HEADLINE: “Democrats Attack GOP U.S. Senate Candidate Kevin Nicholson For Changing Views On Abortion” [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 8/10/17]
While Nicholson Described Himself As “Strongly Pro-Life,” In 2000, Nicholson Previously Spoke In Support Of A “Woman’s Right To Choose” As President Of The College Democrats Of America At The 2000 DNC Convention. According to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, “Democrats stepped up their attack Thursday against Republican U.S. Senate candidate Kevin Nicholson on the issue of abortion. The Delafield businessman and former U.S. Marine said he is ‘strongly pro-life,’ but 17 years ago as president of the College Democrats of America he spoke in support of a ‘woman’s right to choose.’ […] Nicholson spoke at the 2000 Democratic National Convention, where he supported a woman’s right to choose. He also faxed a letter on June 28, 2000, to EMILY’s List, praised the group’s work and said there was ‘great potential for a strong partnership.’” [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 8/10/17]
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Nicholson Was A “Staunch Abortion [Foe]” But Would Not Say If He Wanted “The U.S. Supreme Court’s Landmark Roe V. Wade Decision Overturned.” According to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, “Republican U.S. Senate candidates Kevin Nicholson and Leah Vukmir are staunch abortion foes — but won’t say if they want the U.S. Supreme Court’s landmark Roe v. Wade decision overturned. […] ‘I believe the Constitution is pro-life,’ Nicholson said, adding that he would ‘support judges that also view the Constitution as pro-life.’ The two candidates are walking a fine line since the possibility of overturning Roe v. Wade is the greatest it has been in decades because of the retirement of Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy.” [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 7/31/18]
2018: Nicholson Supported Banning Abortion In All Cases, Including In Cases Of Rape And Incest. According to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, “Nicholson said the ad ‘misrepresents’ his views on the issue. He said he has become pro-life through his experiences of marriage and raising his family. ‘They know the mission of the pro-life movement is to pull people to the side of protecting innocent life, and my story is representative,’ he said. The two candidates received a 100% rating on answers to a questionnaire from Pro-Life Wisconsin. In that questionnaire, the candidates agreed to vote in favor of legislation that bans abortion in all cases, including rape and incest. They also agreed to back the Sanctity of Human Life Act, which says human life begins with fertilization.” [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 7/31/18]
Nicholson Prayed That Roe V. Wade Would Be Overturned. According to American Independent, “‘What we're seeing here,’ he said, ‘is that Roe v. Wade may be overturned. And I pray that it will be.’” [American Independent, 5/11/22]
Nicholson Said “We Are Going To Protect Innocent Life. And We Are Going To Actually Enforce The Laws On The Books.” According to Fox6 News Milwaukee, “A Wisconsin law from 1849 and still on the books bans abortions, but Roe has made that unenforceable. After Roe is scrapped, the state law would be back, but likely would face legal challenges. […] ‘We are going to protect innocent life. And we are going to actually enforce the laws on the books," said Republican Kevin Nicholson on The Regular Joe Show.’” [Fox6 News Milwaukee, 5/5/22]
Nicholson Called On Evers, Kaul, And Chisholm To “Respect And Enforce Existing Wisconsin Law Banning Abortions, Should Roe V. Wade Be Overturned.” According to a press release from Nicholson’s campaign, “Kevin Nicholson is calling on Governor Tony Evers, Attorney General Josh Kaul, and Milwaukee County District Attorney John Chisholm to respect and enforce existing Wisconsin law banning abortions in the state, should Roe v. Wade be overturned by the Supreme Court of the United States.” [Kevin Nicholson via WisPolitics, press release, 5/4/22]
Nicholson: “I’m Proudly Pro-Life And Proud To Have The Endorsements Of Pro-Life Wisconsin And Wisconsin Family Action PAC!” “I’m proudly pro-life and proud to have the endorsements of Pro-Life Wisconsin and Wisconsin Family Action PAC!” [Facebook, Kevin Nicholson, 5/4/22]
Nicholson Tweeted “I Pray This Is True” In Response To Politico Article Politico Article That Said Supreme Court Voted To Overturn Abortion Rights. According to Nicholson’s Twitter, “I pray this is true. politico.com/news/2022/05/0…” [Twitter, @KevinMNicholson, 5/2/22]
Nicholson Said He Considered Himself “Unapologetically Pro-Life” Then Said “Left’s #FakeNews Outlets Can Vilify And Attack Me And The Great Work @NBFCorp Has Done All They Want” And Was “Proud” Of The Work They Both Have Done. According to Nicholson’s Twitter, “I'm unapologetically pro-life. The Left’s #FakeNews outlets can vilify and attack me and the great work @NBFCorp has done all they want, but I’m proud of the work we’ve done to support and help families as they bring new life into the world.” [Twitter, @KevinMNicholson, 4/22/22]
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Nicholson Did Not “Want To Create Additional Exceptions” If Wisconsin’s Abortion Ban Was Reinstated. According to Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, “The U.S. Supreme Court this summer will decide whether to keep in place the Roe v. Wade decision. A ruling overturning it could immediately reinstate Wisconsin's 19th-century law banning almost all abortions. […] Wisconsin has a law on the books from 1849 that bans abortion except to save the life of a woman. That law has been on hold since Roe was decided in 1973 but would go back into effect if the justices overturned that ruling, as attorneys for Mississippi have requested. […] The Republicans running for governor — former Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch, management consultant Kevin Nicholson and state Rep. Timothy Ramthun — don’t want to create additional exceptions if Wisconsin’s abortion ban is reinstated.” [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 3/24/22]
Nicholson Said He Would End State Funding Of Planned Parenthood And Instead Publicly Fund Pregnancy Resource Centers. According to Nicholson’s Twitter, “.@ProLifeWI, @WRTL, @WIFamilyAction, & @WILawLiberty are right to call out @GovEvers. As Governor, I'll ensure we end state funding going to Planned Parenthood. Instead, we will initiate state funding of existing Pregnancy Resource Centers throughout WI.” [Twitter, @KevinMNicholson, 2/28/22]
Nicholson’s Spokesperson Said He Would “Sign Legislation That Prevents Abortion And Protects Innocent Life.” According to Wisconsin Public Radio, “Proposed laws prohibiting abortion when a fetal heartbeat is detected have surfaced in Wisconsin and other states ahead of a key U.S. Supreme Court decision on a Mississippi law that could end or weaken the landmark Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion across the country. […] A campaign spokeswoman for Kevin Nicholson told WPR, ‘As governor, Kevin would sign legislation that prevents abortion and protects innocent life.’”[Wisconsin Public Radio, 2/21/22]