Section Overview:
Kevin Smith Said He Opposed Abortion. According to the Union Leader, “The candidate said he opposes gay marriages and abortion -- including all partial-birth abortions -- and would join the fight to promote abstinence-based school health classes.” [Union Leader, 7/26/96]
May 1997: Kevin Smith Opposed Legislation Repealing New Hampshire’s 1848 Laws Banning Abortion, Calling It “One Of The Most Anti-Women Bills.” According to the Union Leader, “Following a 50-minute emotional debate, legislation repealing New Hampshire's 1848 laws banning abortion won final passage in the House yesterday. ‘To remove all restrictions against abortion in this state puts every conceived child at peril of loss of life,’ said Rep. John Root, R-Bristol. ‘These laws are ineffective, unused and unconstitutional. If you want to call something feel-good legislation, keeping them there is it,’ said Rep. Deborah Woods, R-Stratham. A bid to table the bill failed in a 228-122 roll call. Repeal prevailed by a subsequent 206-144 roll call and reconsideration was shouted down. Aides say that Gov. Jeanne Shaheen will sign the bill into law when it makes its way to her desk. […] ‘It's unfortunate that this bill comes just four days before Mother's Day when it's one of the most anti-women bills this session,’ said Rep. Kevin Smith, R-Londonderry. ‘There will be no more penalties against doctors who damage the life or health of a woman during an abortion,’ he said.” [Union Leader, 5/8/97]
1997: Kevin Smith Effectively Voted Against Repealing Certain Laws Relative To Abortions. In May 1997, according to the Journal of the House of Representatives of the State of New Hampshire, Kevin Smith voted in favor of a motion to lay on the table, thus voting against “repealing laws relative to abortion.” The vote was on a motion to lay on the table. The New Hampshire House of Representatives rejected the motion by a vote of 122-228. [New Hampshire House Journal Pg. 725-728, 5/7/97; House Actions, S.B. 34; Bill Status, S.B. 34]
1997: Kevin Smith Effectively Voted Against Repealing Certain Laws Relative To Abortions. In May 1997, according to the Journal of the House of Representatives of the State of New Hampshire, Kevin Smith voted against the majority report, which considered the bill as ought to pass, thus voting against “repealing laws relative to abortion.” The vote was on the adoption of the majority report. The New Hampshire House of Representatives adopted the report by a vote of 206-144 and ultimately became law. [New Hampshire House Journal Pg. 725-731, 5/7/97; House Actions, S.B. 34; Bill Status, S.B. 34]
[VIDEO] Smith Touted His Conservative Record And Proudly Referenced His Title As Pro-Life Legislator Of 1997. “I’m not a Johnny Come Lately to the conservative movement. For those of you who know me, you know that in the legislature 25 years ago I had the voting record. I was just as conservative as I am today. I was made the pro-life legislator of the year back in 1997. I was a founding member of the House Republican alliance, my good friend Paul Mersky who’s endorsed my campaign. I ran a group called The Cornerstone over a decade ago. Fundraised a million dollars to help flip the house and the senate during that time” [Twitter, @TeamSmithforNH, 4/23/22]
Kevin Smith Touted His Pro-Life Record And Proudly Referenced His Pro-Family Legislator Of The Year Title. According an op-ed by Kevin Smith published in New Hampshire Journal, “First, as a new generation conservative leader, I have always been a proud pro-life Republican with reasonable exceptions to account for instances of rape, incest, and to save the life of the mother. In fact, I’m honored to have been named the Pro-family Legislator of the Year when I was just 20 years of age. I started fighting in the trenches for the conservative movement and New Hampshire families at 19 when I was first elected to the New Hampshire House—and I haven’t stopped.” [Kevin Smith Op-Ed – New Hampshire Journal, 5/10/22]
[AUDIO] Kevin Smith Touted His Record As “Pro Life Legislator Of The Year In 1997.” “It will be a fight. I am not a newcomer to the movement, I cut my teeth 25 years ago elected to the state house. I was named the pro life legislator of the year in 1997. We had a majority in the house but we found ourselves on the minority side a lot of the time so we built the HRA. I served on the staff of Bob Smith. Served on the staff of Craig Benson. Ran Cornerstone, we raised a million dollars to flip the house and senate. And my record of results speaks for itself. Throughout my entire professional life being in public service I tried to be conservative because it comes with trust, people want accountability and transparency. We had more hearings about alien encounters than the origin of the COVID. The only investigation done was by the WHO” [Don Bolduc, Vikram Mansharamani, Kevin Smith, Republican Memorial Day BBQ, Cornish, New Hampshire, 5/28/22; 220528_ZAP_1494
Kevin Smith Said He Supported An Exemption For Religious Organizations, Not All Employers, To Exclude Contraceptive Coverage From Their Health Plans. According the Associated Press, “Smith the GOP gubernatorial candidate, said he supports an exemption for religious organizations, not all employers. ‘The Legislature would be wise to be more specific about it,’ he said. Smith said granting an exemption to religious institutions protects their constitutional rights and has nothing to do with contraceptives.” [Associated Press, 3/6/12]
American Independent: New Hampshire GOP Senate Candidate Lied About His Record On Abortion Rights [American Independent, 5/13/22]
Kevin Smith Falsely Claimed He “Always” Supported Exceptions For Rape Incest, And Life Of The Mother. According to American Independent, “In an interview with local news station WMUR on Monday night, Smith claimed that while he opposes abortion, he has ‘always’ supported exceptions to a blanket abortion ban. ‘I've always been pro-life with exceptions for rape, incest, and life of the mother,’ Smith said. ‘And look, this latest draft decision, assuming it is the actual final decision, merely returns the issue to the states. In New Hampshire, we have what I think most people would consider is a more than reasonable law which restricts late-term abortions.’ In 1997, when Smith was serving as a member of New Hampshire's House of Representatives, he authored House Bill 768, which would have prohibited any physician from knowingly performing the intact dilation and extraction method of abortion — a surgical procedure used both after miscarriages and for abortions in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy — unless it was necessary to save the life of the mother. But Smith later amended the bill to remove exceptions regarding the mother's life, banning the procedure even ‘when it is medically necessary to preserve the mother's life or health.’ The bill was eventually defeated in the statehouse.” [American Independent, 5/13/22]
New Hampshire Business Review: “He Was Against A ‘Mother’s Life’ Exception Before He Was For It?” According to New Hampshire Business Review, “KS is a longtime anti-choicer — going back to his days as head of the Christian group Cornerstone Action, and even before then, when he was GOP rep. It was during his time as a rep in the late ‘90s when he sponsored a bill prohibiting a certain medical procedure that’s used for abortions as well as for treating women after a miscarriage. At first, he kept language in there that allowed the so-called D&E’s when the life of a mother was under threat. But he later changed his mind about that and inserted language removing all exceptions. So, a mother’s life under threat was a no-go. That was then. This is now. Shortly after the US Supreme Court’s Roe decision, KS, in an interview for Channel 9, told the newspeeps that he has ‘always’ supported exceptions to abortion. ‘I’ve always been pro-life with exceptions for rape, incest, and life of the mother,’ quoth KS. Hmmm … so he was against a ‘mother’s life’ exception before he was for it?’” [New Hampshire Business Review, 5/20/22]
2010: Kevin Smith Supported Legislation That Would Have Changed State Homicide Laws To Define A Fetus As A Human Life. According to the Union Leader, “The New Hampshire House rejected a bill that would have changed state homicide laws to define a fetus as a human life. The bill's sponsor said the bill specifically exempted abortions from its reach. However, opponents said the bill could infringe on abortion rights, as well as lead to other prosecutions not now allowed under law. The bill was defeated, 219-122. […] Kevin Smith of the conservative Cornerstone Policy Research criticized the outcome. ‘Even our State's Supreme Court has said New Hampshire's laws on this matter are outdated and 'unfortunate.' he said. Smith accused House leaders of being ‘beholden to the abortion lobby.’” [Union Leader, 2/18/10]
January 1998: Kevin Smith Voted To Require Doctors To Notify Parents Before Performing Abortions. According to the Associated Press, “Here is how the New Hampshire House voted Thursday on whether to require doctors to notify parents before performing abortions on their daughters. A yes vote was to kill the bill. It was killed, 232-103. […] NAYS […] Kevin H. Smith(r)” [Associated Press, 1/31/98]
1998: Kevin Smith Voted To Require Parental Notification Before Minors Undergo An Abortion Procedure. In January 1998, according to the Journal of the House of Representatives of the State of New Hampshire, Kevin Smith voted against the majority report, which considered the bill inexpedient to legislate, thus voted in favor of “requiring parental notification before abortions may be performed on certain minors.” The vote was on the adoption of the majority report. The New Hampshire House of Representatives adopted the report by a vote of 232-103, thus killing the bill. [New Hampshire House Journal Pg. 224-227, 1/29/98; House Actions, H.B. 1324; Bill Status, H.B. 1324]
2009: Kevin Smith Criticized The New Hampshire House For Voting Against Parental Notification Bills, Calling It A “Figurative Slap In The Face To The Parents Of New Hampshire.” According to the Union Leader, “The House yesterday killed three attempts to limit abortions for minors, including two versions of a parental notification bill. The House voted, 216-160, to kill House Bill 531, an attempt to restore a parental notification bill that was repealed two years ago. The bill would have required a girl younger than 18 to notify at least one parent before she could legally get an abortion. The bill included language to allow doctors to act without parents when delay could cause death or serious and irreversible injury. The vote was 228-148 on HB 274, a parental notification bill with different health-exception language. By a 222-146 vote, the House also killed a bill that would require a girl younger than 15 who sought an abortion to prove she had received counseling from a parent, mental health counselor, religious leader or pediatrician. […] Kevin Smith, executive director of Cornerstone Policy Research, said the votes were ‘a figurative slap in the face to the parents of New Hampshire. . . . Even though this legislation has overwhelming public support in this state, the House once again had no problem trampling on the rights of parents to be notified when their young daughter is considering what is a major medical procedure.’” [Union Leader, 3/25/09]
November 2010: After Republicans Won A Veto-Proof Majority At The State House, Kevin Smith Said They Should Re-Enact The Parental Notification Law For Abortions. According to the Union Leader, “Cornerstone President Kevin Smith said a gay marriage repeal and the re-enactment of a parental notification law for minors who seek abortions are now the top social priorities. He said ‘a clear majority of the voters are with us. They never wanted gay marriage in the first place.’ But Smith also said socially conservative lawmakers should not move too quickly or loudly. ‘I've cautioned a number of newly elected officials not to make social issues the number-one priority because they'll end up doing what the Democratic legislators did, over-play their hand,’ he said. ‘We should not spend months on the issue,’ drawing national attention, Smith suggested.” [Union Leader, 11/4/10]
March 2011: Kevin Smith Praised The House For Passing Legislation That Would Require Notification Of Parents Or Guardians Before A Minor Can Have An Abortion, According to the Union Leader, “The New Hampshire House passed a parental notification bill on abortion for teenagers Wednesday that includes language its sponsors say will pass any court review. The bill, HB 329, passed 256-102. It would require notification of parents or guardians before a minor can have an abortion. The bill provides a way for teens to go to court rather than their parents for permission, and for a doctor to act in a medical emergency. The bill would revive a state law that passed in 2003 but that the U.S. Supreme Court found flawed in the way it protected the health of young women. Rather than address its shortcomings, the Legislature repealed the law in 2007. […] Kevin Smith of Cornerstone Action praised the House for passing the bill. ‘This issue is not about abortion, as it is about a parent's right to know when their young daughter is seeking to undergo what is a major medical procedure,’ he said.” [Union Leader, 3/17/11]
May 2011: Kevin Smith Praised The Senate For Passing The Parental Notification Lobby, And Called On Governor Lynch To Oppose “The Extreme Abortion Lobby.” According to the Union Leader, “Cornerstone Action Executive Director Kevin Smith said after the vote: ‘We are very pleased that the Senate passed this commonsense parental notification bill by a veto-proof margin today. The big question now is whose side will Governor Lynch be on - will he side with the rights of parents in this state or will he side with the extreme abortion lobby.’ Last month, the House passed the bill, 256-102, a large enough margin to override a veto should Lynch try to block its passage.” [Union Leader, 5/26/11]
June 2011: Kevin Smith Criticized Governor Lynch For Vetoing The Parental Notification Bill, And Said He Was Caving To “The Radical Abortion Lobby.” According to the Associated Press, “His veto drew an immediate response from those on both sides of the abortion debate. ‘Despite the language in this year's version of parental notification having been vetted at the Supreme Court already, Lynch found fictitious nuances in the proposal in an effort to satisfy the radical abortion lobby,’ said Kevin Smith of the conservative group Cornerstone Action.” [Associated Press, 6/15/11]
After The New Hampshire Legislature Overrode Lynch’s Veto On Parental Notification, Kevin Smith Called It “A Major Victory For Parental Rights In New Hampshire.” According to CitizenLink, “In an extraordinary turn of events, New Hampshire celebrated two pro-life victories this week. On Wednesday morning, the Legislature voted to override Governor Jim Lynch's veto of a parental notification bill. The law, which requires abortion clinics to inform parents 48 hours before a minor has an abortion, will go into effect on Jan. 1. Then the state's Executive Council rejected by a vote of 3-2 the $1.8 million contract with Planned Parenthood of Northern New England over its abortion business. Kevin Smith, executive director of New Hampshire Cornerstone Action, was elated. ‘Today is a major victory for parental rights in New Hampshire. Parents have an inherent right to know if their minor daughter may be seeking a major medical procedure, such as an abortion,’ he said. ‘Thankfully, a super-majority in the Legislature voted to enact this commonsense law by overriding the Governor's ideologically-driven veto.’” [CitizenLink, 6/23/11]
Kevin Smith Testified In Favor Of Defunding Planned Parenthood. Cornerstone posted, “Ellen Kolb and Kevin Smith of Cornerstone Action testify this afternoon on behalf of a bill seeking to defund $104K of NH tax dollars from Planned Parenthood.” [Facebook, Cornerstone Action, 2/8/11]
March 2011: Kevin Smith Praised Pence Amendment To Defund Planned Parenthood. According to a Cornerstone letter to Frank Guinta authored by Kevin Smith, “Dear Congressman Guinta, On behalf of Cornerstone Action’s 6,000 members throughout New Hampshire, we thank you for your recent vote to support the Pence Amendment to the Continuing Resolution (H.R. 1). Standing up to Planned Parenthood is an act of courage and we commend you for it. The paid attacks on you that followed your vote are outrageous and our members within the First Congressional District will work to counteract the false and misleading claims at the heart of those ads.” [Kevin Smith Letter To Frank Guinta – Cornerstone, 3/7/11]
Kevin Smith Claimed There Was A “Pattern of Illegal Behavior By Planned Parenthood Employees” And That “This Is One Organization That Should Simply Be Off The Taxpayers’ Backs.” According to a Cornerstone letter to Frank Guinta authored by Kevin Smith, “The recently released videos from Live Action/Lila Rose show a pattern of illegal behavior by Planned Parenthood employees in several different states. Without these videos, the illegal acts would have gone undetected and unreported. You have good reason to apply the strictest scrutiny to Planned Parenthood nationwide. No private organization has an automatic entitlement to government funds and this is one organization that should simply be off the taxpayers’ backs. You may not be aware that the most recently released annual report (2009) for Planned Parenthood of Northern New England shows that PPNNE is an $18 million operation. Of that $18 million, only two-thirds go to patient services. While PPNNE’s lobbyist has testified that a cut in government funds will eliminate medical care for thousands of New Hampshire men, women and children, it is important to note that PPNNE manages to budget almost $600,000 for marketing. Another $715,000 goes to ‘public policy’ – including paying a lobbyist to keep the taxpayers’ cash flowing. Almost a quarter of a million dollars goes to PPFA program support, meaning to support to the national organization – the same one implicated in the recent videos. We applaud your vote. The residents of New Hampshire’s First Congressional District are proud of you!” [Kevin Smith Letter To Frank Guinta – Cornerstone, 3/7/11]
Kevin Smith Questioned If Taxpayer Funds Should Be Used To Benefit An Organization That Directly Or Indirectly Provides Abortions. According to the Union Leader, “A House committee on Wednesday put off until next year a decision on whether to block state funds from going to Planned Parenthood of Northern New England. A subcommittee last week voted unanimously to kill the bill, HB 228. Speaker of the House William O'Brien yesterday made a personal appeal to Republicans on the Health and Human Services and Elderly Affairs Committee to keep the bill alive by holding it for study over the coming year. The bill would have denied PPNNE and any hospital or clinic that provides abortion services access to any state funds or federal funds that come to it through the state Department of Health and Human Services. PPNNE policy director Kary Nealle Jencks said the organization receives just under $600,000 in federal Title X funds through HHS, and $877,000 in state funding. PPNNE provides family planning, reproductive health care, cancer screenings, testing for HIV and sexually transmitted diseases, as well as abortion services. A similar battle over funding of Planned Parenthood is going on in Washington. The U.S. House of Representatives voted to deny funding to PPNNE's parent organization, but the Senate yesterday rejected the House action. Kevin Smith, director of Cornerstone Action, said the question in Concord whether taxpayer funds should be used to benefit an organization that directly or indirectly provides abortions.” [Union Leader, 3/10/11]
June 2011: Kevin Smith Praised The Executive Council For Rejecting A Contract For Planned Parenthood, And Said “Women Deserve Better.” According to a press release from Cornerstone, “Yesterday, by a vote of 3-2, the Executive Council rejected a contract worth almost $2 million for Planned Parenthood of Northern New England (PPNNE). Voting in favor of rejecting the contract were Councilors Wheeler, Wieczorek, and St. Hilaire. Commenting on the rejection of the contract was Cornerstone Director, Kevin Smith: ‘We applaud a majority of the Executive Council for scrutinizing every penny of tax-payer dollars by rejecting the contract for Planned Parenthood. The taxpayers have made it very clear that they do not want one cent going towards the funding of abortions, either directly or indirectly. Not to mention, it is obscene how much of PPNNE’s current revenue of $18 million is earmarked for things like overhead costs, salaries, marketing, and public policy advocacy. New Hampshire women deserve better than a ‘non-profit’ that would deny women health services because they value administrative costs and political power above patient care.’” [Press Release – Cornerstone, 6/23/11]
Kevin Smith Said It Was A “Banner Day For Babies Here In The Granite State.” According to the Family Research Council, “As reported by Kevin Smith, the Executive Director of Cornerstone, the Granite states leading family policy organization: ‘This has truly been a banner day for the babies here in the Granite State... in a completely unexpected and under the radar move today, the NH Executive Council (which is like our lieutenant Governor, but it's made up of 5 elected officials from across the state), which along with the Governor has to approve all state contracts above $2499 (yes, you read the correct) voted to REJECT the state contract for Planned Parenthood worth $1.8 million over the next two years!! This is simply amazing news! The vote was 3-2 and it is the first time that a state contract with PP has ever been rejected!’” [Family Research Council, 6/23/11]
1998: Kevin Smith Voted To Create A Woman’s Right-To-Know Law. In February 1998, according to the Journal of the House of Representatives of the State of New Hampshire, Kevin Smith voted against the majority report, which considered the bill inexpedient to legislate, thus voting in favor of “creating the woman's right to know law.” The vote was on the adoption of the majority report. The New Hampshire House of Representatives adopted the report by a vote of 271-73, thus killing the bill. [New Hampshire House Journal Pg. 288-291, 2/12/98; House Actions, H.B. 1587; Bill Status, H.B. 1587]
Kevin Smith Opposed The Women’s Health Protection Act And Called it “Far Out Of The Mainstream.” Kevin Smith tweeted, “This bill is far out of the mainstream, and removes protections supported by most Americans: ➡️ Federalizes decisions that should be made by States. ➡️ Allows late-term abortions where the unborn can feel pain. ➡️ Allows discriminatory abortions based on Down syndrome diagnosis.” [Twitter, @TeamSmithforNH, 2/28/22]
Kevin Smith Released A Statement Agreeing With The Supreme Court Overturning Roe And Saying “I Support Returning This Matter To The State Legislature.” Kevin Smith tweeted, “Since my early days in the state legislature, I have always been proudly pro-life and I believe all Americans want us to welcome every child born into this world with open arms of love and compassion. I am also keenly aware that there are those who disagree with my pro-life position. I will be a Senator with an open door policy and I’m always willing to listen and engage in constructive dialogue on the issue. Assuming the final SCOTUS opinion is in line with the leaked draft, I support returning this matter to the state legislature so the people in those states have a say in determining when it is appropriate to put reasonable restrictions in place such as New Hampshire has done late term abortions. Unfortunately, Senator Maggie Hassan and the extremists in Washington support late term abortions, taxpayer funded abortions and they oppose any and all reasonable restrictions on abortion. That is plainly wrong and vastly out of touch with most Granite Staters.” [Twitter, @TeamSmithforNH, 5/3/22]
Kevin Smith Claimed That “80% Of Americans Want Extreme, Late-Term Abortion To Be Illegal.” Kevin Smith tweeted, “You are out of touch, again. 80% of Americans want extreme, late-term abortion to be illegal, and 60% oppose taxpayer funded abortion, yet that is exactly what @Maggie_Hassan supports. Maggie, your extreme views prove we need change in November. #NHPolitics #NHSen” [Twitter, @TeamSmithforNH, 5/3/22]
[AUDIO] Kevin Smith On Overturning Roe: “I Agreed That It Should Be Returned To The States. I Mean, This Is A Case Of Federalism Here.” “8:29 Host: …So specifically, do you agree or not with Judge Alito, those opinion leaked from the court that the Roe v Wade should go away? It's flawed, and go and overturn it and send it back to the States? Do you agree with Judge Alito? That's what I'm trying to ask yes or no? 8:53 Smith: Sure. Yeah. Well, I released a statement late last night saying that I agreed that it should be returned to the States. I mean, this is a case of federalism here. And what Judge Alito is saying is that the Constitution does not mention abortion, and because it's silent on the matter, it should be returned to the States.” [Kevin Smith, WTPL, New Hampshire, 05/04/2022; 220504_HMF_806_A
[AUDIO] Kevin Smith Proudly Touted His Pro-Life Record In Politics And Said Overturning Roe “Doesn’t Ban Or Restrict Abortion.” “Well, look, Jack, I mean, I've been pro life for, you know, the majority of my my public career, and, obviously recognize there were those who disagree with my pro life position, and I'm always open to engaging in constructive dialogue with him about the issue. But the reality is, is that if indeed, this ends up being where the Supreme Court goes, it's important to remember a number of things. Number one, this doesn't ban or restrict abortion that merely sends the matter back to the States, where the States and particularly the voters in those states can have a say on what are the appropriate restrictions that shouldn't be in put put in place such as they've done here in New Hampshire, and putting the restrictions on abortion after 24 weeks now.” [Kevin Smith, WTPL, New Hampshire, 05/04/2022; 220504_HMF_806_A
Kevin Smith Stated He Was “Comfortable” With Returning The Issue Of Abortion To The States. According to WMUR, “Candidate Kevin Smith said he wouldn't comment on what the U.S. Senate might do. ‘Right now, I'm not going to comment on any potential hypothetical pieces of legislation that may come up in the Senate,’ he said. ‘Here's what I do know. Assuming that this draft is the final opinion of the court, I'm comfortable in that they are returning this to the states.’” [WMUR, 5/9/22]
[VIDEO] Kevin Smith Claimed That Granite Staters Were Not In Agreement With Hassan’s Approval Of Abortion Through Nine Months. “I’ve always been pro life with exceptions for rape, incest and life of the mother—and look this latest draft decision, assuming it is the actual final decision, merely returns the issue to the states. In New Hampshire, we have what I think most people would consider is a more than reasonable law which restricts late term abortions. Adam here’s where I know that most Granite Staters are not and that is where Maggie Hassan’s extreme position on this issue where she favors abortion through nine months with no restrictions at all and also favors taxpayer-funded abortions and that is not where mst Granite Staters are.” [WMUR, 5/10/22]
Kevin Donohoe tweeted, “Tonight one of Sen. Hassan's opponents, @TeamSmithforNH , promised in a text to supporters that ‘we are SO close to ending abortion once and for all.’ Our opponents are clear about their agenda: ending reproductive freedom. The stakes in this race could not be higher. #NHPolitics [Twitter, @kdonohoenh, 5/3/22]
Kevin Smith Claimed That Democrats Were Generating Misinformation About Abortion. According to an op-ed by Kevin Smith published in New Hampshire Journal, “Second, if the Supreme Court does in fact move forward in overturning Roe v. Wade, it will not ban abortions as the Democrats would have you believe with their misinformation campaign of lies and hyperbole. The Supreme Court ruling, if the leaked draft holds true, merely remands the decision-making process on what kinds of restrictions to have on abortion–if any– back to the state legislatures where government is closest to the people; and that is where it belongs. But this is a problem for Maggie Hassan because she wants the court to make policy on abortion–not the states and its people.” [Kevin Smith Op-Ed – New Hampshire Journal, 5/10/22]
Kevin Smith Slammed Hassan For “Completely Disregarding Parental Rights.” Kevin Smith tweeted, “Hassan’s extremism on abortion goes back a long time. Completely disregarding parental rights, Hassan actually voted to REPEAL NH’s common sense parental notification law in 2007. Yikes! For Hassan the abortion lobby > parents. Sad. #NHSen #NHPolitics” [Twitter, @TeamSmithforNH, 5/11/22]
Kevin Smith Blasted Hassan For Voting “In Lockstep With The Radical Extremists” In The Democratic Party Who Supported Limitless Abortions. Kevin Smith tweeted, “A bipartisan coalition blocked this extreme measure. You voted in lockstep with the radical extremists in your party. Meanwhile you do nothing to address out of control inflation or prices at the pump. Your priorities are out of touch with Granite Staters. #NHPolitics #NHSen” [Twitter, @TeamSmithforNH, 5/11/22]
Kevin Smith Insisted That Democrats Were Focusing On Abortion To Shift Attention Away From The Economy. According to WBUR, “Smith says New Hampshire's ban on abortions after 24 weeks is one of those reasonable restrictions. Only a tiny percentage of abortions happen that late. And the law has exceptions, such as when the life of the mother is in danger. Indeed, Smith insists Democrats like Hassan are focusing on abortion to shift attention away from a troubled economy, including inflation and high prices at the gas pump. ‘This is being used now to distract from what voters will be voting on this fall,’ Smith said.” [WBUR, 5/13/22]
[AUDIO] Kevin Smith Considered Hassan’s Support Of Zero Restrictions On Abortion As An “Extreme Position Vastly Out Of Touch With Most Granite Staters.” “I think what's happened here is you've got one party that refuses to talk about anything else, you know, Rome is burning. And all they can do is talk about abortion. […] People like Maggie Hasson want zero restrictions on abortion through nine months. That's an extreme position vastly out of touch with most Granite Staters, and they want to repeal Common Sense laws like parental notification, again, extreme and out of touch. So if they want to talk about it fine. We'll point out their extreme record. But at the end of the day, most people on the street Jack are not talking to me about abortion.” [Kevin Smith, WTSN Radio, New Hampshire, 5/17/22; 220517_ZAP_1483
Kevin Smith Said He Supported The Fight To Promote Abstinence-Based School Health Classes. According to the Union Leader, “The candidate said he opposes gay marriages and abortion -- including all partial-birth abortions -- and would join the fight to promote abstinence-based school health classes.” [Union Leader, 7/26/96]
Kevin Smith Said “I’m Hoping To Bring Up The Issue Of The Partial-Birth Abortions And Make That Outlawed In New Hampshire.” According to the Union Leader, “Smith is pro-life on the abortion issue. ‘I'm hoping to bring up the issue of the partial-birth abortions and make that outlawed in New Hampshire.’” [Union Leader, 10/28/96]
1997: Kevin Smith Voted To Prohibit Certain Abortions. In March 1997, according to the Journal of the House of Representatives of the State of New Hampshire, Kevin Smith voted against the majority report, which considered the bill as inexpedient to legislate, thus voting in favor the bill “relative to certain abortions.” The vote was on the adoption of the majority report. The New Hampshire House of Representatives adopted the report by a vote of 217-137, thus the bill was killed. [New Hampshire House Journal Pg. 534-537, 3/19/97; House Actions, H.B. 768; Bill Status, H.B. 768]
Kevin Smith Amended His Bill At The Last Minute To Ban The Procedure Even When It Was Medically Necessary To Preserve The Mother’s Life Or Health. According to the Associated Press, “Pro-choice activists were not convinced, however, especially after Smith amended his bill at the last minute to ban the procedure even when it is medically necessary to preserve the mother's life or health.” [Associated Press, 3/8/97]
1997: During The Committee Hearing, Kevin Smith Talked About Partial Birth Abortions And Detailed Procedures For Late Term Abortions. According to the House Committee on Judiciary and Family Law’s Public Hearing on H.B. 768-FN, “Kevin Smith, sponsor, supporting spoke about partial abortions, described procedures for late term abortion.” [House Committee on Judiciary and Family Law’s Public Hearing on H.B. 768-FN, 3/7/97]