Smith Doubled Down On His Pro-Choice Status Following The SCOTUS Opinion. According to Pulse of New Hampshire, “U.S. Senate Candidate Kevin Smith saying on Good Morning New Hampshire he has always been pro-life and is aware there are those who disagree with his position. ‘Assuming the final SCOTUS opinion is in line with the leaked draft, I support returning this matter to the state legislatures so the people in each of those states have a say in determining when it is appropriate to put reasonable restrictions in place such as New Hampshire has done on late-term abortions’, Smith told Jack Heath.” [Pulse of New Hampshire, 5/4/22]
Smith Stated That New Hampshire Was “SO Close To Ending Abortion Once And For All.” Gates MacPherson tweeted, “Wow. Kevin Smith actually just said, "we are SO close to ending abortion once and for all." #NHPolitics #NHSen” [Twitter, @GatesMacpherson, 5/3/22]
Kevin Smith Supported The Dobbs Decision And Said “I Support Returning This Matter To The State Legislatures So The People In Each Of Those States Have A Say In Determining When It Is Appropriate To Put Reasonable Restrictions In Place.” Kevin Smith tweeted, “Since my early days in the state legislature, I have always been proudly pro-life and I believe all Americans want us to welcome every child born into this world with open arms of love and compassion. I am also keenly aware that there are those who disagree with my pro-life position. I will be a Senator with an open-door policy and I’m always willing to listen and engage in constructive dialogue on the issue. As the Dobbs decision states, I support returning this matter to the state legislatures so the people in each of those states have a say in determining when it is appropriate to put reasonable restrictions in place such as New Hampshire has done on late-term abortions. Unfortunately, Senator Maggie Hassan and the extremists in Washington support later-term abortions, taxpayer-funded abortions and they oppose any and all reasonable restrictions on abortion. That is plainly wrong and vastly out of touch with most Granite Staters.” [Twitter, @TeamSmithforNH, 6/24/22]
Smith's Record Indicated That He Supported All Abortion Bans, Exceptions Or Not. According to American Independent, “Smith has previously framed himself as an opponent of abortion rights, but with some exceptions. ‘I've always been pro-life with exceptions of rape, incest, and life of the mother," he told Manchester television station WMUR in May, just after a draft of the Supreme Court's majority opinion in Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization overturning Roe v. Wade was leaked. "And look, this latest draft decision, assuming it is the actual final decision, merely returns the issue to the states, and in New Hampshire, we have what I think most people would consider a more than reasonable law which restricts late-term abortions.’ But in 1997, Smith authored a bill in the New Hampshire House of Representatives that would, had it passed, have banned a surgical procedure frequently used in abortions in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy and after miscarriages. While his draft legislation initially included an exception to save the life of the patient, he later submitted an amendment that left out that exception.” [American Independent, 7/18/22]
Smith Attacked Morse For Voting To Accept $2 Million In Federal Title X Money For Planned Parenthood. Kevin Smith tweeted, “Chuck Morse just voted to accept $2 MILLION in federal Title X money that is distributed to Planned Parenthood clinics across NH. Taxpayer funded abortion. Expanding Obamacare. Voting yes on 99% of Hassan’s agenda. Chuck Morse is no conservative. #NHPolitics #NHSen” [Twitter, @TeamSmithforNH, 7/25/22]
Smith Slammed Morse For Voting Yes On Funding Abortion Providers In New Hampshire. Kevin Smith tweeted, “Sen. Gary Daniels voted NO to giving millions of taxpayer dollars to abortion providers across NH - including Planned Parenthood. Chuck Morse voted YES. #BeLikeGary Just say no.” [Twitter, @TeamSmithforNH, 7/26/22]
[AUDIO] Smith Stated That It Was Good That The Council Voted To Not Accept Federal Funding For Planned Parenthood. “01:28 JH: Let me ask you this. I know it's a local issue, but just yesterday, I believe, or this week, the governor and executive council by a four to one voted…to not accept federal funding once again for Planned Parenthood of northern New England. Planned Parenthood, is that something you think is good or bad? 1:48 KS: The council vote, I think that's good. Look, I look, I have not I've never supported taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood or any abortion provider. We know that money is fungible. And so even though they can say, well, it's not going to use towards abortions, at the end of the day, there's still an abortion provider. So I think it was great with the executive council, did what I don't think was great, Jack…. And Chuck Morse, one of my opponents in this race, voted yes. He voted yes to approve that money and sent it along to the executive council for them to then have to clean up their mess and vote against it. I'm very thankful to Gary Daniels, Senator Daniels out of Milford who voted against that on the fiscal committee. But I'm just, I'm floored that Chuck Morse would have supported that funding.” [Kevin Smith, “Pulse of NH” interview, NH, 08/10/22]
[VIDEO] Smith Believed That Life “Begins At Conception” And It Informed His Pro-Life Record. “Yes, my faith does inform me that life begins at conception, and as I mentioned at the beginning, I'm the only one out there that actually has a record of being pro-life. I was, again, named the pro-life House member here in 1997 for sponsoring the state's first ban on partial birth abortion. And as the head of Cornerstone, I advocated for pro-life policy.” [Bruce Fenton, Kevin Smith, Don Bolduc, Debate, Windham, NH, 08/14/22]
[VIDEO] Smith Described Hasan’s Views On Abortions Without Restrictions To Be “Unsociable.”
“But I will tell you what is unconscionable to me, and that is Maggie Hassan's position on this issue. She believes in abortion with no restrictions or limitations through nine months. She also believes in taxpayer funding of abortions as well. That's unconscionable. Take something else that's unconscionable, and that is the vote Chuck Morse took a few weeks ago when he voted to authorize two million dollars, two million dollars to Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers in the state of New Hampshire. In my opinion, you cannot be both conservative, and giving money to Planned Parenthood at the same time.” [Bruce Fenton, Kevin Smith, Don Bolduc, Debate, Windham, NH, 08/14/22]
[VIDEO] Smith Supported The Overturn Of Roe V. Wade. “01:10:14 HM : And do you support overturning Roe v Wade briefs overturning of Roe v. Wade? […] 01:10:21 KS: Yes, I agree, it's federalism, it’s not in the constitution. It’s back where it belongs, left up to the states.” [Bruce Fenton, Kevin Smith, Don Bolduc, Debate, Windham, NH, 08/14/22]
Smith Tweeted That Morse Was Trying To Deny His Vote For Planned Parenthood. Kevin Smith tweeted, “Chuck is trying to deny it, but he voted for it. The money @Morse4Senate voted to accept would’ve gone directly to Planned Parenthood and abortion clinics had the Executive Council not killed it. Dems wanted it. Chuck supported it. That’s not conservative. #NHPolitics #NHSen” [Twitter, @TeamSmithforNH, 8/16/22]
[AUDIO] Smith Reiterated His Support Of New Hampshire’s Abortion Legislation And Attacked Morse For Voting To Fund Planned Parenthood. “I support NH’s law, I have a 100% pro life record, I take issue with what Morse said, he voted to authorize $3m to PP in the fiscal committee, that money went to the EC for a vote and it went down but had Chuck voted it down it wouldn’t have gone to EC, I wouldn’t have voted for that” [Chuck Morse, Don Bolduc, Kevin Smith, Vikram Mansharamani, Bruce Fenton, New Hampshire Senate GOP Debate, New Hampshire, 8/16/22]; 220816_ZAP_1648
Smith Tweeted That Morse Was Trying To Deny His Vote For Planned Parenthood. Kevin Smith tweeted, “Chuck is trying to deny it, but he voted for it. The money @Morse4Senate voted to accept would’ve gone directly to Planned Parenthood and abortion clinics had the Executive Council not killed it. Dems wanted it. Chuck supported it. That’s not conservative. #NHPolitics #NHSen” [Twitter, @TeamSmithforNH, 8/16/22]