Maricle Called Himself “100 Percent Pro Life.” According to Maricle’s campaign Facebook, “Let's make it very clear why I'm the most qualified candidate for Secretary of State. […] The only one who has voted on Pro Life issues. 100 percent Pro Life.” [Facebook, Allen Maricle for Secretary of State, 1/24/23]
At Maricle’s Election Kickoff Event He Claimed He Had A “100 Percent Pro-Life Voting Record”, Including Sponsorship Of A Couple Bills. According to Maricle’s speech at his election kickoff, “But on that day I won. And of course, all the Republican statewide, if you remember the newspapers, they couldn't believe it. I was a second Republican to ever win Bullitt County history versus a city council age 24. Now back to my other stuff. Keep your head up and go win that race on. I’m the only one that's got a record voting record among both candidates, 100 percent pro-life voting record, including sponsoring a couple of those bills, helped pass the concealed weapons law in this state in the 1990s.” [Maricle Election Kickoff, 2/6/23]
Maricle Posted An Image For The National Sanctity Of Human Life Day That Said “Allen Maricle Pro-Life Candidate For Secretary Of State. According to Maricle’s campaign Facebook, “#prolife #allenmaricle #republican #secretaryofstate #Kentucky #weneedamaricle.”
[Facebook, Allen Maricle for Secretary of State, 1/22/23]
Maricle Claimed He Was The Most Qualified Candidate For Secretary Of State Because He Is The Only One Who Has Passed Election Laws, Concealed Weapon Laws, And Has Voted On Pro-Life Issues. According to Maricle’s campaign Facebook, “Let's make it very clear why I'm the most qualified candidate for Secretary of State. The only one who has passed election laws. The only one who has voted on Pro Life issues. 100 percent Pro Life. The only one who has been involved in passing the Concealed weapons law. Pro-Gun. Can the other two match that.” [Facebook, Allen Maricle for Secretary of State, 1/24/23]