Mike Cherry Told Followers To Take Time To Support Agencies That Support “Mothers Who Make The Right Decision To Keep Their Child.” According to Mike Cherry’s Facebook page, “The March for Life has happened every year since 1974 to stand up for those that can not stand for themselves. This year most of the events are virtual because of Covid, so take the time instead to plug into local agencies that support mothers who make the right decision to keep their child.” [Mike Cherry for Delegate, 1/29/21]
Mike Cherry Included “Protecting Life” On His Issues Website And Said He Was “Pro-Life, Pro-Woman, And Pro-Child.” According to Mike Cherry’s campaign website, “Protecting Life Mike believes, as stated in our Declaration of Independence, that each person is endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights. The first among those is the right to life. We must defend the defenseless and do all we can to take care of ‘the least of these’ as God has instructed in scripture. Pregnant women often face or are presented with impossible decisions, like the choice of having a child or finishing high school, the choice of having a child and raising it alone. Women must be offered better options. Mike believes that those who are pro-life must work to solve these problems by funding pregnacy [sic] resource centers, so that every child CAN be welcomed into life. He believes an important step is to make the adoption process easier and take away the financial burden from both the mother and the new parents. Mike is pro-life, pro-woman, AND pro-child.” [Mike Cherry for VA, Issues, accessed 6/3/21]