Vance Said The Right Was “Rightfully Worried, And Even Appalled By Some Of The Rhetoric From The Left On Abortion These Days” Citing Northam’s And Democratic Presidential Nominees Stances On Third Trimester Abortion And Stacey Abram’s “Bad For Business” Comment. According to The American Conservative by J.D. Vance, “We are on the Right rightfully worried, and even appalled, by some of the rhetoric from the Left on abortion these days. Governor Northam of Virginia talking about aborting a child in the third trimester, the fact that every 2020 Democratic presidential candidate has endorsed, in some measure, third trimester abortion. But when I think about the modern Democratic Party’s rhetoric on abortion, the thing that worries me most is not what they’ve said about third trimester abortions, it’s what Stacey Abrams said about the Georgia heartbeat bill not long ago, that it was bad for business. And of course, she’s right. Workers with children are more expensive, their healthcare policies cost more, they are less dedicated to their jobs and more dedicated to their families, and I say we want more of those workers and less of Stacey Abrams’ workers.” [American Conservative By J.D. Vance, 5/29/19]
Vance: Though Workers Are More Expensive, “We Want More Of Those Workers And Less Of Stacey Abrams’ Workers.” According to The American Conservative by J.D. Vance, “But when I think about the modern Democratic Party’s rhetoric on abortion, the thing that worries me most is not what they’ve said about third trimester abortions, it’s what Stacey Abrams said about the Georgia heartbeat bill not long ago, that it was bad for business. And of course, she’s right. Workers with children are more expensive, their healthcare policies cost more, they are less dedicated to their jobs and more dedicated to their families, and I say we want more of those workers and less of Stacey Abrams’ workers.” [American Conservative By J.D. Vance, 5/29/19]
Vance Said He Expected His Christian Faith To Help Guide His Policies. According to AP, “Just before Easter, Vance posted a lengthy essay on his spiritual journey from Christian evangelical roots into atheism and then to becoming Catholic. Among others, he quoted Saint Augustine and Jules, the ‘Pulp Fiction’ hit man played by Samuel L. Jackson. He expects his Christian faith to help guide his policies for those who are struggling in life.” [AP, 4/16/1]
Vance Said His Views On Public Policy Were Aligned With The Catholic Church But Said The Republican Party Socially Conservative Wing Had To Be Broader Than Just Abortion Issues. According to The American Conservative, “My views on public policy and what the optimal state should look like are pretty aligned with Catholic social teaching. That was one of the things that drew me to the Catholic Church. I saw a real overlap between what I would like to see and what the Catholic Church would like to see. I hope my faith makes me more compassionate and to identify with people who are struggling. But my politics have been pretty consistent over the past few years. I think the Republican Party has been too long a partnership between social conservatives and market libertarians, and I don’t think social conservatives have benefited too much from that partnership. Part of social conservatism’s challenge for viability in the 21st century is that it can’t just be about issues like abortion, but it has to have a broader vision of political economy, and the common good.” [American Conservative, 8/11/19]
Vance Opposed Exceptions To Abortion Bans For Rape And Incest, And Referred To Situations Like Rape And Incest As “Inconvenient” According to Axios, “J.D. Vance, the Trump-endorsed author of ‘Hillbilly Elegy’ who was victorious in a crowded Republican primary last week, told Spectrum News he doesn't think rape and incest exceptions are necessary. Vance said, ‘Two wrongs don’t make a right,’ adding, ‘The question to me is really about the baby.’ ‘It’s not whether a woman should be forced to bring a child to term, it’s whether a child should be allowed to live, even though the circumstances of that child’s birth are somehow inconvenient or a problem to the society,’ Vance said.” [Axios, 5/8/22]
Vance On Not Allowing Abortion For Rape Or Incest: “As Much As People Focus On The Rape And Incest Exceptions…it’s Incredibly Rare. Most Abortions Do Not Come From That Situation As Horrific And Tragic As It Is. Most Abortions Come Out Of Convenience” According to WKBN27, “Vance does not support allowing abortion for rape or incest. ‘I’m 100% pro-life. I’ve always been 100% pro-life…As much as people focus on the rape and incest exceptions…it’s incredibly rare. Most abortions do not come from that situation as horrific and tragic as it is. Most abortions come out of convenience,’ said Vance.” [WKBN27, 6/22/22]
[VIDEO] Vance: “I’m Pro-Life, But I’m Not Gonna Throw Young Women To The Wolves. I’m Not Gonna Say, Okay, I’m Pro-life, But You Get No Supports, You Get No Health Care, No Options.” “I guess message number one is let’s actually have the debate. Let's actually have the conversation in the state of Ohio, ask the federal government to figure out what our abortion policy is gonna be. And then also how are we gonna support young mothers as they start off this incredibly difficult decision about how to bring new life in the world? But hopefully my argument to those women is that, yes, I'm pro-life, but I'm not gonna throw young women to the wolves. I'm not gonna say, okay, I'm pro-life, but you get no supports, you get no health care, no options. I think we have to do all those things to ensure that the pro-life position is fully lived. I believe in exceptions for life of the mother. I believe in exceptions where you have these incredibly difficult medical circumstances. I mean, you just can't tell a young mom who's forced to choose between life and death that you're gonna step in in that circumstance. The one silver lining here is that that is incredibly rare. Thank God it's incredibly rare. The meat of the abortion debate is not these incredibly unusual circumstances. It's where you have, you know, people using abortion basically as another form of birth control, and I think that's where we've really gone down the wrong path in this country.” [WJW: Fox 8 News, 6/1/22]
[VIDEO] Vance Said He Supported An Exception To Abortion Bans Only In Cases Where The Life Of The Mother Was Threatened. “I'm not gonna say, okay, I'm pro-life, but you get no supports, you get no health care, no options. I think we have to do all those things to ensure that the pro-life position is fully lived. I believe in exceptions for life of the mother. I believe in exceptions where you have these incredibly difficult medical circumstances. I mean, you just can't tell a young mom who's forced to choose between life and death that you're gonna step in in that circumstance. The one silver lining here is that that is incredibly rare. Thank God it's incredibly rare. The meat of the abortion debate is not these incredibly unusual circumstances. It's where you have, you know, people using abortion basically as another form of birth control, and I think that's where we've really gone down the wrong path in this country.” [WJW: Fox 8 News, 6/1/22]
[AUDIO] Vance Indicated He Would Support A Federal Personhood Law Arguing, “I’m One Of These Guys Who Thinks We Should Fight For The Life Of Every Unborn Baby, I Think That We Should, We Should Enshrine The Right To Life In Our Law.” “So look, I'm one of these guys who thinks we should fight for the life of every unborn baby, I think that we should, we should enshrine the right to life in our law. But it's crazy to me that this this abortion debate is today and the media, of course, has taken the debate totally. They're letting these guys off the hook for pushing the most radical abortion policies anywhere in the world. And I think most American people, even people who disagree with me on abortion, they do not want the Tim Ryan abortion policy of 39 weeks, you know, abortion on demand.” [Bill Cunningham, 05/05/2022]
Vance Said “We Now Enter A New Phase Of The Pro-Life Movement” And Vowed To “Continue The Fight” Through Federal And Local Action. According to a press release from JD Vance via Twitter, “We now enter a new phase of the pro-life movement. We will continue the fight to ensure that every young mother has the resources they need to bring new life into the world. We will build an economy where it's possible to sustain and support our children. We will expand adoption and promote pregnancy centers, so that every child has the loving home they deserve. Some of our efforts will be federal, and others local, but all will be focused on the simple principle that life is worth protecting- from the moment it begins until its natural end.” [Twitter, @JDVance1, 6/24/22]
Vance On Whether He Would Support A Federal Personhood Law: “Not Right Now.” According to NBC News, ‘“It sounds like you don’t think the Senate or the federal government should have a role on abortion’ Vance: ‘Not right now. Not right now. I think we need to let the states figure this stuff out, the ruling is new, the laws are new the legal regime is new and what the Supreme Court really gave us an opportunity to do was to focus on this stuff at the state level.” [NBC News, 7/8/22]
The Susan B. Anthony List, An Anti-Abortion Group, Endorsed Vance For U.S. Senate In Ohio. According to Breitbart, “The Susan B. Anthony (SBA) List is weighing in on the Ohio Senate election and backing Republican J.D. Vance in his race against Democrat Rep. Tim Ryan, Breitbart News has learned. The group praised Vance in a statement Tuesday for being a voice for the pro-life movement and blasted Ryan, who converted from a pro-life Democrat to pro-abortion in the midst of his 20-year tenure in Congress.” [Breitbart, 5/31/22]
[VIDEO] Vance Issued A Statement Celebrating The Overturning Of Roe: “Today Is A Great Day. It Vindicates A Half Century Of Work And Gives Us An Opportunity To Live Up Our Founding Creed, That All Of Us Are Truly Created Equal.” “Today is a great day. It vindicates a half century of work and gives us an opportunity to live up our founding creed, that all of us are truly created equal.” [WJW: Fox 8 News, 6/24/22]
Vance Lamented That “An Unelected Panel Of Judges” Had Allowed “Abortion On Demand” To Be Legal For His Entire Life, And Celebrated The End Of Abortion Rights In America. According to a press release from JD Vance via Twitter, “JD Vance, candidate for U.S. Senate in Ohio, today issued the following statement on the U.S. Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade. ‘I am 37 years old, and for my entire life abortion on demand- decreed by an unelected panel of judges- has been forced on the nation. Today is a great day. It vindicates a half century of work, and gives us an opportunity to live up our founding creed- that all of us are truly created equal.” [Twitter, @JDVance1, 6/24/22]
[VIDEO] Vance Suggested That Forced Birth Should Be Viewed As An “Opportunity” “So one of our jobs, one of my jobs as hopefully your future senator, is to make sure that if a young woman does get pregnant there are options available. That she isn’t forced to have an abortion because there's nothing else there, but she sees having a baby, maybe a little, you know, sometimes unplanned, of course, but maybe as an opportunity because of how we treat it.” [WJW: Fox 8 News, 6/28/22]
Vance Compared Abortion To Slavery: “There’s Something Comparable Between Abortion And Slavery, And That While The People Who Obviously Suffer The Most Are Those Subjected To It, I Think It Has This Morally Distorting Effect On The Entire Society” According to Vice, “JD Vance compared abortion to slavery in an interview last fall, drawing a controversial parralel between America’s original sin and a procedure that until recently was a constitutional right. ‘There’s something comparable between abortion and slavery, and that while the people who obviously suffer the most are those subjected to it, I think it has this morally distorting effect on the entire society,’ Vance, the GOP nominee for an open Ohio Senate seat, said in an interview with the Catholic Current last October.” [Vice, 7/7/22]
The Ohio Legislative Black Caucus Criticized Vance For His Comments Comparing Abortion To Slavery. According to the Ohio Capital Journal, “A month out from the Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v. Wade, Ohio Democrats are doing their best to keep abortion on voters’ minds. The Ohio Legislative Black Caucus is criticizing Republican U.S. Senate nominee J.D. Vance over comments likening the impact of slavery to that of abortion. In an interview with the Catholic Current last year, Vance emphasized the societal impact of abortion in describing his opposition to the procedure. ‘There’s something comparable between abortion and slavery,’ Vance said, ‘and that while the people who obviously suffer the most are those subjected to it, I think it has this morally distorting effect on the entire society.”’ [Ohio Capital Journal, 7/26/22]
[VIDEO] Vance Stood By His Comments Comparing Abortion To Slavery Saying, “Certainly, I Still Stand By What I Said” Before Also Saying “Abortion Is Not Comparable To Slavery Since They’re Very Different Things” “Certain things about abortion that makes us less, I think, whole as a society. In the same way that I think slavery was, obviously, extraordinarily bad, you know, abortion also causes some negative follow on effects. That’s really the point of my comments, and certainly, I still stand by what I said. Abortion is not comparable to slavery, since they’re very different things, but I think they are both moral problems that we have to deal with as a society if we actually want to be a good place to live and a good place to raise a family.” [WTVG: 13abc Action News, 7/12/22]
Vance Endorsed Justice Patrick Fischer For Reelection Who Has Been Criticized For Comparing Roe V. Wade To Dread Scott V. Sandford And Plessy V. Ferguson. According to The American Independent, “Speaking to supporters at a campaign canvass launch, Vance, a millionaire venture capitalist and author, welcomed Fischer, who is seeking a second six-year term on the state's highest court. […] He made headlines in July for saying at a Delaware City Republican Club event that the landmark 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling — which held that the right to have an abortion was protected by the Constitution and remained on the books for nearly 50 years before the Dobbs ruling overturned it — was based on arguments similar to those in decisions that upheld slavery and racial segregation. ‘Ladies and gentlemen, do you know what substantive due process is? It would take me hours to go into it,’ Fischer told the group. ‘But you know what it's the basis for? The Dred Scott decision. Not good. It's the basis for Plessy v. Ferguson. Not good. And it was the basis for Roe v. Wade.’” [American Independent, 8/31/22]
Heartland Signal: “J.D. Vance Flip-flops On Federal Abortion Ban” [Heartland Signal, 7/26/22]
Vance Flip-Flopped On His Support For A Federal Abortion Ban After Initially Saying He “Would Like Abortion To Be Illegal Nationally” Vance Moderated His Position, Later Saying The Federal Government Should Not Have A Role In Banning Abortion “Right Now.” According to the Heartland Signal, “The Donald Trump-endorsed candidate, ‘Hillbilly Elegy’ author and one-time investment banker said on a Meet the Press segment earlier this month that while he believes the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe vs. Wade was a good thing, the federal government should not have a role in banning abortion ‘right now.’ ‘When we’re figuring this new legal regime out, I think it makes sense to let the states decide this stuff,’ Vance said. ‘And right now, states are moving in a pro-life direction, and I think that’s a good thing.’ Vance has seemed to shift positions from earlier this year, when he told the political podcast ‘What’s Left?’ that he ‘would like abortion to be illegal nationally.”’ [Heartland Signal, 7/26/22]
Vance On Whether He Would Support A Federal Personhood Law: “Not Right Now.” According to NBC News, ‘“It sounds like you don’t think the Senate or the federal government should have a role on abortion’ Vance: ‘Not right now. Not right now. I think we need to let the states figure this stuff out, the ruling is new, the laws are new the legal regime is new and what the Supreme Court really gave us an opportunity to do was to focus on this stuff at the state level.” [NBC News, 7/8/22]
Vance Said That Beyond Being Anti-Abortion, “Pro-Life” Meant “Also Ensuring That Moms Have The Ability To Take Care Of The Kids, That Kids Have Good Health Care.” According to WLWT5, “Vance suggested economic support as a trade-off. ‘The way I think about it is pro-life is not just anti-abortion,’ Vance said. ‘That's one part of it and I do think it's important that we protect life legally. But it's also ensuring that moms have the ability to take care of the kids, that kids have good health care. Those are things that I think we can work on.’” [WLWT5, 7/11/22]