In Response To A Tweet From US Senate Candidate Morgan Harper Calling For Healthcare Access And The Protection Of Abortion Rights, Moreno Tweeted: “Killing Unborn Babies Is A Human Right. Wow.” Bernie Moreno tweeted, “Killing unborn babies is a human right. Wow.” [Twitter, @berniemoreno, 9/1/21]
Moreno Claimed That Markey’s Abortion Pin Was “Grotesque In Every Way Imaginable.” Bernie Moreno tweeted, “Grotesque in every way imaginable.” [Twitter, @berniemoreno, 2/8/23]
[VIDEO] Moreno Said “If They Can't Kill Them In The Womb, They Want To Cut Off Their Genitals While They're Children.” “You don't wake up on Monday as a man and mean something else. Joe Biden is new cabinet secretary, was before Congress and refused to define what a woman is. I'll make it easy. It's an adult female. That's what a woman is. Our children are being attacked from all corners. If they can't kill them in the womb, they want to cut off their genitals while they're children.” [Bernie Moreno Special Announcement, 4/18/23]
[VIDEO] Moreno Claimed That “We Have To Defend The Unborn.” “Force the media to ask Sherrod Brown what his exceptions are. Force the issue, don’t, never ever let yourself be branded as extremist on abortion. They are the extremists on abortion. Just constantly hammer that away. We have to defend the unborn. We have to defend babies because, again, I think the moral decay America started when we allowed that to happen.” [Greene County GOP Town Hall, 04/19/23]
[AUDIO] Moreno Claimed That He Was Pro-Life With No Exceptions. “Absolute absolute pro-life. No exceptions.” [Kevin Gordon Radio, 11/03/22]
[VIDEO] Moreno Called Himself “Unapologetically Pro-Life.” “On abortion. You know, I when I was in high school, the 80s, the Democrat Party was the party of safe and legal. And that was the mantra of your typical Democrat argument around abortion. I'm unapologetically pro-life. One of the mistakes that Republicans made is they tried to be very nuanced on this topic. What do you believe in? I believe life begins at conception because it does.” [Worthington Area GOP Club, 05/16/2023]
[VIDEO] Moreno Claimed That Republicans Should “Play Offense” On Abortion. “And so let me just address that real quick. I don't think we should (avoid?) anything, but one of the things that we do as Republicans is we only play defense…we need to play offense..What does that mean? The Democrats, by the way, on Tuesday night acted like the the Cleveland Browns and just think about that for a second.” [Grassroots Coffee, 11/10/23]
Moreno Claimed That Republicans Shouldn’t Back Down On Their Anti-Abortion Stance. According to NBC News, “Moreno has said that ‘Republicans should never back down from their belief that life begins at conception and that abortion is the murder of an innocent baby.’” [NBC News, 12/9/23]
[VIDEO] Moreno Claimed That An Abortion Was A “Terrible Situation For Everybody.” “Nobody wins. And an abortion is a terrible situation for everybody.” [CBT News, 12/05/23]
[VIDEO] Moreno Claimed That An Abortion Ban Was A “Media Democrat Talking Point.” “HOST: My question to all of you is would you support a federal ban on abortion, or do you believe that it's up to the states like Ohio voters voted already? Mr. Moreno. MORENO: Well, a ban is a media Democrat talking point.” [Ohio Senate Republican Primary Debate, 03/06/24]
[AUDIO] Moreno Claimed That He Believed That Life Began At Conception. “Let's talk about life. I believe life begins at conception. A lot of Republicans are afraid of the abortion issue, they say don’t talk about that. Let's talk about that issue. Dobbs made the decision to reverse Roe v. Wade.. there is no constitutional right to an abortion.” [Union County Summer Farm Fest, 8/6/23]
[VIDEO] Moreno Claimed That “Life Begins At Conception.” “I think what we've got to do as Republicans, those of us who are pro-life like me, I do believe I'm Catholic. I do believe life begins at conception. Certainly, the rest of the country is not with me in terms of believing that.” [CBT News, 12/05/23]
[AUDIO] Moreno Claimed That Life Began At Contraception. “So I am 100% pro-life. That's what biology teaches us. Okay, Lets be brutally honest about that life begins at conception, because that's what I believe.” [Freedom Banquet & Candidate Forum, 2/22/24]
Moreno Supported The Federal Government Setting Limits On Abortion. According to the Associated Press, “On abortion, all three candidates said they see a role for the federal government in setting a limit — generally around 15 weeks. Dolan was the only one who mentioned supporting exceptions after that point. They said Ohio’s Issue 1, which passed in November with 57% of the vote, was too extreme.” [Associated Press, 1/23/24]
Op-Ed: OBGYN Kale Turner Claimed That LaRose, Moreno And Dolan, If Elected, Would Support A National Abortion Ban. According to a Columbus Dispatch op-ed by Kale Turner, “Make no mistake: A national abortion ban is the end goal for politicians like Bernie Moreno, Frank LaRose, and Matt Dolan.” [Kale Turner Op-Ed – Columbus Dispatch, 1/23/24]
Moreno Claimed That A Priority Was To “Support A Ban On Late Term Abortions.” According to Bernie Moreno For U.S. Senate, “Protect Moms, Protect Families, and Protect Life by supporting a ban on late term abortions” [Bernie Moreno For U.S. Senate, accessed on 11/1/23]
[AUDIO] Moreno Supported A 15 Week Abortion Ban. “I think it should be more at the state level and much less at the federal level. But there is a role of the federal government and what I would vote for is the bill that currently exists in the United States Senate, which is the most restrictive bill….passed in the House..passed in the Senate..which is the 15 week ban..states than can be more restrictive..but not more than 15 weeks because we cannot have the nation we have today…because 7 states allow abortions up to the moment of birth.” [Union County Summer Farm Fest, 8/6/23]
Moreno Claimed That A 15 Week Abortion Ban Could Pass Congress And Be Signed By The President If The Republicans Take Back Power. According to the Columbus Dispatch, “‘That's what can be passed in the House,’ Moreno said. ‘That's what's going to be passed to the Senate, I believe. It's what gets signed by the president when we the office back in 2025.’” [Columbus Dispatch, 10/10/23]
Moreno Backed A 15-Week Abortion Ban That Would Allow States To Impose Stiffer Penalties. According to the Ohio Capital Journal, “In past statements, Bernie Moreno has backed a 15-week national abortion ban that allows states to impose stiffer restrictions.” [Ohio Capital Journal, 11/9/23]
[VIDEO] Moreno Supported A National 15 Week Abortion Ban. “And I believe that we should have a look for a way to have a national standard of 15 weeks with restrictions that are common sense after that, if you look at that position versus Sherrod Brown's, he's the extremist.” [Grassroots Coffee, 11/10/23]
Moreno Claimed To Support A Federal Abortion Ban After 15 Weeks. According to the Ohio Capital Journal, “‘You’re using that word, I’m not,’ Moreno argued before pitching ‘a 15-week floor where there’s common sense restrictions after 15 weeks.’” [Ohio Capital Journal, 1/22/24]
Moreno Claimed That He Supported A 15 Week Federal Abortion Ban That Would Allow States To Have More Extensive Bans. According to the Columbus Dispatch, “Moreno said he's advocating for a 15-week federal ban that would allow states to go further, if they choose. He also supports ‘commonsense restrictions’ after that point, which he said includes exceptions for rape and incest and to save the life of the pregnant person.” [Columbus Dispatch, 10/10/23]
[AUDIO] Moreno Claimed That He Was Pro-Life With No Exceptions. “Absolute absolute pro-life. No exceptions.” [Kevin Gordon Radio, 11/03/22]
Moreno Opposed Ohio’s Abortion Amendment And Called It “Extreme” And “Radical.” According to Politico, “The two other major Republican candidates vying to run against Brown next year, businessperson Bernie Moreno and state Sen. Matt Dolan have also rallied against Issue 1, calling it ‘extreme’ and ‘radical.’” [Politico, 10/29/23]
Moreno Falsely Claimed That Issue 1 Would “Force” A Woman To Have An Abortion. According to NBC News, “Ohio Republican Senate candidate Bernie Moreno falsely claimed in a recent interview that Issue 1 — the ballot measure seeking to enshrine abortion rights in the state constitution — would allow a rapist to ‘force’ a woman to have an abortion. […] ‘As a dad of two girls, it’s about having that girl be able to be raped and having a rapist force her to have an abortion — all without your consent — as a minor,’ Moreno said in an Oct. 12 episode of the RestoreLiberty.US podcast.” [NBC News, 11/2/23]
Moreno Claimed That Issue 1 Would Strip Parental Rights And Open The Door To “Transgender Mutilation Of Children.” According to NBC News, “Earlier in the podcast, Moreno mischaracterized Issue 1 as being about ‘on-demand abortion, late-term abortion, stripping parental rights.’ If passed, he said, it will have ‘opened a door to transgender surgeries, transgender mutilation of children.’” [NBC News, 11/2/23]
Moreno Donated $100,000 To The Anti-Choice Group Protect Women Ohio During The Campaign Against Issue 1 Which Was The Abortion Access Amendment. According to American Journal News, “In November 2023, Ohioans voted overwhelmingly in support of Issue 1, a ballot initiative that safeguarded abortion access in the state. Protect Women Ohio, a prominent anti-abortion group, spent millions in a failed bid to defeat the measure. Moreno gave $100,000 to Protect Women Ohio at the height of that campaign.” [American Journal News, 4/9/24]
Moreno Claimed That He Donated “Hundreds Of Thousands Of Dollars” To Pro-Life Causes. According to American Journal News, “I’ve given hundreds of thousands of dollars of my own money to pro life causes,’ Moreno said. ‘I’m 100% pro-life myself, unapologetically pro-life.’” [American Journal News, 4/9/24]
Moreno Tweeted “Vote NO On Issue 1.” Bernie Moreno tweeted, “Don’t believe the lies from the ‘yes’ side on Issue 1. Late term abortions and erosion of parental rights is what’s on the ballot. Vote NO on Issue 1 today!” [Twitter, @berniemoreno, 11/7/23]
Moreno Joined The Defiance Republican Club In Pushing For “No” On Issue 1. Team Moreno tweeted, “Last night I made one more push for a NOvember vote. Thanks for the Defiance Republican Club for having me and to the new endorses who have joined our growing campaign.” [Twitter, @teammoreno2024, 11/7/23]
[AUDIO] Moreno Claimed Pregnancy Centers Should Be Funded Instead Of “Abortionists.” “But I would say this, Chris, at a federal level, let's put policies in place that make it less expensive to have a kid, less expensive to raise kids, make sure that women have access to good health care options, make sure that women have access to contraception, make sure that we fund pregnancy centers, and don't send a dime to Planned Parenthood or abortionists.” [News In Focus, 02/14/24]
Moreno Tweeted That “Millions Of Americans Recognize That Roe V. Wade Is Outdated And That Science And Medicine, Morality And Common Sense Demand We Revisit It.” Berniemoreno tweeted, “Today starts the 50th year of abortion in the country. Today is a sad day in history, but there is hope. Millions of Americans recognize that Roe v. Wade is outdated and that science and medicine, morality and common sense demand we revisit it. Pro family, pro mom, pro-life.” [Twitter, @berniemoreno, 1/23/22]
Moreno Tweeted That Roe Was A “Terrible Decision” And Celebrated the Anniversary Of the Dobbs Decision. Bernie Moreno tweeted, “One year ago today, the Supreme Court reversed a terrible decision made over 50 years ago that led to the ending of millions of unborn lives. Today, let’s celebrate that monumental victory for the cause of life and commit to always fighting for the most vulnerable.” [Twitter, @berniemoreno, 6/24/23]
[VIDEO] Moreno Claimed That Dobbs Was Correct. “The Dobbs decision was correct, in the sense that there's nothing constitutionally protecting abortion and that it through the issue back to the states?” [CBT News, 12/05/23]
Ohio Right To Life Endorsed LaRose And Moreno. According to a press release from Ohio Right To Life, “‘The Ohio Right to Life PAC is proud to endorse Bernie Moreno for the United States Senate,’ said Marshal Pitchford, Chairman of the Ohio Right to Life PAC. ‘We are also proud to endorse Frank LaRose. Both individuals have earned the support of Ohio’s pro-life community and will stand up to D.C. radical elites like Sherrod Brown.’” [Press Release – Ohio Right To Life, 2/12/24]
Mike Gonidakis, President Of Ohio Right To Life, Claimed That LaRose And Moreno Were In The Running For An Endorsement From His Group. According to HuffPost, “‘The Trump endorsement in Ohio absolutely matters, and I guarantee you anyone running for office here would welcome that,’ said Mike Gonidakis, president of Ohio Right to Life, a group fighting a November ballot measure to codify abortion rights that, if successful, may create headwinds for Republicans in 2024. Gonidakis said both LaRose and Moreno are in the running for an endorsement from his group, a powerful ally in the anti-abortion community.” [HuffPost, 10/8/23]
Moreno Tweeted “A Country That Honors Life Is A County With Honor” On A Video From Ohio’s March For Life. Bernie Moreno tweeted, “A Country that honors life is a Country with honor.” [Twitter, @berniemoreno, 10/6/23]
Ohio Value Voters Endorsed Moreno’s Senate Campaign. Team Moreno tweeted, “Joe Biden and Sherrod Brown have declared war on OUR values. Whether it's our WIDE OPEN southern border, the indoctrination of our children in schools or the right to life for the unborn, Ohioans deserve someone who will ALWAYS do what is right. That's why Ohio Value Voters has endorsed Bernie for #OHSen! #TeamMoreno” [Twitter, @teammoreno2024, 10/5/23]
Moreno Miller Joined Ohio’s Right To Life Board Of Directors. According to the Tennessee Star, “Political strategist and daughter of 2024 U.S. Senate candidate Bernie Moreno, Emily Moreno Miller, joined the Ohio Right to Life Board of Directors.” [Tennessee Star, 6/8/23]
Marjorie Dannefelser Wrote That Moreno “Stood Strong” Against Ohio’s Abortion Access Amendment. According to a Real Clear Policy op-ed by Marjorie Dannefelser, “Ohio leaders cannot abandon the women and 30,000 unborn children who are now at risk because of the new abortion amendment. That’s why we continue to fight. U.S. Senate candidate Bernie Moreno stood strong in the fight against the Ohio abortion amendment and is continuing to stand for a consensus position to protect babies who can feel pain.” [Marjorie Dannefelser Op-Ed – Real Clear Policy, 4/17/24]
Dannefelser Claimed That Moreno Was A “Pro-Life Leader.” According to a Real Clear Policy op-ed by Marjorie Dannefelser, “With the support of a national pro-life leader in the White House, and the support of the state’s elected pro-life leaders, including U.S. Senator JD Vance, and soon-to-be U.S. Senator Moreno, we could save lives.” [Marjorie Dannefelser Op-Ed – Real Clear Policy, 4/17/24]
The Author Of The Article Was Marjorie Dannenfelser Who Was The President Of SBA Pro-Life America. According to a Real Clear Policy op-ed by Marjorie Dannefelser, “Marjorie Dannenfelser is president of SBA Pro-Life America. Aaron Baer is president of Center for Christian Virtue in Ohio.” [Marjorie Dannefelser Op-Ed – Real Clear Policy, 4/17/24]
Moreno Claimed That He Backed IVF And Anything That “Promotes People Having More Babies And Strong Families.” According to the Columbus Dispatch, “Moreno said he backs ‘anything that promotes people having more babies and strong families.’” [Columbus Dispatch, 2/25/24]
Moreno Claimed That He Was “100%” In Favor Of IVF. According to Breitbart, “I’m 100 percent in favor of IVF. I think any policies that I put forward, Matt, are going to be policies that encourage families to have kids.” [Breitbart, 2/25/24]
Moreno Claimed That He Was Supportive Of Any Policy That Would Help Improve America’s Declining Birth Rates. According to Breitbart, “So, whatever we can do to have more children for America is fantastic, as you know, we’re not even keeping up with current birth rates. So, we’re seeing a decline in birth rates, we’re not even having a replacement rate right now, that is a challenge to our civilization and our way of life. So, any policies that encourage more babies, I’m 100 percent in favor of, including IVF.” [Breitbart, 2/25/24]
Moreno Released His Statement Defending IVF After The NRSC Released A Memo With IVF Talking Points. According to the Columbus Dispatch, “Businessman Bernie Moreno, Secretary of State Frank LaRose and state Sen. Matt Dolan, R-Chagrin Falls, issued statements on Friday calling IVF a ‘vital tool’ and ‘blessing’ for families struggling with infertility. The comments came shortly after the National Republican Senatorial Committee urged candidates to clarify their positions.” [Columbus Dispatch, 2/25/24]
Moreno Opposed Ohio’s Abortion Rights Amendment Which Protected Access To Fertility Treatment. According to the Columbus Dispatch, “But all three of them opposed Ohio's new abortion rights amendment passed by voters in November, which also protects access to fertility treatment.” [Columbus Dispatch, 2/25/24]
Moreno Claimed That Threats To IVF Were A “Left Wing, Media Created Issue.” According to the Ohio Capital Journal, “Still, Moreno brushed off threats to IVF as ‘a manufactured issue’ and despite backing a federal 15-week abortion ban, he argued similar protections for IVF are unnecessary. ‘I think the states can work it out. I’m confident that Alabama will work it out. Let’s let the states do their thing,’ he said. ‘This is a non-issue,’ Moreno insisted. ‘This is a left-wing, media-created issue.’” [Ohio Capital Journal, 3/1/24]
[VIDEO] Moreno Claimed That IVF Was A “Left Wing Created Issue.” “I think I think the states can work it out. I'm confident Alabama will work it out. Let's let the states do their thing. It's a non-issue. This is a left-wing media created issue. I've talked about IVF more in the last week than I've ever talked about in my entirety of my life.” [Bernie Moreno, Vivek Ramaswamy & Donald Trump Jr. On The BuskMan Report, 02/28/24]