Section Overview:
Masters Said “Absolutely No Abortions,” Called Himself “Unapologetically Pro-Life” And Said Congress Should Pass A Law To Halt All Abortions, But Qualified That A Compromise Could Be Made That Would Allow “Some Abortions.” According to Tucson Weekly, “Tech edgelord Blake Masters, who is making his political debut backed by bazillionaire Peter Theil, told the Relatable podcast last week that he’s ‘unapologetically pro-life’ and believes Roe v. Wade was a ‘horrible decision.’ He said he believed Congress should pass a ‘personhood law.’ ‘Absolutely no abortions,’ said Masters, who then qualified that a compromise might allow states to allow ‘some amount’ of abortions.” [Tucson Weekly, 10/7/21]
One Of Masters’ Childhood Friends Stated That Masters Used To Be An “Outspoken” Supporter Of Abortion Rights And Said “Blake Was The One Who Convinced Me To Be Pro-Choice.” According to Jewish Insider, ‘“That’s the biggest surprise for us, meaning anybody who knew him,’ Collin Wedel, a Tucson native who said Masters had been one of his closest friends until they stopped talking because of political differences that arose during the Trump era and have continued into the Senate bid, told JI. “If he had announced that he was running for Senate on some kind of weird libertarian, we-should-have-a-gold-standard platform, I think all of us would have said, ‘Well, yeah, that was Blake.’’ Before Trump, Wedel said in a recent interview, Masters had long espoused the views of a ‘classic, extreme libertarian’ who endorsed ‘open borders,’ backed the gold standard and identified as an ‘outspoken’ supporter of abortion rights. ‘Blake was the one who convinced me to be pro-choice,’ said Wedel, who is now an attorney in Los Angeles. ‘I remember him arguing with me. I mean, it was Tucson, Arizona, in the ‘90s, so it was a very conservative evangelical community, and he was not that.’ ‘How can you control somebody else’s life or body?” Wedel said Masters had once reasoned while questioning the anti-abortion line.” [Jewish Insider, 6/7/22]
Masters Wrote In An Email To His College Co-op: “When Will Someone Start A Group That’s Pro-Gun (Pro-Freedom) And Pro-Choice (Pro-Freedom)? I Would Join.” According to Mother Jones, “After graduating, Masters kept emailing the Columbae listserv. The numerous messages shared with Mother Jones reveal a man largely unsympathetic to those who would lose out if his version of libertarianism prevailed. […] His frustrations extended across party lines. ‘When will someone start a group that’s pro-gun (pro-freedom) AND pro-choice (pro-freedom)?’ he asked in one email. ‘I would join.’ (Holding such a progressive view of abortion was not new; Masters had persuaded Wedel, who grew up in a conservative household, to support women’s right to have abortions nearly a decade before.)” [Mother Jones, 7/18/22]
Masters Said He Was “Not Sure How Vocal” And “Not Sure How Pro” He Was On Abortion When He Was In School, And Referred To His Pro-Abortion Posts As Part Of His “Embarrassing Libertarian Phase.” According to the Washington Post, “Now Masters tells voters he wants to ‘finish the wall’ at the southern border, end illegal immigration and amend the Constitution to outlaw abortions across the country. In the Post interviews, he said he was ‘not sure how vocal’ and ‘not sure how pro’ he was on abortion back in school. He refers to the LiveJournal entries — first reported by Jewish Insider and now featured in Republican attack ads against him — as part of his ‘embarrassing libertarian phase.”’ [Washington Post, 7/20/22]
[AUDIO] Masters On His Position On Abortion: “I’m Just Unapologetically, Unqualifiedly Pro-Life, From Conception.” “Q: ‘what do you think or what's your position on the unborn? Abortion.’ BLAKE MASTERS: ‘I’m just Unapologetically, unqualifiedly pro-life, from conception. I know. And I look - I get that there's a spectrum. Some people are illogical about it . Some people are religious about it. Some people are not. There's going to be disagreement on this issue in America. But for me, it's very clear. I felt it. I thought that intellectually. I thought that seriously before and after having kids, three beautiful boy.” [Pima County Republican Club, 08/03/21]; 210803_ASP_083_A
Masters Attacked Mark Kelly For Using “Clinical Stock Phrases” Such As “Reproductive Freedom” And “Health Care Decisions” And Said “But Worse Than Being Boring And Generic – He’s Dead Wrong. Abortion Is Not Healthcare.” Blake Masters tweeted, “Clinical stock phrases from Mark Kelly, as always. ‘Reproductive freedom.’ ‘Health care decisions.’ But worse than being boring and generic — he's dead wrong. [Twitter, @bgmasters, 9/2/21]
Masters Tweeted At Mark Kelly: “You Supported Biden’s Unconstitutional Federal Forced Vaccine Mandate. And You Voted For Unlimited Abortion Nationwide *Up Until The Moment Of Birth.*” Blake Masters tweeted, “You supported Biden’s unconstitutional federal forced vaccine mandate. And you voted for unlimited abortion nationwide *up until the moment of birth.* See you on the debate stage this fall.” [Twitter, @bgmasters, 6/27/22]
Politifact Rated Masters’ Claim That Mark Kelly “Voted To Legalize Abortion Up Until The Moment Of Birth” As Mostly False. According to Politifact, “Masters said that Kelly voted to ‘legalize abortion up until the moment of birth.’ Kelly voted for the Women’s Health Protection Act, which would have prohibited states from banning abortion of a viable fetus when the life and health of the woman are at risk. It also would have prevented the criminalization of abortions. Abortion in the last weeks of pregnancy are exceedingly rare. Abortion opponents we reached cited no example where abortions ocurred so late without a clear medical reason. Additionally, state civil liability laws — in place to ensure medical providers give patients the best treatment possible — already permit abortions in certain medical circumstances. The bill Kelly supported did not change that. We rate this claim Mostly False.” [Politifact, 8/1/22]
Masters Tweeted: “Does Mark Kelly Think This Guy Should Have Been Deported Before He Got A Chance To Rape A 10 Year Old Girl?” Blake Masters Tweeted: “Does Mark Kelly think this guy should have been deported before he got a chance to rape a 10 year old girl?” [Twitter, @bgmasters, 7/13/22]
Masters Tweeted: “Mark Kelly Talks Like A ‘Safe Legal And Rare’ Moderate. Then He Votes Like A ‘Shout Your Abortion’ Shrieking Millennial Activist. Remember: This Guy Voted For Unlimited Abortion On Demand *Up Until The Moment Of Birth*! Ghastly.” Blake Masters tweeted, “Mark Kelly talks like a ‘safe legal and rare’ moderate. Then he votes like a ‘shout your abortion’ shrieking millennial activist. Remember: this guy voted for unlimited abortion on demand *up until the moment of birth*! Ghastly.” [Twitter, @bgmasters, 8/16/22]
[AUDIO] Masters Attacked His Opponent Mark Kelly For “Participating In This Left Wing Death Cult” By Voting To Legalize Abortion. “Just the other day, Mark Kelly voted to legalize abortion nationwide, unlimited, unrestricted up until the moment of birth. I mean, he's participating in this left wing death cult.” [Breitbart, 06/04/22]; 220604_ASP_520_A
[AUDIO] Masters Supported The Texas’ Abortion Bill Which Banned Abortions After Six Weeks. But you know I'm in favor basically of Texas's law and states that want to protect life. I think that's super important. Gastly, you see how the abortion thing has turned into this religious totem for the left right. In the 90s, they promised they just wanted abortion to be safe legal and rare. And now it's like you have activists wearing their shirts, you know with tally marks on how many abortions they've had. And this is the cultural thrust of it. It's a religious sacrifice to these people. I think it's demonic. And I think we've got to put a stop to it.” [Relatable, 9/23/21] 210923_ASP_164_A
In Response To An NPR Article That Argued The Texas Abortion Ban Was Not Based On Science, Masters Tweeted: “This Is Straight Propaganda That NPR Thinks We’ll Swallow Without Thinking Just Because It Starts With ‘Doctors Say’” Blake Masters tweeted, “Every parent who has ever been asked ‘do you want to hear the baby's heartbeat’ by a doctor or nurse reads this and rolls their eyes. This is straight propaganda that NPR thinks we'll swallow without thinking just because it starts with ‘doctors say’” [Twitter, @bgmasters, 9/5/21]
Texas Abortion Law Did Not Include Exceptions For Pregnancies Resulting From Rape Or Incest. According to the New York Times, “Does the law make exceptions for pregnancies resulting from rape or incest, or to protect the life of the mother? The law does not make exceptions for rape or incest. It does permit abortions for health reasons, but the exceptions are narrowly drawn, allowing a termination only if the pregnancy could endanger the mother’s life or lead to ‘substantial and irreversible impairment of a major bodily function,’ Ms. Nash noted.” [New York Times, 9/1/21]
Texas Abortion Law Deputized Private Citizens To Sue Anyone Who Performs An Abortion Or “Aids And Abets” A Procedure. According to the New York Times, “Doesn’t Roe v. Wade guarantee a woman’s right to abortion? Can the Texas law be challenged on constitutional grounds? The Texas law bars state officials from actually enforcing it, a design intended to make it difficult to challenge in the courts. Usually a lawsuit aiming to block such a law as unconstitutional names state officials as defendants. Instead, the Texas law deputizes private citizens to sue anyone who performs an abortion or ‘aids and abets’ a procedure. Plaintiffs who have no connection to the patient or the clinic may sue and recover legal fees, as well as $10,000 if they win.” [New York Times, 9/1/21]
Masters Supported Arizona’s 15 Week Abortion Ban. According to the Arizona Republic, “Masters, a Stanford-trained lawyer who said his top pick for Senate committees would be the Judiciary Committee, said he thinks a federal ‘personhood law’ would help ban all third-trimester abortions. He said he views Arizona’s ban on abortions after 15 weeks — with exceptions for the life of the mother — is appropriate for his state. ‘The federal government should prohibit late-term abortion, third-trimester abortion and partial-birth abortion,’ he said. ‘Below that, states are going to make different decisions that are going to reflect the will of the people in those states, and I think most reasonable. I think that’s what most people certainly in this state and nationwide are looking for.’ ‘I would look to Arizona’s (15-week) law and say I’m OK with it. I think it’s a reasonable solution, which reflects where the electorate is.”’ [Arizona Republic, 8/8/22]
American Independent: “Arizona Senate Candidate Blake Masters Backpedals Push For Total Abortion Bans” [American Independent, 8/16/22]
Masters Had Said That “At A Minimum” Abortion Should Be Left Up To The States, But Added “I Actually Think We Should Go Further Than That Though” And Said “I Think You Do Need A Federal Personhood Law.” According to HuffPost, “He said that ‘at a minimum,’ abortion should be left up to the states. But, he added, ‘I actually think we should go further than that though.’ ‘I think the 14th Amendment says you have the right to life, liberty and property,’ he said at an event in Carefree, Arizona. ‘You can’t deprive someone with that without due process. Hard to imagine a bigger deprivation of due process than killing a small child before they have a chance to take their first breath. So I think you do need a federal personhood law.”’ [HuffPost, 5/9/22]
Masters Reiterated His Support For A Federal “Personhood” Law After Winning The Primary Election. According to the Arizona Republic, “Masters, a Stanford-trained lawyer who said his top pick for Senate committees would be the Judiciary Committee, said he thinks a federal ‘personhood law’ would help ban all third-trimester abortions. He said he views Arizona’s ban on abortions after 15 weeks — with exceptions for the life of the mother — is appropriate for his state. ‘The federal government should prohibit late-term abortion, third-trimester abortion and partial-birth abortion,’ he said. ‘Below that, states are going to make different decisions that are going to reflect the will of the people in those states, and I think most reasonable. I think that’s what most people certainly in this state and nationwide are looking for.’ ‘I would look to Arizona’s (15-week) law and say I’m OK with it. I think it’s a reasonable solution, which reflects where the electorate is.”’ [Arizona Republic, 8/8/22]
AZ Mirror: “GOP Senate Candidate Blake Masters Wants To Allow States To Ban Contraception Use” [AZ Mirror, 5/6/22]
Masters Tweeted: “In Griswold, The Justices Wholesale *Made Up A Constitutional Right* To Achieve A Political Outcome. I Am Opposed To Judges Making Law.” Blake Masters tweeted, “In Griswold, the justices wholesale *made up a constitutional right* to achieve a political outcome. I am opposed to judges making law.” [Twitter, @bgmasters, 5/7/22]
Masters Had Pledged On His Campaign Website That He Would Only Support Judges That Would Opposed The Supreme Court Ruling Of Griswold V. Connecticut But Removed The Pledge Following The Arizona Mirror Article Publication. According to Business Insider Africa, “Blake Masters, an Arizona GOP candidate for Senate, threatened to sue a reporter for defamation after an Arizona Mirror article suggested Masters praised a Nazi leader in a 2006 essay and would be open to banning birth control should he be elected. The article, published May 6, reported that Masters' campaign website contained a pledge that the candidate will only vote for judges who oppose the Supreme Court rulings of Roe v. Wade, Planned Parenthood v. Casey, and Griswold v. Connecticut, and suggested Masters would ban contraceptive use based on this position. The reference to Griswold has since been removed from Masters' campaign site.” [Business Insider Africa, 5/10/22]
Business Insider: “A Republican Senate Candidate Endorsed By Peter Thiel Is Campaigning On A Pledge To Vote Only For Judges Who Oppose The Scotus Ruling Establishing The Right To Birth Control” [Business Insider, 5/7/22]
[AUDIO] Masters Advocated For Congress To Recognize Personhood In An Effort To Ban All Abortions. According to Relatable, “I think the federal government has a role to play here. I think that Congress should have a debate and pick a certain point and say no we’re going to recognize right here federal personhood and pass that absolutely no abortions. Maybe they leave some amount of states below that. I think that’s a workable compromise we could get to in the next two or three years if we get a Republican House and Senate and presidency in 2024.” [Relatable, 9/23/21]; 210923_ASP_164_A
Masters Said He Believed Congress Should Pass A “Personhood Law.” According to Tucson Weekly, “It appears that none of the major Republican candidates seeking to oust Democratic U.S. Sen. Mark Kelly support abortion rights. Tech edgelord Blake Masters, who is making his political debut backed by bazillionaire Peter Theil, told the Relatable podcast last week that he’s ‘unapologetically pro-life’ and believes Roe v. Wade was a ‘horrible decision.’ He said he believed Congress should pass a ‘personhood law.’” [Tucson Weekly, 10/7/21]
Masters Opposed States Rights For The Issue Of Abortion, Claiming Democrats Want To “Go In At Seven Or Eight Months In Utero And Kill Babies, Sever Spinal Cords And Dismember Babies” And Arguing “At Some Point The Federal Government Has Got To Step In And Protect Life.” According to the Daily Caller, ‘“They use this sort of Federalist language, federalism, to try to just get off the hook,’ Masters said. ‘But I don’t think you can simply return the issue to the states, ’cause I don’t think that California, or Oregon should allow Planned Parenthood to go in at seven or eight months in utero and kill babies, sever spinal cords and dismember babies. And that’s what the left really does want to do, to be clear … At some point the federal government has got to step in and protect life.”’ [Daily Caller, 5/22/22]
Masters Supported Banning Abortion Federally, Saying “I Think You Do Need A Federal Personhood Law.” According to the Huffington Post, “While many Republican lawmakers are shying away from talking about banning abortion outright, Arizona GOP Senate candidate Blake Masters is embracing it. The issue has jumped to the front of the political debate since the emergence of a leaked Supreme Court draft written by Justice Samuel Alito that would overturn Roe v. Wade and take away the federal guarantee of abortion rights. Three days after Politico published the draft, Masters said that the Roe decision was ‘absolutely horrible’ and noted that the Constitution ‘does not mention abortion.’ He said that ‘at a minimum,’ abortion should be left up to the states. But, he added, ‘I actually think we should go further than that though.’ ‘I think the 14th Amendment says you have the right to life, liberty and property,’ he said at an event in Carefree, Arizona. ‘You can’t deprive someone with that without due process. Hard to imagine a bigger deprivation of due process than killing a small child before they have a chance to take their first breath. So I think you do need a federal personhood law.”’ [Huffington Post, 5/9/22]
Masters Had Said That “At A Minimum” Abortion Should Be Left Up To The States, But Added “I Actually Think We Should Go Further Than That Though” And Said “I Think You Do Need A Federal Personhood Law.” According to HuffPost, “He said that ‘at a minimum,’ abortion should be left up to the states. But, he added, ‘I actually think we should go further than that though.’ ‘I think the 14th Amendment says you have the right to life, liberty and property,’ he said at an event in Carefree, Arizona. ‘You can’t deprive someone with that without due process. Hard to imagine a bigger deprivation of due process than killing a small child before they have a chance to take their first breath. So I think you do need a federal personhood law.”’ [HuffPost, 5/9/22]
Masters Reiterated His Support For A Federal “Personhood” Law. According to the Arizona Republic, “Masters, a Stanford-trained lawyer who said his top pick for Senate committees would be the Judiciary Committee, said he thinks a federal ‘personhood law’ would help ban all third-trimester abortions. He said he views Arizona’s ban on abortions after 15 weeks — with exceptions for the life of the mother — is appropriate for his state. ‘The federal government should prohibit late-term abortion, third-trimester abortion and partial-birth abortion,’ he said. ‘Below that, states are going to make different decisions that are going to reflect the will of the people in those states, and I think most reasonable. I think that’s what most people certainly in this state and nationwide are looking for.’ ‘I would look to Arizona’s (15-week) law and say I’m OK with it. I think it’s a reasonable solution, which reflects where the electorate is.”’ [Arizona Republic, 8/8/22]
The Arizona Personhood Law, Which Granted Fertilized Eggs Full Rights And Banned Abortion Up To Conception, Was Blocked By A Federal Judge In July Of 2022 Before It Could Go Into Effect, But The Attorney General Said It Was “Carefully Considering Our Next Steps” In Their Fight To Defend The Legislation. According to Al Jezeera, “A federal judge in the US state of Arizona has blocked a state law that grants fertilised eggs, embryos and fetuses the same ‘rights, privileges and immunities available to other persons’. The ruling on Monday against the so-called ‘personhood’ law by United States District Judge Douglas Rayes comes as state governments across the country have sought to clarify the legality of abortion after a US Supreme Court ruling in June overturned Roe v Wade, a 1973 decision that established access to a safe abortion as a right protected by the US constitution. […] A spokesperson for Arizona attorney general’s office, meanwhile, said the ruling ‘was based on an interpretation of Arizona law that our office did not agree with, and we are carefully considering our next steps’.” [Al Jezeera, 7/12/22]
[AUDIO] Masters Said Roe V. Wade Was A “Horrible Decision” That Was “Responsible For Killing Hundreds Of Thousands Of Babies A Year” And Should Be Repealed. According to Relatable, “Yeah I’m unapologetically pro-life. I think that’s just obvious. Obviously, the correct position. It’s so important. I think Roe v. Wade needs to be repealed yesterday. I think it’s a horrible decision. It’s horrible jurisprudentially. You know they just invented some right to privacy out of thin air and then said somehow that covers abortions. I think just on the legal merits. Horrible decision, of course horrible policy too and just responsible for killing hundreds of thousands of babies a year. So we’ve got to get rid of that.” [Relatable, 9/23/21] 210923_ASP_164_A
Masters Claimed That Pro-Choice Supporters See Abortion As A “Religious Sacrifice” And Said “I Think It’s Demonic And I Think We Have To Put A Stop To It.” According to Tucson Weekly, “He added that abortion rights supporters see abortion as a ‘religious sacrifice.’ ‘I think it’s demonic,’ Masters said. ‘And I think we have to put a stop to it.’ Masters campaign manager Amalia C. Halikias did not reply by deadline regarding whether Masters supports an exception to his proposed abortion ban when the pregnancy results from rape or incest.” [Tucson Weekly, 10/7/21]
[VIDEO] Masters Claimed Abortion Was A “Sacrificial Ritual” To The Left. “And it's not 50- 50, because even if they get to 50-50, the liberal project doesn't stop there because they don't even like the distinction between men and women. Right. There's three hundred genders or however many of your eight year old is learning about in school today. Right. And so, I mean, I think you're so right. You said God shaped hole in the size there, in the human heart. And I think there is a religious impulse. right. And I think that's why it happened. But I'm a Christian, too. I think that's God trying to pull us back to him in some sense. But for the militant atheists. For the secular liberals progressivism. Right. That's become the new it's a new age in the church. And it's doing all the same work. And you have the sacrificial liturgies. And I think this is why the left is so obsessed with abortion. Right is the sacrificial ritual. And it's I mean, it's ghastly, right? The problem is there's no redemption. There's no forgiveness. This secular progressive religion doesn't have any of the benefits of actual religious truth and beauty. And it's and so it's a dead end. But people believe in it. People believe in it. And I mean, I think this is just, it's the communist impulse.” [Interview with Congressman Madison Cawthorn, 1/20/22]; 220120_ASP_329_A
Masters Opposed The Right To An Abortion But Said He Did Not Arrive At That Position Through Religion, But Rather Said “I Thought That Intellectually.” According to transcript, “Some people are illogical about it . Some people are religious about it . Some people are not. There's going to be disagreement on this issue in America . But for me , it's very clear. I felt it. I thought that intellectually. I thought that seriously before and after having kids , three beautiful boy. Actually , my one year old was brought home during the pandemic back when we thought covid, it actually may have been really bad. But seeing my baby boy born at home , you know how anyone could think that.” [Pima County Republican Club, 08/03/21]; 210803_ASP_083_A
Masters Said Abortion Rights Were “Invented By A Liberal Court.” Blake Masters tweeted, “Because the 2A is in the Bill of Rights and ‘abortion rights’ were invented by a liberal court.” [Twitter, @bgmasters, 12/4/21]
[VIDEO] Masters Supported Banning Roe, Arguing, “I Don’t Think That’s Satisfactory. I Think That’s Playing Defense” And Stated His Support For A Federal Abortion Ban, “The Federal Government Needs To Protect Life. I Don’t Think California And Oregon Should Just Be Able To Do Whatever They Want.” “‘So it's got to go. And some candidates will say that Roe v. Wade is going to go and return the issue to the states.’ 20:30 MASTERS: ‘And I don't think that's satisfactory. I think that's playing defense. You know, we have the 14th Amendment to the US Constitution says no state deprive any person of life or liberty of property with the little baby in the womb doesn't have too much property. Right. But it's hard to imagine a greater deprivation of liberty and life than being dismembered in the womb in eight months. I don't think it's enough to return it to the states. Do you think, Oregon? Should allow Planned Parenthood to go in and, you know, suffer a spinal cord per baby.’ […] You know, there's going to be some debate, but the federal government needs to protect life. I don't think California and Oregon should just be able to do whatever they want. I don't think that's what my office looks like. It's going to be a lot of people who don't want to hear that.” [United Patriots AZ, 01/26/22]; 220126_ASP_357_A, 220126_ASP_357_B
In Response To A Tweet Describing The Anti-Trans, Anti-Abortion Bills Ducey Signed, Masters Tweeted: “Actually, The Bills: - Protect Babies From Being Killed – Prohibit Men From Competing As Women – Block Doctors From Pumping Kids Full Of Hormones To ‘Transition’ Them – Ensure Only U.S. Citizens Can Vote” Blake Masters tweeted, “Actually, the bills: - protect babies from being killed - prohibit men from competing as women - block doctors from pumping kids full of hormones to “transition” them - ensure only U.S. citizens can vote” [Twitter, @bgmasters, 3/30/22]
Masters Said That “There’s A Genocide Happening In America” Due To Roe V. Wade. According to The Daily Wire, “Masters continued that trend on Thursday by releasing a campaign video imploring the Supreme Court of the United States to overturn Roe v. Wade. Masters said the country needed to ‘get back to not killing babies’ and provided a special emphasis on the impact that abortion has had on the black community. ‘There’s a genocide happening in America. Under Roe v. Wade, the federal government recognizes a ‘right’ to kill babies in the womb,’ Masters stated in the video. ‘And so every year, hundreds of thousands of young lives are destroyed.’ ‘Thirty percent of black babies are aborted in this country. We’re talking 20 million babies since 1973. We got to get back to not killing babies,” he added. “And it starts with overturning Roe.’” [Daily Wire, 12/2/21]
Masters Tweeted: “Bye Bye Roe” Blake Masters Tweeted: “bye bye Roe” [Twitter, @bgmasters, 5/2/22]
[VIDEO] Blake Masters On Roe V Wade Being Overturned: ““I Think It’s A Pro-Life State And I Think This Is A Pro-Life Country.” “I think it’s a pro-life state and I think this is a pro-life country. Mark Kelly, he doesn’t care about the open border, he doesn’t care about inflation, it’s why he’s a rubber-stamp vote for the Joe Biden agenda. What he does cares about apparently, is unlimited partial-birth abortion. He can’t articulate any single restriction. He’s for, he’s all for Planned ParenthooD going in at seven months in utero to sever spinal cords and dismember babies. I’m sorry to be so graphic, but like, we have to talk at this level. That’s what it is. I think it’s ghastly. He’s out of step with Arizona. I’m running on a bold agenda, this President Trump 2016 agenda. It was great on the life issue, it’s great on every issue,,, . What’s happening to our country is unacceptable. What the left is doing is unacceptable and we’re going to take this country back.” [Fox News: The Ingraham Angle, 5/5/22]
Following The Supreme Court Decision Overturning Roe Masters Tweeted: “This Is A Huge Victory For Children Across This Country. For Decades, We Allowed A Terrible Court Ruling To Justify An Abortion Regime. That Ends Today.” Blake Masters tweeted, “This is a huge victory for children across this country. For decades, we allowed a terrible Court ruling to justify an abortion regime. That ends today.” [Twitter, @bgmasters, 6/24/22]
Masters Called The Supreme Court Decision Overturning Roe V Wade “A Wonderful Gift” “For Life.” Blake Masters tweeted, “Happy Birthday to @cathiherrod, who has been leading the pro-life fight in Arizona for decades. Only fitting that this monumental decision came today — a wonderful gift for Cathi and for life.” [Twitter, @bgmasters, 6/24/22]
Masters On The Supreme Court Decisions On Abortion And Gay Marriage: “The Supreme Court Just Squinting And Making Up So-Called Rights In The Constitution—The Right To Privacy That Was For Abortion, The Right To Gay Marriage—I Disagree With That.” “Frankly, the Supreme Court just squinting and making up so-called rights in the Constitution—the right to privacy that was for abortion, the right to gay marriage—I disagree with that.” [Daily Beast, 6/27/22]
Masters Posted To Facebook: “Overturning Roe Is A Tremendous Victory. Millions Of Americans’ Prayers Have Been Answered. We Have To Create A Pro-life, Pro-family Culture In This Country Again.” Blake masters posted to Facebook, “Overturning Roe is a tremendous victory. Millions of Americans’ prayers have been answered. We have to create a pro-life, pro-family culture in this country again.” [Facebook, Blake Masters, 6/30/22]
[AUDIO] Masters Attacked Companies For Offering Funds To Assist Employees With Obtaining An Abortion. “The thing that companies are telling you they’ll pay you to go and terminate a pregnancy to, you know, to kill a child in the womb. But they don't offer generous maternity leave benefits. You know, for a woman that's working that does want to start a family, it's these companies, these WOKE companies, they pretend to care about women and they're just showing that they don't. Right. They're just putting their thumb on the scale and left wing ideology. And they actually don't support working families because they don't want families. They want workers. They want workers without children.” [Breitbart, 6/26/22]
Masters Lamented That The New York Times Was Focused On Climate Change And Abortion Access Instead Of A Mass Shooting In Which The Shooter Was Killed By A Bystander. Blake Masters tweeted, “Things the NY Times finds more important than an armed 22-year-old heroically stopping a mass murder in an Indiana mall: 1. British heatwave 2. Wind Turbines in Spain 3. Colleges Students’ Access to Abortion Pills 4. ‘Stop the Steal’ 5. Glowing fish” [Twitter, @bgmasters, 7/19/22]