May 2019: Kemp Signed Six-Week “Fetal Heartbeat” Abortion Ban Into Law. According to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, “When Gov. Brian Kemp signed one of the nation's strictest anti-abortion bills into law on Tuesday, he made good on a campaign promise but also set the stage for a legal battle that the legislation's critics hope will spill over to the polls in 2020. Supporters filled a ceremonial room in Kemp's office and applauded House Bill 481, which outlaws most abortions once a doctor can detect a fetus' ‘heartbeat’ — usually about six weeks into a pregnancy and before many women know they're pregnant.” [Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 5/7/19]
Brian Kemp On SCOTUS Overturning Roe V Wade And Impact On GA Heartbeat Bill: “We're Going To End Up In A Supreme Court One Day Unless This Ruling Comes Out And Changes That And It Becomes The Law Of The Land. And I'm Very Proud Of That, It Is The Strongest Pro-Life Legislation In The Country.” Well, it's you know, I think it's tragic that the draft leaked like that, it's obviously a political ploy by somebody, but that doesn't change the fact that Georgia, by one vote, I might add, because of our hard work and really pushing and working with the General Assembly, passed the heartbeat bill. And we stood up to the cancel culture in Hollywood and we continue to fight that in the court of law. And we're going to end up in a Supreme Court one day unless this ruling comes out and changes that and it becomes the law of the land. And I'm very proud of that, it is the strongest pro-life legislation in the country. But I also think it makes sense. You know, what we did makes a lot of sense. But we have a you know, we have a strong value of life, not just at the heartbeat with that legislation, but we've done adoption reform, foster care reform. Marty Kemp has done more than anyone in the country to raise awareness on ending human trafficking and going after the perpetrators and supporting the victims. Really, we are the voice of all those people that are out there and have been in the trenches for decades doing this. And we're glad to be in the fight with them and just can't thank them enough for what they're doing. But that's our values and our state. And it always has been. [Martha Zoller Show, 05/03/22]
Brian Kemp Statement On Roe V Wade: “Georgia Is A State That Values Life At All Stages “Georgia is a state that values life at all stages. We look forward to the court issuing its final ruling, however, this unprecedented beach of U.S. Supreme Court protocol is deeply concerning.” [WAGA-ATL (FOX), 5/3/22]
May 2019: Kemp Signed A Fetal Heartbeat Bill Which Banned Abortion After Six Weeks Into A Pregnancy. According to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, “When Gov. Brian Kemp signed one of the nation’s strictest anti-abortion bills into law on Tuesday, he made good on a campaign promise but also set the stage for a legal battle that the legislation’s critics hope will spill over to the polls in 2020. Supporters filled a ceremonial room in Kemp’s office and applauded House Bill 481, which outlaws most abortions once a doctor can detect a fetus’ ‘heartbeat’ — usually about six weeks into a pregnancy and before many women know they’re pregnant.” [Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 5/7/19]
VIDEO: Kemp Said He Would Support A Texas-Style Abortion Ban In Georgia. According to WXIA, “KEMP: We’re going to stay in the fight on the heartbeat bill. You know, we certainly appreciate what they did in Texas. HOST: Governor Brian Kemp signed the heartbeat bill into law in 2019 and now says he will back legislative efforts to give his legislation Texas-style legal standing. KEMP: We think it will be successful and we’ll continue to see how the Texas case moves along and work with the legislature on anything that they want to do that would be pro-life.” [WXIA, 9/16/21]