I also believe that most Nevadans agree with that position.” [Reno Gazette Journal, 8/2/22]
Laxalt Said The 1973 Roe V. Wade Decision Was A Joke, “Roe V. Wade Was Always A Joke. It Was A Total, Complete Invention.” According to Nevada Independent, “Earlier this month, Republican U.S. Senate candidate and former Attorney General Adam Laxalt called the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision ‘a joke’ and said it’s ‘sad’ that Nevada is not anti-abortion. Laxalt made the comments during a June 6 pancake breakfast with pastors and faith leaders in Reno, and audio from that event was obtained by The Nevada Independent. It marks some of the bluntest language used by Laxalt on the subject of abortion this election cycle. ‘Roe v. Wade was always a joke. It was a total, complete invention,’ Laxalt said. ‘It has created decades and decades of political turmoil. Not to mention, the most important thing that it allowed across the country. So, I think its return back to the states is important.’” [Nevada Independent, 6/30/22]
Laxalt Said It Was “Sad” That Nevada Was Not Anti-Abortion, “We’re Not A Pro-life State. We All Have To Be Honest About That. It’s Sad, It Doesn’t Make Me Happy.” According to Nevada Independent, “After the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, Laxalt released a statement celebrating the ‘historic victory for the sanctity of life’ and said the Supreme Court ‘never had the expertise nor the authority to unilaterally legislate on abortion.’ The statement also noted that abortion rights are ‘settled law’ in Nevada. But in his comments to faith leaders in Reno, Laxalt noted recent polling showing a solid majority of Nevadans describe themselves as ‘pro-choice,’ and said there is work to do around the issue. ‘We’re not a pro-life state. We all have to be honest about that. It’s sad, it doesn’t make me happy,’ Laxalt told the assembled faith leaders. ‘But we are not a pro-life state and we got work to do on that.’” [Nevada Independent, 6/30/22]
Laxalt Said That He Would Work To Make Nevada An Anti-Choice State. According to Nevada Independent, “But in his comments to faith leaders in Reno, Laxalt noted recent polling showing a solid majority of Nevadans describe themselves as ‘pro-choice,’ and said there is work to do around the issue. ‘We’re not a pro-life state. We all have to be honest about that. It’s sad, it doesn’t make me happy,’ Laxalt told the assembled faith leaders. ‘But we are not a pro-life state and we got work to do on that.’” [Nevada Independent, 6/30/22]
[VIDEO] Laxalt Said Roe Had Always Been A “Joke.” “Adam Laxalt had a hot-mic moment where he didn’t know he was being recorded. The Nevada Independent got a recording of Adam Laxalt commenting on Roe v. Wade during a pancake breakfast with faith leaders in Reno. In the recording, Laxalt stated, ‘On Roe in general, I’m a constitutional conservative lawyer and Roe v. Wade was always a joke. It was a total, complete invention. Even at my FAR-left law school, I went to Georgetown Law School, these liberal professors’ Even though he said Roe v. Wade was a joke, it was national law for 50 years.” [KSNV (NBC), 7/1/22]
Laxalt Tried To Defend Himself After A Clip Of Him Calling Roe A “Joke” Leaked, Laxalt Claimed It Was “A Shorthand Way Of Saying” That Roe Was Unconstitutional. According to Reno Gazette Journal, “I also was recently quoted as saying from the perspective of constitutional law, Roe v. Wade was ‘a joke.’ That was a shorthand way of saying that the decision had no basis in the text of the constitution and that taking the power to decide the issue away from the people was absurd. The Supreme Court has now remedied that historic error.” [Reno Gazette Journal, 8/2/22]
Laxalt Condemned Cortez Masto’s Vote To Codify Abortion Access, He Called The Legislation “State-Sanctioned Infanticide.” According to Twitter, @AdamLaxalt, “Today Senator @CortezMasto voted in favor of codifying taxpayer-funded late-term abortions into law that would terminate the life of a baby all the way up to live birth. This is state-sanctioned infanticide, and Senator Cortez Masto is openly endorsing it. My statement” [Twitter, @AdamLaxalt, 5/11/22]
Laxalt Said He Supported A Proposed 13-Week Ban On Abortions, He Said That The Ban Was More Reflective Of Nevadan’s Stance On Abortion. According to Las Vegas Review-Journal, “This data and the need for voter approval gives Republican candidates, especially for governor, an obvious path forward. Propose sending voters a 13-week abortion ban with exceptions for physical health, rape and incest. The Legislature could pass and the governor could sign a 13-week ban that goes into effect only if voters support it. When asked, Laxalt and Lombardo said they would support this. Gubernatorial candidates Dean Heller and John Lee said they would as well. ‘This position is much more in line with the vast majority of Nevadans, in contrast to Senator Masto’s vote to make aborting babies legal all the way up to live birth,’ Laxalt said. He added, ‘Her vote is the most barbaric vote any elected representative of Nevada has ever cast.’” [Las Vegas Review-Journal, 5/14/22]
[VIDEO] When Asked About Federal Abortion Bans, Laxalt Said While He Believed Roe Was “Wrongly Decided” It Should Be Up To The States To Decide, He Noted That Nevada Had Already Decided Its Fate Through The Referendum. “’There’s no question that Roe was always wrongly decided. We’ve known that for a generation that this took it out of the states and out of the democratic process.’ KSNV was asked again if he would leave abortion up the states if he’s Senator. Laxalt said that Democrats are trying to abortion the main topic in the upcoming election, ‘I know the voters aren’t going to fall for it. They’re living a nightmare every single day and they’re going to vote out the leadership that has given us the current state we are living in today. [So you would leave it to the states or try to make it on the senate stage?] I think it needs to go to the states. Nevada has obviously decided in their referendum.’” [KSNV, 5/17/22]
Laxalt Did Not Respond To Questioning Regarding His Support For A Federal Abortion Ban. According to Las Vegas Review-Journal, “But Cortez Masto framed her re-election bid against Republican Adam Laxalt as what could decide whether abortion is banned on a federal level. Laxalt, the former state attorney general, celebrated the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade and previously said he would support additional abortion restrictions in Nevada. ‘There is no question in my mind that my opponent, Adam Laxalt, would support a federal abortion ban that eliminates access to reproductive care nationwide,’ Cortez Masto said. ‘He is out of line with a majority of Nevadans in this state.’ The Laxalt campaign did not respond to a request for comment.” [Las Vegas Review-Journal, 7/1/22]
Laxalt Said It Was A Falsehood That He Would Support A Federal Ban On Abortion Or Access To Contraception. According to Reno Gazette Journal, “From this, my opponent has manufactured a litany of absurdities, falsely claiming that I am in favor of a national abortion ban. That would of course contradict what I have argued for my entire adult life and what the Supreme Court just ordered — to return the issue to the people. That means the only people who can alter Nevada’s abortion policies are the voters of Nevada. But the falsehoods have not stopped there. My opponent falsely claims that I am in favor of banning contraception, as if defending a Catholic charity’s religious liberty is the same as banning contraception or condoms in stores. What an insult to the intellect of Nevada voters.” [Reno Gazette Journal, 8/2/22]
Laxalt’s Campaign Did Not Respond To Inquiries About Cortez Masto’s Bill That Would Protect Patients Traveling For Abortion Services. According to Nevada Current, “Senate Republicans blocked U.S. Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto’s bill that would protect patients in states where abortion is banned who seek to travel out of state to access services. Cortez Masto, along with U.S. Sen. Patty Murray of Washington, recently introduced the Freedom to Travel for Health Care Act of 2022 as Republican-led state legislatures ramped up efforts to restrict pregnant people from seeking abortion services in other states. […] Republican U.S. Senate candidate Adam Laxalt, who is running against Cortez Masto, has previously called Roe v Wade ‘a joke’ and said ‘I think its return back to the states is important,’ according to The Nevada Independent. Nevada Current reached out to Laxalt’s campaign for comment on Cortez Masto’s legislation and to ask him to provide his views on states restricting patients from traveling to seek abortion services. His campaign didn’t respond to requests for comment. “ [Nevada Current, 7/14/22]
[VIDEO] Laxalt Accused Democrats Of Trying To Make Abortion The Main Issue In The Upcoming Election But That Voters Would Not “Fall For It.” “Laxalt said that Democrats are trying to abortion the main topic in the upcoming election, ‘I know the voters aren’t going to fall for it. They’re living a nightmare every single day and they’re going to vote out the leadership that has given us the current state we are living in today. [So you would leave it to the states or try to make it on the senate stage?] I think it needs to go to the states. Nevada has obviously decided in their referendum.’” [KSNV, 5/17/22]
Laxalt Attempted To Downplay The Significance Of SCOTUS’s Ruling To Overturn Roe By Comparing It To Gas Prices. According to Nevada Independent, “Laxalt stressed it was a settled issue in Nevada and downplayed the significance of abortion as an election issue compared with record-high inflation and gas prices. ‘The people of Nevada have already voted to make abortion rights legal in our state and the Court’s decision on Roe doesn’t change settled law and it won’t distract voters from unaffordable prices, rising crime or the border crisis,’ Laxalt said.” [Nevada Independent, 6/24/22]
Reno Gazette Journal Op-Ed By Laura FitzSimmons: “Laxalt’s Pro-Life Story Downplays Importance Of Power, Privilege Most Women Don’t Have.” [Reno Gazette Journal, 6/1/22]
Despite His Narrow Acknowledgement Of Nevada’s Abortion Protections Amid The Repeal Of Roe, Laxalt Attended A Dinner Hosted By Nevada’s Right To Life Organization. According to Mother Jones, “In one key Senate race in Nevada, the former attorney general Adam Laxalt toed the current Republican line very pointedly—blasting the leak while in the same breath calling the right to abortion ‘settled law in the state.’ As the Nevada Independent’s Jon Ralston noted, Laxalt himself has previously talked about unsettling that law, and a few days later, he was feted at a dinner for the state’s Right to Life organization. It’s very obvious when politicians like that suddenly start acting like this.” [Mother Jones, 5/7/22]
Laxalt’s Statement Following The Roe Leak Resembled The Guidance Offered By The National Republican Senatorial Committee On How To “Combat Potential Attacks From Democrats,” Laxalt Declined To Comment On How Abortion Would Impact The 2022 Election. According to Politico, “That’s fairly close to the guidance offered by the National Republican Senatorial Committee, which was where GOP Senate candidates looked for messaging help after POLITICO reported Monday night that the Supreme Court was poised to overturn Roe. The campaign committee sent out a memo last week with proposed talking points to “combat potential attacks from Democrats,” but did not suggest that Republicans lead with the issue. Instead, the NRSC urged candidates to emphasize Democratic officials’ support for late-term abortion, then pivot to Biden’s handling of inflation, America’s energy dependence and issues at the southern border. […] In Nevada, Republican Senate candidate Adam Laxalt, the state’s former attorney general, had a similar response. The expected overturning of Roe represented ‘an historic victory for the sanctity of life,’ he said in a statement. Laxalt then shifted to reminding voters that Nevada likely won’t feel the effects of a new court ruling on abortion this summer. ‘The people of Nevada have already voted to make abortion rights legal in our state, and so no matter the Court’s ultimate decision on Roe, it is currently settled law in our state,’ he said. A spokesperson for Laxalt declined to elaborate on how the abortion issue was playing out in the race or Laxalt’s strategy for discussing it, instead pointing to the statement released days earlier.” [Politico, 5/7/22]
Washington Post: “After Reversal Of Roe, Many Republicans Want To Change The Subject.” According to Washington Post, “One day after the Supreme Court ended the American right to abortion, Nevada Senate candidate Adam Laxalt posted a textbook example of how Republicans hope to respond. The digital video showed his opponent, Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto (D-Nev.), speaking to protesters Friday through a bullhorn outside the court. Her voice was muted as words flashed across the screen over a droning wail. ‘Where was Coretz Masto and her bullhorn when you couldn’t find formula for your baby?’ they read. ‘When gas prices soured past $5/gallon? When Bidenflation hit a 40 year high?’ Laxalt, who calls himself ‘pro-life’ and supports a 13-week ban on abortion, is running in a state that has long been known as one of the most accepting of the procedure. His ad sent the message Republicans in tight races have been trumpeting ever since Friday’s ruling: This election will be decided by other stuff.” [Washington Post, 6/29/22]
CNN: Laxalt Had Adopted The GOP Strategy To Avoid Discussions On Abortions Unless Specifically Asked Following The Overturning Of Roe. According to CNN, “And in Nevada, Republican Senate hopeful Adam Laxalt recently accused the Democratic incumbent of focusing too much on abortion. […] Frankly, I don’t want to hear about abortion until you’ve made it to Washington,’ the adviser recalled telling his client after the Supreme Court reversed Roe v. Wade. A majority of Americans in multiple polls have disapproved of the Supreme Court’s overturning of the landmark 1973 ruling, including two-thirds of women in a CBS News/YouGov poll conducted in the immediate wake of the decision. ‘There is a fearfulness some Republicans are having on this issue. They are very well poised for a big November because of [President Joe] Biden’s unpopularity and inflation, so they don’t want to take their eyes off the ball,’ said longtime Republican strategist Doug Heye. CNN has reached out to Laxalt, Johnson and Mastriano’s campaigns.” [CNN, 7/14/22]
Nevada Democratic Victory Spokesperson: “If Laxalt Is Elected, He Will Do Everything In His Power To Help Republicans Take Away A Woman’s Right To Choose In Nevada.” According to Nevada Democratic Party, “e vast majority of Nevadans are pro-choice. Laxalt stands against them. Following the POLITICO report leaking that the Supreme Court plans to fully overturn Roe v. Wade, here are the facts: 69% of Nevadans support a woman’s right to choose, including 54% of Republicans. Adam Laxalt was one of the most anti-choice attorneys general in Nevada history, having signed onto multiple legal efforts to roll back abortion access. Laxalt even pledged to ‘look into’ reversing the 1990 Nevada ballot initiative protecting women’s reproductive rights. Laxalt was recently endorsed by National Right to Life, the oldest and largest anti-abortion organization in the country, which asks candidates to support overturning Roe and oppose exceptions for rape or incest. Now, Senate Republicans are working on pushing a national abortion ban in the event that Roe is overturned. Statement from Nevada Democratic Victory Spokesperson Olivia Davis: ‘The imminent reality of Roe v. Wade being struck down underscores the stakes of this race: if Laxalt is elected, he will do everything in his power to help Republicans take away a woman’s right to choose in Nevada.’” [Nevada Democratic Party, 5/3/22]
Cortez Masto On Laxalt’s Stance On Abortion: “And My Opponent, Adam Laxalt, Opposes It, And Will Take It Away […] There Is No Doubt In My Mind He Would Also Work With Some Of My Republican Colleagues Who Right Now Are Planning Legislation To Restrict Abortion Across This Country If They Had The Ability To Do So. And He Would Vote With Them.” According to Politico, “The first-term Democrat is facing a difficult reelection campaign in a state that voted overwhelmingly in 1990 to codify Roe — the only one of this fall’s top-tier Senate battleground states to do so. The first female senator ever elected in Nevada is now betting that the same coalition behind that 32-year-old move is intact and motivated to turn out. ‘I have a record in support of a woman’s right to choose. And my opponent, Adam Laxalt, opposes it, and will take it away,’ Cortez Masto said in an interview this week. ‘There is no doubt in my mind he would also work with some of my Republican colleagues who right now are planning legislation to restrict abortion across this country if they had the ability to do so. And he would vote with them.’” [Politico, 5/7/22]
The Hill: “GOP Walks Tightrope On Abortion.” According to The Hill, “Adam Laxalt, a candidate for Senate in Nevada, tried to strike a balance of his own, calling the court decision a ‘historic victory for the sanctity of life’ that would give more authority on the issue to states. But he acknowledged Nevada has already voted to protect abortion in the state, making it a settled matter there.” [The Hill, 6/29/22]
As Cortez Masto Amplified The Threat Laxalt Posed To Abortion Access, Laxalt Leaned Into Campaigning On High Gas Prices And Energy Policy. According to Washington Post, “Democratic Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto framed herself as a bulwark against a national abortion ban, gathering sympathetic Republican women in a friend’s backyard here to warn that her opponent could cast the decisive vote. […] GOP strategists said they are not worried, however. Speaking the next day in Las Vegas, Republican Senate nominee Adam Laxalt sent the same message Republicans have been hammering nationally: Gas prices are soaring, he said, and the party in power is responsible. ‘We need someone that will actually stand up for Nevada when the Biden administration takes us away from energy independence, gives us all-time high gas, all these things we’re dealing with every single day,’ said Laxalt, a former state attorney general who lost a bid for governor four years ago.” [Washington Post, 7/25/22]