Haley, on the anniversary of the Dobbs decision, said “we have to humanize this situation” and respect “that everybody has a story.”
2010: Haley Said As Governor She Would Sign Legislation Outlawing Abortion If Roe Was Overturned. According to the Associated Press, “Limiting abortions and approving death sentences point to some of the clearest differences among the Republicans and Democrats competing to become governor. The GOP candidates, U.S. Rep. Gresham Barrett, Lt. Gov. Andre Bauer, state Rep. Nikki Haley and Attorney General Henry McMaster, all say they would sign a bill outlawing abortion if the U.S. Supreme Court ever overturns the 1973 decision that legalized abortion in the U.S.” [Associated Press, 5/31/10]
Haley Said Draft Of Supreme Court Decision To Overturn Roe “A Victory” And “Millions Have Prayed For This Day.” According to a tweet from Haley’s personal account, “Millions of Americans have prayed for this day. It’s a victory for the most basic right there is – the right to life. Now starts the movement to ensure the people and their elected representatives have the power to support every mother and protect every child across the country.” [Twitter - @NikkiHaley, 5/3/22]
Haley Called Overturning Of Roe “A Historic Win.” According to a tweet from Haley’s personal account, “This is a historic win for the pro-life movement. It’s an even bigger win for the American people. It puts the debate back where it belongs—at the state level, closest to the people.” [Twitter - @NikkiHaley, 6/24/22]
2022: Haley Called Colorado’s New Abortion Law “Horrifying,” “Extreme,” And “Cruel.” According to a tweet from Haley’s personal account, “It’s horrifying that Colorado’s Governor, Jarod Polis, just signed one of the most extreme and cruel abortion laws in the world. Praying for the babies and the mothers who need to know there are so many other options.
️.” [Twitter - @NikkiHaley, 4/5/22]
Haley Said She Was Disappointed In The Anti-Abortion Referendum Being Defeated In Kansas. According to Georgia Public Broadcasting, “Haley stood with Kemp during his press conference on Friday. The potential 2024 presidential contender also praised the Supreme Court’s decision to let states decide abortion care for their residents. ‘For every person, it's personal, whether you're pro-choice or you're pro-life,’ she said. ‘And that's why I think it was so important that we not leave it to unelected justices to make that case for us.’ But the ruling did not bode well in deeply conservative Kansas. Voters recently turned out in droves to vote down a state constitutional referendum that would have dissolved abortion rights. Haley conceded that the moment was a disappointing loss for Republicans. ‘I would love to see Kansas go all pro-life,’ she said. ‘It didn't because the people stepped up and they made the decision in Kansas — just like the people are making a decision in Georgia and South Carolina. And so anything that says close to the people is where it needs to be.’” [Georgia Public Broadcasting, 9/12/22]
Haley Said Every Life Is Blessed By God And Has Value. According to Haley’s 2010 Campaign Website archived by the Wayback Machine, “’I believe every life has a value and is blessed by God – my husband was adopted and my pro-life convictions stem from the fact I feel the blessings of that value every day knowing someone chose life for him. I see it every day in my two children as I watch them grow. My hope is that we continue to encourage and work towards educating that value of life to everyone.” [nikkihaley.com via Wayback Machine, 5/18/10]
Haley Said She Was Pro-Life Because Her Husband Was Adopted. According to the Associated Press, “’I’m strongly pro-life, very pro-life and not because my party tells me to be, but my husband was adopted, and so every day I know the blessings of having him there,’ said Haley, a 38-year-old Lexington mother of two serving her third House term. ‘That’s a personal thing for me.’” [Associated Press, 5/31/10]
Haley Called On Congress To Condemn Attacks On Anti-Abortion Organizations. According to the Washington Examiner, “The former governor additionally called on politicians in Congress to vote to condemn attacks on anti-abortion facilities, groups, and churches. A proposed resolution would condemn the increase in attacks on anti-abortion organizations that was seen after the overturn of Roe v. Wade last summer. ‘Every single member of the House should stand against violence directed against organizations whose purpose is to help women and babies. Let's hope we see that in the votes today,’ she told the Washington Examiner.” [Washington Examiner, 1/11/23]
Haley Described Herself As “Strongly Pro-Life” And Said She Would Support “Anything We Can Do To Keep From Having Abortions” At Confirmation Hearing. In her confirmation hearing, Haley told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that she would bring her conservative views into her new role. ‘I am strongly pro-life, so anything we can do to keep from having abortions, or to keep them from not knowing what is available, I will support,’ she said.” [McClatchy, 1/18/17]
Haley Said Those Who Demand Conformity On Abortion Are Not Real Feminists. According to USA Today, “Giving the keynote address at a gala for the Susan B. Anthony List, a pro-life group, former ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley made comments critical of the pro-choice movement's stance on feminism and the current debate over abortion rights. In a video posted by Fox Business, Haley told the crowd that the abortion advocates who ‘demand conformity’ of women on the issue of abortion are not real feminists. ‘Unfortunately, many on the left use the abortion debate to divide women and demand conformity. They do this in the name of feminism. But that is not real feminism,’ she said at the event in Washington, D.C. ‘The idea that women must adhere to a particular set of values is one of the most anti-women ideas in today’s culture,’ she continued. Haley explained that her pro-life stance on abortion was not about being ‘for or against women’ but instead was about supporting ‘a baby’s right to live, the most basic right there is.’ ‘Respect for human life is who we are as Americans. It's right there in the Declaration of Independence. You can't have life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness without the right to life,’ said Haley, the former governor of South Carolina who was tapped by President Donald Trump to become the U.N. ambassador in 2017.” [USA Today, 7/5/19]
Haley Accused The Green New Deal Of “Promoting Abortions In Third World Countries to Control The Population.” According to PolitiFact, “Republican Nikki Haley, the former United Nations ambassador under President Donald Trump and former South Carolina governor sent an email Oct. 26 from Stand for America, a policy group she launched in February. The email says the following: ‘Liberals continue to go around the country touting their radical climate change agenda. ‘Front and center was their ‘Green New Deal.’ Or as we at Stand For America have come to call it, the ‘Green New Scam.’ The candidates touted everything from putting limits on red meat consumption, to promoting abortion in third world countries to control the population! ‘We must stand up to these liberals, and let them know that we don’t support this radical agenda!’ The email then links to a petition that seeks to stop the Green New Deal, saying it would ‘promote abortion.’” [PolitiFact, 11/1/19]
Haley Tweeted Infographic That Only Seven Countries Allow Elective Abortions After 20-Weeks And Said “Protecting Life Is Not A Radical Idea” According to a tweet from Haley’s personal account, “By 20 weeks, babies have a heartbeat, feel pain, and have fully formed fingers, toes, noses, and lips. Protecting life is not a radical idea.”
[Twitter - @NikkiHaley, 5/19/22]
When Asked About Abortion, Haley Avoided Giving A Direct Answer. According to the National Review, “‘I am very conscious about how personal this issue is,’ Haley told me. ‘I don’t judge anyone that’s pro-choice any more than I want them to judge me being pro-life. I don’t think unelected justices needed to decide this. I want it decided where the people have a say in it.’ She said the U.S. must ‘find consensus’ on the issue. ‘And if that consensus is at ten weeks, if it’s at twelve weeks, if it’s at 15 weeks, I want to save as many babies as possible. But I also want to be respectful of this is personal for everyone. And we need to find that place.’ Asked how the U.S. should go about finding that ‘place,’ Haley said only that ‘some states are doing it at the state level’ and ‘I think you’re having a conversation with it at the congressional level.’ ‘As long as people can weigh in with their elected officials, I think that’s fine,’ she said. Haley would not name a specific number that she would be tied to, however. She noted some states have limited abortions to six weeks and others have chosen 20-week bans. ‘If there’s no consensus on all the states or if the states don’t come up with their own and Congress decides to do it, I just think there needs to be some sort of coming to the middle to say, ‘OK, what can we say we can tolerate?’ We don’t want abortion up until the time of birth.’” [National Review, 3/29/23]
Haley Called For A National Consensus On An Abortion Ban. According to the National Review, “‘I am very conscious about how personal this issue is,’ Haley told me. ‘I don’t judge anyone that’s pro-choice any more than I want them to judge me being pro-life. I don’t think unelected justices needed to decide this. I want it decided where the people have a say in it.’ She said the U.S. must ‘find consensus’ on the issue. ‘And if that consensus is at ten weeks, if it’s at twelve weeks, if it’s at 15 weeks, I want to save as many babies as possible. But I also want to be respectful of this is personal for everyone. And we need to find that place.’” [National Review, 3/29/23]
Haley Would Not Give A Specific Number Of Weeks On A Potential Abortion Ban. According to the National Review, “Haley would not name a specific number that she would be tied to, however. She noted some states have limited abortions to six weeks and others have chosen 20-week bans. ‘If there’s no consensus on all the states or if the states don’t come up with their own and Congress decides to do it, I just think there needs to be some sort of coming to the middle to say, ‘OK, what can we say we can tolerate?’ We don’t want abortion up until the time of birth.’” [National Review, 3/29/23]
Haley Said She Did Not Think “Unelected Justices” Should Decide Abortion Policy. According to the National Review, “‘I am very conscious about how personal this issue is,’ Haley told me. ‘I don’t judge anyone that’s pro-choice any more than I want them to judge me being pro-life. I don’t think unelected justices needed to decide this. I want it decided where the people have a say in it.’” [National Review, 3/29/23]
Haley Said Republicans Can’t Get Caught Up In The Political Battles Over Abortion. According to the Iowa Capital Dispatch, “While Haley said she was pro-life, she said she believes decisions on abortion legality should be left to the states, not decided in court. She said she knows people do not agree with the legislation passed by the U.S. House in 2022 ‘which is abortion up until the time of birth,’ but said that Republicans can’t get caught in the political battles over abortion. […] ‘We’re not going to let this be a political football,’ Haley said. ‘Let’s let the states work this out. If Congress decides to do it, don’t enter that game of them saying, ‘How many weeks? How many weeks?’ No, let’s first figure out what we agree on, and then move forward.’” [Iowa Capital Dispatch, 4/12/23]
The Alabama Supreme Court Ruled That Frozen Embryos Should Be Considered Children. According to the New York Times, “An Alabama Supreme Court’s ruling that frozen embryos in test tubes should be considered children has sent shock waves through the world of reproductive medicine, casting doubt over fertility care for would-be parents in the state and raising complex legal questions with implications extending far beyond Alabama.” [New York Times, 2/20/24]
The Court’s Decision Demonstrated How Roe v. Wade’s Fall Led The Way To Legal Battles On Intimate Issues. According to Politico, “The ruling also demonstrates how the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade has made previously theoretical policy and legal battles over the most intimate aspects of American life far more immediate and high-stakes.” [Politico, 2/21/24]
Less Than A Week After The Decision, Three IVF Providers In Alabama Suspended Services. According to NBC News, “Less than a week after the Alabama Supreme Court ruled that embryos created through in vitro fertilization are considered children, three IVF providers in the state have suspended services as they consider the legal repercussions of the decision. The University of Alabama at Birmingham was first to announce the change on Wednesday. Then another practice, Alabama Fertility, posted a statement Thursday on social media saying it would put a hold on IVF treatments. The Center for Reproductive Medicine at Mobile Infirmary — the clinic sued in the court case — said Thursday that it would pause IVF procedures starting Saturday.” [NBC News, 2/21/24]
Haley Said She Agreed With The Alabama Supreme Court’s Decision. According to NBC News, “Former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley said Wednesday that frozen embryos created through in-vitro fertilization are “babies,” siding with a recent Alabama Supreme Court decision that raised concerns among doctors and patients about the future of the procedure. ‘Embryos, to me, are babies,’ Haley told NBC News in an interview, adding that she used artificial insemination to have her son, a different process than IVF that doesn't present the same complexities around creating embryos in a lab. ‘When you talk about an embryo, you are talking about, to me, that’s a life. And so I do see where that’s coming from when they talk about that.’” [NBC News, 2/21/24]
Haley Signed A Law Banning Abortions At 20 Weeks With No Exceptions For Rape Or Incest. According to CNN, “South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley signed a bill into law on Wednesday that makes it illegal for a woman to obtain an abortion after her pregnancy reaches 20 weeks, press secretary Chaney Adams said. The law takes effect immediately. Abortions may be performed after 20 weeks only if the mother's life is in jeopardy, Adams said. The bill does not provide exceptions for rape or incest.” [CNN, 5/26/16]
Haley Signed The So-Called “Born Alive” Infant Protection Act. According to the Anderson Independent Mail, “Gov. Nikki Haley signed two bills at the Carolina Pregnancy Center in Spartanburg on Thursday supporters say are aimed at protecting the rights of unborn babies and prevent taxpayers from paying for abortions under the Affordable Care Act. The Born Alive Infant Protection Act went into effect in May and Affordable Care Abortion Opt Out bill was signed into law in June, but Haley was flanked by pregnancy center volunteers, ministers, lawmakers and children Thursday afternoon when she held the ceremonial signings.” [Anderson Independent Mail, 8/24/12]
The So-Called “Born Alive” Infant Protection Act That Haley Signed Was Very Similar To The Legislation She Voted For When In The State Legislature. According to the 2009 South Carolina House Journal and the 2012 South Carolina Senate Journal, the changes between the two were the inclusion of a severability clause and allowing acts, resolutions, and regulations to amend the definitions of ‘child,’ ‘person,’ ‘human being,’ and ‘individual.’ [South Carolina House Journal, 2/11/09; 4/12/12]
2009: Haley Voted For So-Called “Born Alive” Legislation. According to the South Carolina Journal, “A Bill To Amend Section 2-7-30, Code Of Laws Of South Carolina, 1976, Relating To The Construction Of The Words ‘Person’ And ‘Party’ As Those Words Appear In The Laws Of This State, So As To Provide Further For The Construction Of ‘Person’, ‘Human Being’, ‘Child’, And ‘Individual’, So That They Include Every Infant Member Of Species Homo Sapiens Who Is Born Alive And To Define ‘Born Alive’. Rep. Delleney demanded the yeas and nays which were taken, resulting as follows: Yeas 100; Nays 8 Those who voted in the affirmative are: […] Haley.” [South Carolina Journal, 2/26/09]
After the Senate Sent The Bill Back With Additions Stating That The Bill Does Not Affect Laws On Abortion Or Generally Accepted Medical Practices, Haley Voted For An Amendment To Strip Those Sections. According to the South Carolina House Journal, Haley voted “Aye” on an amendment to House Bill 3342 to strike the language approved by the Senate and reinsert the House adopted language. [South Carolina House Journal, 5/21/09]
The Senate Amendment Said “Nothing In This Subsection Shall Be Construed To Affect Existing Federal Or State Law Regarding Abortion.” According to the South Carolina Senate Journal, “A Bill To Amend Section 2-7-30, Code Of Laws Of South Carolina, 1976, Relating To The Construction Of The Words ‘Person’ And ‘Party’ As Those Words Appear In The Laws Of This State, So As To Provide Further For The Construction Of ‘Person’, ‘Human Being’, ‘Child’, And ‘Individual’, So That They Include Every Infant Member Of Species Homo Sapiens Who Is Born Alive And To Define ‘Born Alive’. The Senate proceeded to a consideration of the Bill, the question being the adoption of the amendment proposed by the Committee on Judiciary. The Committee on Judiciary proposed the following amendment (JUD3342.002), which was adopted: Amend the bill, as and if amended, page 1, by striking line 39 in its entirety, and inserting therein the following: to Article 1, Chapter 23, Title 1, unless otherwise defined in the act, joint resolution, or regulation, the words 'person', 'human.’ Amend the bill further, as and if amended, page 2, by striking line 13 in its entirety, and inserting therein the following: ‘being born alive as defined in this subsection. (4) Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to affect existing federal or state law regarding abortion. (5) Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to alter generally accepted medical standards.’ […] The committee amendment was adopted.” [South Carolina Senate Journal, 5/14/09]
2005: Haley Voted For The ‘Right To Life Act Of South Carolina,’ Which Said Due Process And Equal Protection Rights Begin At Fertilization. According to the South Carolina House Journal, “A Bill To Amend Title 1, Chapter 1, Code Of Laws Of South Carolina, 1976, Relating To The Administration Of Government, By Adding Article 5, So As To Enact The "Right To Life Act Of South Carolina" Which Establishes That The Right To Due Process And The Right To Equal Protection Vest At Fertilization. The question then recurred to the passage of the Bill on third reading. Rep. VIERS demanded the yeas and nays which were taken, resulting as follows: Yeas 91; Nays 10 Those who voted in the affirmative are: […] Haley.” [South Carolina House Journal, 4/14/05]
Haley Sponsored Personhood Legislation In The South Carolina Legislature. According to the South Carolina Legislature, Haley sponsored House Bill 3526, the 'Right to Life Act of South Carolina.’ [South Carolina Statehouse, 2/27/10]
The Bill Stated That The Right To Life Began At Fertilization. According to the South Carolina Legislature, “Section 1-1-320. (A) The right to life for each born and preborn human being vests at fertilization. (B) The rights guaranteed by Article I, Section 3 of the Constitution of this State, that no person shall be deprived of life without due process of law, nor shall any person be denied the equal protection of the laws, vest at fertilization for each born and preborn human person." [South Carolina Statehouse, 2/27/10]
2007: Haley Voted For Legislation That Would Include “Unborn Child” As A Person Under South Carolina Civil Code. According to the South Carolina House Journal, “A Bill To Amend The Code Of Laws Of South Carolina, 1976, By Adding Section 15-5-5 So As To Provide That For Purposes Of A Civil Cause Of Action, The Term "Person" Includes An Unborn Child, The Term "Unborn Child" Means A Child In Utero, And To Provide Certain Exceptions. […] The question then recurred to the passage of the Bill on second reading. Rep. DELLENEY demanded the yeas and nays which were taken, resulting as follows: Yeas 111; Nays 0 Those who voted in the affirmative are: […] Haley.” [South Carolina House Journal, 3/27/07]
Personhood Legislation Could Limit Access To Some Forms Of Birth Control. According to Bustle, “House Resolution 586, otherwise known as the ‘personhood bill,’ was recently introduced into the House of Representatives and referred to committee for consideration. If this bill became law, it would dictate that human life begins at fertilization, thereby banning all abortions. Furthermore, if passed, the personhood bill could affect birth control options and access, since the anti-choice movement often believes that birth control inhibits fertilization, even though this is not necessarily accurate.” [Bustle, 1/26/17]
Haley Signed Law Barring Taxpayer Funded Abortion Except For When The Mother’s Life Is In Danger. According to Anderson Independent-Mail, “Gov. Nikki Haley signed two bills at the Carolina Pregnancy Center in Spartanburg on Thursday supporters say are aimed at protecting the rights of unborn babies and prevent taxpayers from paying for abortions under the Affordable Care Act… Haley said the Affordable Care Act Abortion Opt Out bill will protect state taxpayers and employees from paying for abortions, except when the mother’s life is in danger, when ‘Obamacare’ is fully implemented. According to The State newspaper, the state health plan has covered six abortions, all to save the life of the mother, since 2006. The opt-out law prohibits private insurance companies from covering abortion except by what is called a separate rider. Abortion insurance would be available for those who purchase it with a separate policy.” [Anderson Independent-Mail, 8/24/12]
Haley Voted To End Abortion Coverage For Victims Of Rape And Incest In Employee Health Care Plans. According to McClatchy, “When she served in the S.C. House of Representatives, Haley voted to end abortion coverage for victims of rape and incest in the state health care plan for employees.” [McClatchy, 1/18/17]
March 2010: The South Carolina State House Overturned A Complete Ban On Abortion Coverage In State Insurance Health Plans By Allowing Exceptions In Cases Of Rape, Incest, Or If The Health Of The Mother Was In Danger. According to The State (SC), “Lawmakers overturned a ban on abortion coverage under state insurance coverage included in the budget late Tuesday, approving exemptions in cases of rape, incest or a threat to the mother's life. The original draft of the $5.1 billion spending plan would have banned state insurance from covering any abortion procedure, but Democrats pushed for the change during an emotional floor debate. The measure narrowly passed by a 57-54 vote.” [The State, 3/17/10]
An Amendment To Allow The State Health Insurance Plan To Reimburse Abortion Exemptions In The Cases Of Rape, Incest, Or If The Health Of The Mother Was In Danger Introduced In The State House And Adopted. According to the South Carolina House Journal, “Rep. SELLERS proposed the following Amendment No. 187 which was adopted: Amend the bill, as and if amended, Part IB, Section 80C, B&C BD-EMPLOYEE BENEFITS, page 475, paragraph 80C.2, line 31-33, by striking the item in its entirety and inserting: / 80C.2. (BCB/EB: Funding abortions prohibited) No funds appropriated for employer contributions to the State Health Insurance Plan may be expended to reimuburse the expenses of an abortion, except in the cases of rape, incest, or where the life of the mother is in jeopardy, and the State Health Plan may not offer coverage for abortion services.employer contributions to the State Health Insurance Plan may be expended to reimuburse the expenses of an abortion, except in the cases of rape, incest, or where the life of the mother is in jeopardy.” [South Carolina House Journal, 3/16/10]
Haley Voted To Table The Proposal To Allow Exceptions, Which Failed By A Vote Of 58-53. According to the South Carolina House Journal, “Rep. DELLENEY moved to table the amendment. Rep. SIMRILL demanded the yeas and nays which were taken, resulting as follows: Yeas 53; Nays 58 Those who voted in the affirmative are: […] Haley.” [South Carolina House Journal, 3/16/10]
Haley Then Voted Against Allowing Exceptions, Which Passed By A Vote Of 57-54. According to the South Carolina House Journal, “The question then recurred to the adoption of the amendment. Rep. SIMRILL demanded the yeas and nays which were taken, resulting as follows: Yeas 57; Nays 54 […] Those who voted in the negative are: […] Haley.” [South Carolina House Journal, 3/16/10]
During Debate On The 2010 Budget, Legislators Stripped Out The Abortion Coverage Exceptions Provision And Substituted Only Allowing Abortion Coverage If It Was “Incidental” To Trying To Save A Mother’s Life. According to the Rock Hill Herald, “The House's $5 billion budget plan bans most abortions for employees covered by the state insurance plan. With a 75-38 vote, legislators allowed only the rare exception of an abortion being ‘incidental’ to a doctor trying to save a mother's life. Legislators said half a dozen women received state-paid abortions last year under the current exceptions to victims of rape or incest and, more generally, women whose lives are in jeopardy. The House rejected the ban 57-54 late Tuesday. But Republicans renewed the debate about 1 a.m. Thursday. During the next six hours, the podium often seemed more like a church pulpit, with both sides quoting scripture. Republicans that argued it's an ethical issue and that a child should not pay for a father's crimes. Democrats accused their GOP counterparts of playing God and imposing a religious viewpoint on others.” [Rock Hill Herald, 3/21/10]
An Amendment To Strike Allowing The State Health Insurance Plan To Reimburse Abortion Exemptions In The Cases Of Rape, Incest, Or The Health Of The Mother Was In Danger Was Adopted. According to the South Carolina House Journal, “Rep. DELLENEY and RICE proposed the following Amendment No. 208, which was adopted: Amend the bill, as and if amended, Part IB, Section 80C, B&C BD-EMPLOYEE BENEFITS, page 475, paragraph 80C.2, line 31, by striking paragraph 80C.2 and inserting: /80C.2 (BCB/EB: Funding Abortions Prohibited) No funds appropriated for employer contributions to the State Health Insurance Plan may be expended to reimburse the expenses of an abortion, ~except in cases of rape, incest or where the life of the mother is in jeopardy~, except in cases where the life of the mother is at risk and the termination of the pregnancy is incidental to the lifesaving intervention, and the State Health Plan may not offer coverage for abortion services or services incidental to abortion except as permitted by this paragraph. The physician shall act in accordance with the standard of care to preserve both the life of the mother and the life of the pre-born child.” [South Carolina House Journal, 3/17/10]
Haley Voted Against Tabling The Amendment Striking Out The Exceptions. According to the South Carolina House Journal, “Rep. HART moved to table the amendment. Rep. WHITE demanded the yeas and nays which were taken, resulting as follows: Yeas 41; Nays 73 […] Those who voted in the negative are: […] Haley.” [South Carolina House Journal, 3/17/10]
Haley Voted For The Amendment Striking Out The Exceptions. According to the South Carolina House Journal, “The question then recurred to the adoption of the amendment. Rep. STAVRINAKIS demanded the yeas and nays which were taken, resulting as follows: Yeas 75; Nays 38 Those who voted in the affirmative are: […] Haley.” [South Carolina House Journal, 3/17/10]
Haley Called On Congress To Pass The Born-Alive Survivors Protection Act. According to the Washington Examiner, “Former Gov. Nikki Haley (R-SC) issued an impassioned plea to Congress on Wednesday, calling on lawmakers to vote to protect infants who are born alive during abortion procedures. ‘This shouldn’t be political. This shouldn’t be partisan. This shouldn’t be up for debate. There should be no question, any child born alive should receive the care they need to survive,’ Haley told the Washington Examiner. On Wednesday, the House of Representatives will vote on the reintroduced Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act . Led by Rep. Ann Wagner (R-MO), a large group of Republican co-sponsors revived the bill, which would recognize infants who are born alive in the process of an abortion as a ‘legal person for all purposes under the laws of the United States, and entitled to all the protections of such laws.’ Practitioners would further be required to treat the infants ‘as a reasonably diligent and conscientious health care practitioner would render to any other child born alive at the same gestational age.’ Those found to have intentionally killed or attempted to kill an infant who was born alive would be punished for murder.” [Washington Examiner, 1/11/23]
2006: Haley Voted For Legislation That Required An Ultrasound Performed And That The Ultrasound Pictures Be Viewed By The Person Seeking An Abortion. According to the South Carolina House Journal, “A Bill To Amend Section 44-41-330, Code Of Laws Of South Carolina, 1976, Relating To Prerequisites For The Performance Of An Abortion, Information To Be Provided, Certification, Waiting Period, Special Provisions For Minors Or Mentally Incompetent Persons, Retention Of Records, And Unavailability Of Records, So As To Provide That The Physician Who Is To Perform The Abortion Must Verify The Probable Gestational Age Of The Embryo Or Fetus By Using An Obstetric Ultrasound, To Provide That The Images Used To Verify The Probable Gestational Age Must Be Reviewed With The Woman Seeking The Abortion, And To Provide That The Woman Seeking The Abortion Must Certify In Writing Before The Abortion Is Performed That She Has Reviewed The Ultrasound Images. […] Pursuant to Rule 7.7 the Yeas and Nays were taken resulting as follows: Yeas 91; Nays 23 Those who voted in the affirmative are: […] Haley.” [South Carolina House Journal, 3/21/07]
Haley Voted To Table An Amendment That Waived The Required Viewing Of The Ultrasound If The Pregnancy Was The Result Of Rape Or Incest. According to the South Carolina House Journal, “Reps. RUTHERFORD and JENNINGS proposed the following Amendment No. 8, which was tabled:
Amend the bill, as and if amended, Section 44-1-330, as found in SECTION 1, by adding an appropriately numbered subsection at the end to read: The provisions of this section requiring the viewing of the obstetric ultrasound before consent to an abortion do not apply to a woman whose pregnancy is the result of rape or incest. […] Rep. DELLENEY moved to table the amendment. Rep. COBB-HUNTER demanded the yeas and nays which were taken, resulting as follows: Yeas 71; Nays 45 Those who voted in the affirmative are: […] Haley.” [South Carolina House Journal, 3/21/07]
Haley Voted To Table An Amendment That Would Waive The Required Viewing Of The Ultrasound If The Pregnancy Is The Result Of A Rape A Judge Has Determined Probable Cause Exists Of Criminal Sexual Conduct Or Issued A Warrant For Criminal Sexual Conduct. According to the South Carolina House Journal, “Amend the bill, as and if amended, Section 44-1-330, SECTION 1, by adding an appropriately numbered subsection at the end to read: The provisions of this section requiring the viewing of the obstetric ultrasound before consent to an abortion do not apply to a woman whose pregnancy is the result of rape and a judge has made the determination that probable cause exists that the crime of criminal sexual conduct has occurred or has issued a warrant for criminal sexual conduct in her case. [..]
Rep. DELLENEY moved to table the amendment. Rep. JENNINGS demanded the yeas and nays which were taken, resulting as follows: Yeas 60; Nays 52 Those who voted in the affirmative are: […] Haley.” [South Carolina House Journal, 3/21/07]
Haley Sponsored House Bill 3245 Requiring A 24-Hour Waiting Period Before An Abortion Is Preformed. According to the South Carolina House Journal, “H3245 STATUS INFORMATION General Bill Sponsors: Reps. Delleney, Nanney, Simrill, G.R. Smith, G.M. Smith, Lucas, Cooper, Stringer, Parker, Allison, Pinson, Hamilton, Erickson, J.R. Smith, Clemmons, Bedingfield, E.H. Pitts, Owens, Rice, Hiott, Littlejohn, Stewart, Viers, Willis, Loftis, Toole, Wylie, Vick, Millwood, Haley, Duncan, Ballentine, Frye and Barfield […] An Act To Amend Section 44-41-330, As Amended, Code Of Laws Of South Carolina, 1976, Relating To, Among Other Things, Prerequisites To Performing An Abortion, So As To Provide That No Abortion May Be Performed Sooner Than Twenty-Four Hours After A Woman Receives And Verifies She Has Received Certain Information That Must Be Provided To Her By Law; To Amend Section 44-41-340, Relating To The Publication Of Information That Must Be Provided To A Woman Before Undergoing An Abortion, So As To Provide That The Information Must Include A List Of Health Care Providers, Facilities, And Clinics That Perform Ultrasounds Free Of Charge, A Plainly Worded Explanation Of How A Woman May Calculate The Gestational Age Of Her Embryo Or Fetus, A Scientifically Accurate Statement Concerning The Contribution That Each Parent Makes To The Genetic Constitution Of Their Biological Child, And Forms For Notifications, Certifications, And Verifications Required By Law; To Require The Department Of Health And Environmental Control To Post This Information On Its Internet Website And To Require The Department's Website To Provide A Link To The Internet Websites Maintained By Health Care Providers, Facilities, And Clinics That Perform Ultrasounds Free Of Charge And That Have Requested To Be Listed By The Department; And To Amend Section 44-41-380, Relating To Severability Provisions Concerning The "Women's Right To Know Act", So As To Make A Technical Correction.” [South Carolina House Journal, 6/24/10]
Haley Voted In Favor Of House Bill 3245 Requiring A 24-Hour Waiting Period Before An Abortion Is Performed. According to Project Vote Smart, Haley voted for H 3245, the “Women’s Right To Know” Act, which required a 24-hour waiting period from the moment a woman certified to a doctor that she had read state mandated materials before an abortion could be performed. [Project Vote Smart, 2/26/09]
The State Required Reading Materials Included A List Of Health Care Providers That Perform Free Ultrasounds, How To Calculate The Gestational Age Of A Fetus, And “The Contribution That Each Parent Makes To The Genetic Constitution Of Their Biological Child.” According to the South Carolina Legislature, “SECTION 2. Section 44-41-340(A) of the 1976 Code is amended by adding appropriately numbered new subitems to read: ‘ a list of health care providers, facilities, and clinics that offer to perform ultrasounds free of charge. The list must be arranged geographically and shall include the name, address, hours of operation, and telephone number of each entity listed. A health care provider, facility, or clinic that would like to be included on this list may contact the department and provide the required information. The department must update this list annually before September first; ( ) a plainly worded explanation of how a woman may calculate the gestational age of her embryo or fetus; ( ) a scientifically accurate statement concerning the contribution that each parent makes to the genetic constitution of their biological child; ( ) forms for notifications, certifications, and verifications required by Section 44-41-330.’” [South Carolina Legislature, 6/24/10]
**Haley Voted To Table An Amendment That Would Provide Exemption To South Carolina’s Abortion Waiting Period Law For Cases Of Rape And Incest. ** According to Project Vote Smart, Nikki Haley voted to table an amendment that would have excluded cases of rape and incest from the state’s abortion waiting period. [Project Vote Smart, 2/24/09]
Haley Said She Wanted A “Consensus” On Abortion, Though She Mentioned A Possible Abortion Ban At Six Weeks Of Pregnancy. According to NBC, “The former governor added she thinks Americans need to come to a consensus on abortion. ‘We need consensus on this because I want to save as many babies as possible and I want to support as many moms as possible,’ Haley said. ‘Is that consensus 15 weeks? Is it ten weeks? Is it six weeks? I don’t know what that is, but we need to figure this out for the good of these babies and for the good of the moms.’” [NBC, 2/16/23]
January 2017: Haley Said She Would Support Any Effort To “Educate, Help Plan, Help Let Them Know What Contraceptions Are In Place” When Asked If She Would Support The UNFPA (UN Family Planning Fund). According to the Government Publishing Office’s transcript of Haley’s testimony concerning her nomination to be UN Ambassador, “[Senator Shaheen So, if confirmed, would you continue to support those efforts by UNFPA? [Governor Haley]. I will support any efforts that help educate, help plan, help let them know what contraceptions are in place so that we can avoid any other further action. I am strongly pro-life, and so anything that we can do to keep from having abortions or to keep them from not--knowing what is available, I will absolutely support. [Senator Shaheen]. Well, I very much appreciate that because I think sometimes the idea of access to family planning services is conflated with abortion, and it is a very different issue. [Governor Haley]. Right. [Senator Shaheen]. And this is a way to avoid abortions, unplanned pregnancies. [Governor Haley]. Absolutely. You are quite right.” [Government Publishing Office, 1/18/17]
April 2017: Trump Administration Ended U.S. Funding For The United Nations Family Planning Fund. According to the New York Times, “The Trump administration informed Congress on Monday that it had terminated United States funding for the United Nations Population Fund, the world’s leading provider of family planning services, including contraception, to women in at least 155 countries. The United States is one of the top donor nations to the United Nations, and the denial of funding was one of President Trump’s biggest moves yet to reduce financing for family planning. While the administration had signaled back in January that was adopting a tougher stance toward family planning services that provide abortion counseling, the move was nonetheless a stunning piece of news to advocates for women’s and children’s health, particularly in the developing world.” [New York Times, 4/3/17]
Haley’s PAC Published Book Calling Funding The United Nations Population Fund “Cultural Imperialism.” According to a chapter written by Susan B. Anthony List President Marjorie Dannenfelser in American Strength: Conservative Solutions Worth Fighting For, which was published by Haley’s PAC Stand For America, “Under pro-abortion Democratic administrations, the United States has bankrolled Planned Parenthood, Marie Stopes International, and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). Groups like these lobby against other nations’ pro-life laws, or even facilitate illegal abortions. This funding is a deeply offensive form of cultural imperialism. It is also contributing to genocide under China’s communist regime.” [Stand For America, December 2021]
Haley Called For Department Of Health And Environmental Control To Investigate Abortion Clinics After Release Of Planned Parenthood Sting Videos. According to The State (SC), “Gov. Nikki Haley asked South Carolina's health regulatory agency Tuesday to investigate practices at the state's three abortion clinics after recent controversies about Planned Parenthood. In a letter to S.C. Department of Health and Environmental Control director Catherine Heigel, Haley asks the agency to ‘engage in a prompt and comprehensive investigation of the policies and practices of abortion clinics in our state, prioritizing those affiliated with or owned by Planned Parenthood, its subsidiaries, and its affiliates.’ DHEC oversees the state's abortion clinics, including one in Columbia run by Planned Parenthood. Other clinics are in Charleston and Greenville. ‘Over the past weeks, I have been shocked by recent accounts of unethical practices at clinics affiliated with Planned Parenthood, particularly those regarding the sale of human fetal tissue,’ Haley wrote. The governor also cited findings of a S.C. Legislative Audit Council report issued in May that found DHEC failed to inspect abortion clinics consistently each year as required by state law. The report also raised questions about the small number of patient files DHEC reviewed during some inspections, the training of inspectors and whether inspectors followed up to see if clinics corrected violations. Haley's probe request follows criticism in Congress after videos, released by an anti-abortion group, showed Planned Parenthood officials talking about harvesting and selling fetal tissue for research. Some on Capitol Hill want to end more than $500 million in annual federal funding to Planned Parenthood. Efforts to reach Planned Parenthood were unsuccessful Tuesday. The nonprofit's leaders have said the videos are highly edited and fraudulent. Planned Parenthood has said it does not sell fetal tissue.” [The State (SC), 8/18/15]
Analysis Of Videos Showed They Were Manipulated And Were “Unreliable For Any Official Inquiry.” According to the New York Times, “Planned Parenthood on Thursday gave congressional leaders and a committee that is investigating allegations of criminality at its clinics an analysis it commissioned concluding that ‘manipulation’ of undercover videos by abortion opponents make those recordings unreliable for any official inquiry. ‘A thorough review of these videos in consultation with qualified experts found that they do not present a complete or accurate record of the events they purport to depict,’ the analysis of a private research company said.” [New York Times, 8/28/15]
Transcriptions Had Substantive Omissions. According to the New York Times, “A transcription service was hired to transcribe the videos, without being told that Planned Parenthood was the client, to compare with transcripts publicized by the anti-abortion group. That comparison, the analysis said, showed ‘substantive omissions’ in the group’s version. Mr. Simpson was assisted in the analysis by several others, including a video forensics expert, Grant Fredericks, and a television producer, Scott Goldie. According to the investigation, the reviewers could not determine ‘the extent to which C.M.P.’s undisclosed edits and cuts distort the meaning of the encounters the videos purport to document.’” [New York Times, 8/28/15]
Some Videos Had 30 Minutes Missing. According to the New York Times, “For example, Mr. Fredericks said recordings in Houston and Denver were each missing about 30 minutes of video, judging from time stamps and frame counters on the recordings.” [New York Times, 8/28/15]
Analysis Supported Planned Parenthood’s Disputation Of Staffers Saying “It’s A Baby.” According to the New York Times, “The analysis also supported Planned Parenthood’s objection to two allegations that have elicited some of the most outrage from anti-abortion forces, disputing that Planned Parenthood staffers at one point say of fetal remains, ‘It’s a baby,’ and in a second instance, ‘Another boy.’” [New York Times, 8/28/15]
Haley Said “Women Don’t Care About Contraception.” According to the Charleston Post & Courier, “All of which is why, when Gov. Nikki Haley said on the talk show ‘The View’ Tuesday that ‘women don’t care about contraception,’ Jackson could hardly believe it. ‘How can she say this, when clearly it’s not true?’ Jackson said.” [Charleston Post & Courier, 4/4/12]
Haley Said “We Care About Contraception.” According to the Charleston Post & Courier, “‘Well ... while we care about contraception, let’s be clear. All we’re saying is, we don’t want government to mandate when we have to have it and when we don’t,’ Haley said. ‘We want to be able to make that decision. We don’t need government making that decision for us.’” [Charleston Post & Courier, 4/4/12]
Haley Said Government Should Not Mandate Contraception Coverage In Insurance Policies. According to a transcript of Haley’s interview on ABC’s Nightline, “CYNTHIA MCFADDEN (ABC NEWS) (Off-camera) Should insurance companies provide contraception to women? GOVERNOR NIKKI HALEY (REP) (SOUTH CAROLINA) I don't think government should mandate that people have to have something within their insurance policy.” [ABC News, 4/3/12]
Haley On A Federal Abortion Ban Passing The Senate: “We Haven’t Had 60 Pro-Life Senators In 100 Years.” According to NBC News, “In an interview on CBS’ ‘Face the Nation,’ Haley, who was ambassador to the United Nations and governor of South Carolina, said, ‘For a national standard, I think we have to tell the American people the truth.’ She noted the political realities of passing federal legislation through Congress: ‘In order to do a national standard, you’d have to have a majority of the House, 60 Senate votes and a president. We haven’t had 60 pro-life senators in 100 years.’” [NBC News, 5/14/23]
Haley Said She Will Not Pick A Specific Number Of Weeks For A Federal Abortion Ban Because Of The Senate Filibuster. According to NBC News, “Haley argued that it would be unrealistic to endorse a specific number of weeks of pregnancy when the Senate filibuster would be likely to stand in the way of passing a strict federal ban. ‘I’m not going to lie to the American people. Nothing’s going to happen if we don’t get 60 votes in the Senate. We’re not even close to that on the Republican or the Democrat side,’ she said.” [NBC News, 5/14/23]
Haley Said The Idea Of A Republican President Banning All Abortions Is Not Being Honest With The American People. According to NBC News, “‘So the idea that a Republican president could ban all abortions is not being honest with the American people, any more than a Democrat president could ban these pro-life laws in the states,’ Haley said. ‘So let’s be honest with the American people and say: Let’s find national consensus. Let’s agree on getting rid of late-term abortions.’” [NBC News, 5/14/23]
Haley On Finding A National Consensus On Abortions: “Let’s Find National Consensus. Let’s Agree On Getting Rid Of Late-Term Abortions.” According to NBC News, “‘So the idea that a Republican president could ban all abortions is not being honest with the American people, any more than a Democrat president could ban these pro-life laws in the states,’ Haley said. ‘So let’s be honest with the American people and say: Let’s find national consensus. Let’s agree on getting rid of late-term abortions.’” [NBC News, 5/14/23]
Haley: “My Goal As President Will Be The Same As It Was When I Was Governor And Ambassador: I Want To Save As Many Lives And Help As Many Moms As Possible.” According to NBC News, “Haley recently called for ‘consensus’ on the issue of abortion and downplayed the importance of the debate over exceptions and weeks of pregnancy. She, however, made it clear that she does see a federal role. ‘My goal as president will be the same as it was when I was governor and ambassador: I want to save as many lives and help as many moms as possible,’ Haley said last month. ‘At the federal level, the next president must find national consensus.’” [NBC News, 5/14/23]
Haley: “If There’s 60 Votes, […] Yes, Of Course, I Would Sign It Because That’s 60 Votes Out Of 100 Saying This Is What America Wants.” According to the National Review, “Nikki Haley explained that if a federal abortion ban were to reach her desk as president, she would sign it but figures the odds of that happening anytime soon are slim. Speaking at Saint Anselm College in New Hampshire, the presidential candidate appeared to make her strongest comments on the subject to date. Haley had previously claimed that a federal abortion ban stands little chance of reaching filibuster-proof support in the upper chamber. ‘If there’s 60 votes, which we’re not anywhere near that, and if there’s something where they’ve come together on consensus, yes, of course, I would sign it because that’s 60 votes out of 100 saying this is what America wants, but we’re at 45, so we’re not anywhere close,’ Haley explained.” [National Review, 5/24/23]
Haley: “I Would Sign It Because That’s 60 Votes Out Of 100 Saying This Is What America Wants, But We’re At 45, So We’re Not Anywhere Close.” According to the National Review, “Nikki Haley explained that if a federal abortion ban were to reach her desk as president, she would sign it but figures the odds of that happening anytime soon are slim. Speaking at Saint Anselm College in New Hampshire, the presidential candidate appeared to make her strongest comments on the subject to date. Haley had previously claimed that a federal abortion ban stands little chance of reaching filibuster-proof support in the upper chamber. ‘If there’s 60 votes, which we’re not anywhere near that, and if there’s something where they’ve come together on consensus, yes, of course, I would sign it because that’s 60 votes out of 100 saying this is what America wants, but we’re at 45, so we’re not anywhere close,’ Haley explained.” [National Review, 5/24/23]
Haley: “Now, Some Of The States Have Become More Pro-Life And I Welcome That. Some Have Become More On The Abortion Side; I Wish That Wasn't The Case.” According to the Washington Examiner, “Former Gov. Nikki Haley (R-SC) told conservative activists there is a place for federal law on abortion, on the one-year anniversary of the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade with its Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization. ‘Now, some of the states have become more pro-life and I welcome that. Some have become more on the abortion side; I wish that wasn't the case,’ Haley told attendees at the Faith and Freedom Coalition's Road to Majority Policy Conference. ‘But now there's the issue of, is there a place for a federal law. I think there is.’ ‘But in order for us to have a federal law. Let's be honest, it takes the majority of the House, it takes 60, six zero, Senate votes and a signature of a president,’ Haley continued.” [Washington Examiner, 6/24/23]
Haley Said There Was A Place For A Federal Abortion Law. According to the Washington Examiner, “Former Gov. Nikki Haley (R-SC) told conservative activists there is a place for federal law on abortion, on the one-year anniversary of the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade with its Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization. ‘Now, some of the states have become more pro-life and I welcome that. Some have become more on the abortion side; I wish that wasn't the case,’ Haley told attendees at the Faith and Freedom Coalition's Road to Majority Policy Conference. ‘But now there's the issue of, is there a place for a federal law. I think there is.’ ‘But in order for us to have a federal law. Let's be honest, it takes the majority of the House, it takes 60, six zero, Senate votes and a signature of a president,’ Haley continued.” [Washington Examiner, 6/24/23]
Haley Previously Said A Federal Abortion Ban Was “Not Realistic.” According to the Washington Examiner, “Haley's comments come after a previous statement last month that a federal abortion ban was ‘unrealistic.’ ‘At the federal level, it’s not realistic,’ she told CBS’s Face the Nation. ‘It’s not being honest with the American people.’” [Washington Examiner, 6/24/23]
Haley Said She Would “Absolutely” Sign A 15-Week Abortion Ban. According to HuffPost, “GOP presidential candidate Nikki Haley on Sunday said she is ‘unapologetically’ anti-abortion, adding, though, that lawmakers from both parties would need to find consensus on the issue for a national ban to pass. In an interview with ‘Fox News Sunday,’ the former U.S. ambassador the United Nations said enacting a federal law on abortion would require a majority in the House of Representatives, 60 votes in the Senate and a presidential signature. […] ‘Let’s start there and whatever 60 Senate votes come to, whether that’s 15 weeks, I absolutely would sign it,’ she continued.” [HuffPost, 7/3/23]
Haley: “We Have To Humanize This Situation. We Have To Respect The Fact That Everybody Has A Story.” According to CNN, “For the rest of the field, the gathering Friday and Saturday represented an opportunity to chip away at Trump’s support – or at least define themselves in front of an important constituency in case GOP voters ultimately abandon the former president. Former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, who was also United Nations ambassador under Trump, used her speech Saturday to mark the first anniversary of the Dobbs decision, which overturned Roe v. Wade. Haley said she believes there should be a federal law regulating abortion but acknowledged again that Republicans face a steep challenge in enacting hard-line nationwide restrictions because of a lack of support in Congress. ‘We have to humanize this situation. We have to respect the fact that everybody has a story. And we have one goal – to make sure we save as many babies as possible and protect as many mothers as possible,’ the former governor said.” [CNN, 6/24/23]
Haley: “And We Have One Goal – To Make Sure We Save As Many Babies As Possible And Protect As Many Mothers As Possible.” According to CNN, “For the rest of the field, the gathering Friday and Saturday represented an opportunity to chip away at Trump’s support – or at least define themselves in front of an important constituency in case GOP voters ultimately abandon the former president. Former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, who was also United Nations ambassador under Trump, used her speech Saturday to mark the first anniversary of the Dobbs decision, which overturned Roe v. Wade. Haley said she believes there should be a federal law regulating abortion but acknowledged again that Republicans face a steep challenge in enacting hard-line nationwide restrictions because of a lack of support in Congress. ‘We have to humanize this situation. We have to respect the fact that everybody has a story. And we have one goal – to make sure we save as many babies as possible and protect as many mothers as possible,’ the former governor said.” [CNN, 6/24/23]
Haley Said “The Dobbs Decision Was A Victory For Life And Democracy.” According to Haley’s Twitter, “The Dobbs decision was a victory for life and democracy. As a result, states have passed life-saving laws and helped promote a culture of life across the nation. The fight is far from over. There should be broad consensus at the federal level to end late-term abortion, make adoption easier, support pregnant mothers, and safeguard religious liberties. More must be done, and as president, I will never stop trying to save as many babies and support as many mothers as we can.” [Twitter, @NikkiHaley, 6/24/23]
Haley: “As A Result, States Have Passed Life-Saving Laws And Helped Promote A Culture Of Life Across The Nation. The Fight Is Far From Over” According to Haley’s Twitter, “The Dobbs decision was a victory for life and democracy. As a result, states have passed life-saving laws and helped promote a culture of life across the nation. The fight is far from over. There should be broad consensus at the federal level to end late-term abortion, make adoption easier, support pregnant mothers, and safeguard religious liberties. More must be done, and as president, I will never stop trying to save as many babies and support as many mothers as we can.” [Twitter, @NikkiHaley, 6/24/23]
Haley Called The DOD’s Abortion Policy “Totally Wrong.” According to Politico, “‘This just goes to show how messed up our country is,’ Haley told radio host Hugh Hewitt. ‘I mean, you look at the fact that the Department of Defense shouldn’t be doing this in the first place. But there’s got to be other ways to go about doing this. ... I appreciate what Tuberville’s trying to do. I do. Like it’s totally wrong that the Department of Defense is doing this. But have we gotten so low that this is how we have to go about stopping it?’” [Politico, 8/8/23]
Haley Said “Department Of Defense Started” The Hold Up On Military Promotions With Their Abortion Policy And That She Would “Put An End To It As President.” According to USA Today, “Haley, a presidential candidate in the 2024 Republican primary race, noted she disagrees with the policy and said the ‘Department of Defense started this.’ ‘(The) Department of Defense never should have done this, I disagree with it and I’ll put an end to it as president,’ Haley said, arguing that the policy should have gone through Congress before being implemented. ‘We have three branches of government for a reason. You can’t slip something in there like that and think that Congress is not going to be upset.’” [USA Today, 9/10/23]