Kleefisch Did Not Support An Abortion Exemption For Rape And Incest. According to Fox6 News Milwaukee, “A Wisconsin law from 1849 and still on the books bans abortions, but Roe has made that unenforceable. After Roe is scrapped, the state law would be back, but likely would face legal challenges. […] FOX6's Jason Calvi asked: ‘Would you have an exemption for rape and incest as well?’ ‘No, because I don’t think it’s the baby’s fault how the baby is conceived,’ said Kleefisch.” [Fox6 News Milwaukee, 5/5/22]
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Kleefisch Did Not “Want To Create Additional Exceptions” If Wisconsin’s Abortion Ban Was Reinstated. According to Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, “The U.S. Supreme Court this summer will decide whether to keep in place the Roe v. Wade decision. A ruling overturning it could immediately reinstate Wisconsin's 19th-century law banning almost all abortions. […] Wisconsin has a law on the books from 1849 that bans abortion except to save the life of a woman. That law has been on hold since Roe was decided in 1973 but would go back into effect if the justices overturned that ruling, as attorneys for Mississippi have requested. […] The Republicans running for governor — former Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch, management consultant Kevin Nicholson and state Rep. Timothy Ramthun — don’t want to create additional exceptions if Wisconsin’s abortion ban is reinstated.” [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 3/24/22]
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Kleefisch Said She “Would Not Sign Legislation That Provides More Exceptions To The State’s Abortion Ban.” According to Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, “The three candidates on Monday all agreed to sign legislation that would ban transgender children and teenagers from undergoing gender reassignment surgeries, and ban employers from requiring staff to get vaccinated. They also suggested they would not sign legislation that provides more exceptions to the state's abortion ban, an 1849 law that is back in effect following Friday's ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade.” [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 6/28/22]
Kleefisch Said She Would Sign Bill Banning Abortions Once Doctors Could Detect Fetal Heartbeat. According to Wisconsin State Journal, “Already, former Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch, a Republican who this past week announced her bid for governor, said she would sign a bill that bans abortions once doctors can detect a fetal heartbeat. […] ‘I will sign a heartbeat bill,’ Kleefisch told conservative radio host Mark Belling on Thursday. ‘I have a long history of being pro-life and I will fight for every human being with a heartbeat.’ Kleefisch referenced a bill being drafted by Rep. Donna Rozar, R-Marshfield, but didn’t provide more details. Rozar’s office did not respond to a request for comment Friday.” [Wisconsin State Journal, 9/13/21]
As The Wisconsin Legislature Potentially Considered A Heartbeat Bill, Kleefisch Had Already Stated Her Support For Such A Bill. According to Wisconsin Public Radio, “A Texas-style abortion bill proposed for Wisconsin has received a lot of attention and appeared to be on the fast track, getting approval from a legislative committee on Feb. 11, fewer than two weeks after being introduced. However, it's unclear whether Republicans will take up the controversial legislation before the session ends. The proposal has divided anti-abortion groups, and the issue has already come up ahead of November's gubernatorial race. Proposed laws prohibiting abortion when a fetal heartbeat is detected have surfaced in Wisconsin and other states ahead of a key U.S. Supreme Court decision on a Mississippi law that could end or weaken the landmark Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion across the country […] Republican gubernatorial challengers have indicated their support for such a bill. Shortly after announcing her bid for governor, Rebecca Kleefisch said she would sign legislation banning abortion once doctors can detect a fetal heartbeat.” [Wisconsin Public Radio, 2/21/22]
Under Walker And Kleefisch’s Leadership, Wisconsin Republicans Passed 20-Week Abortion Ban. According to Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, “Republican candidate for governor Rebecca Kleefisch said she would sign a Wisconsin bill banning abortions after a fetal heartbeat is detected, reducing the timeframe women could seek abortions from 20 weeks under current law to about six. […] Republican lawmakers in Wisconsin have passed legislation in recent years under former Gov. Scott Walker that bans abortions after five months of pregnancy and requires women to receive an ultrasound beforehand.” [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 9/13/21]
Rebecca Kleefisch On Her Stance Against Abortion: “Not Only In Protecting The Next Generation Of Women, Unborn, But Also Protecting Those Women Who Right Now Are Scared And Confused.” "I think it’s really important that we take stock not only in protecting the next generation of women, unborn, but also protecting those women who right now are scared and confused. Make sure that they have the resources they need in order to get rid of that fear.” [WITI-MILW (FOX), 5/6/22]
Kleefisch Said “Now I’m Not A Biologist… But I Am A Woman, And I Will Not Let A Man Like Tony Evers Tell Me How I’m Supposed To Feel About Roe. I Will Win This Race Because I Can Speak With A Mother’s Heart.” According to Kleefisch’s Twitter, “Now I’m not a biologist… But I am a woman, and I will not let a man like Tony Evers tell me how I’m supposed to feel about Roe. I will win this race because I can speak with a mother’s heart. #RPW2022” [Twitter, @RebeccaforReal, 5/21/22]
Kleefisch Said “We Can Do Both” To Protecting The Unborn And Helping Moms Going “Forward.” According to Kleefisch’s Twitter, “Loved hearing from friends in Kewaunee County about how excited they are to protect the unborn and help moms going forward. We can do both!” [Twitter, @RebeccaforReal, 5/15/22]
Kleefisch Believed “Life Is Always The Best Option” And Suggested Alternatives To Abortion. According to Rebecca Kleefisch’s op-ed, “While abortion advocates try to tell women the only solution is to end their child’s life, they’re wrong. Women and our babies deserve better than abortion being the default option to an unplanned pregnancy. Life is always the best option.” [Rebecca Kleefisch - Waukesha Freeman, 5/7/22]
Kleefisch Said “Science Is Undeniably Pro-Life” Because Of Babies Being Able To Survive Outside Of The Womb, The Development Of Artificial Placentas And The Ability To Detect Heartbeats As Early Five Weeks.” According to Rebecca Kleefisch’s op-ed, “Science is undeniably pro-life. Medical innovation has brought lifesaving treatments to babies in the womb. Today, babies can survive outside the womb earlier than ever before. Scientists are also developing artificial placentas, and doctors can now detect fetal heartbeats as early as five weeks.” [Rebecca Kleefisch - Waukesha Freeman, 5/7/22]
Kleefisch Said The “Government’s Most Sacred Duty Is To Protect The Right To Life, Not Fund Genocide” And She Said She Would Make That Happen If Elected. According to Rebecca Kleefisch’s op-ed, “Government’s most sacred duty is to protect the right to life, not to fund genocide. As governor, I’ll ensure that happens.” [Rebecca Kleefisch - Waukesha Freeman, 5/7/22]
Kleefisch Touted That She Was The Only Candidate Endorsed By Wisconsin Right To Life And Said “We Work To Help Surround Moms With Grace And Support. We Can Help Women Give Their Babies Life And Reach Their Goals.” According to Kleefisch’s Twitter, “I am the only candidate for governor endorsed by @WRTL as we work to help surround moms with grace and support. We can help women give their babies life AND reach their goals.” [Twitter, @RebeccaforReal, 5/5/22]
Kleefisch Supported An Abortion Exemption If The Mother’s Health Was At Risk. According to Fox6 News Milwaukee, “A Wisconsin law from 1849 and still on the books bans abortions, but Roe has made that unenforceable. After Roe is scrapped, the state law would be back, but likely would face legal challenges. That old law exempts mothers and also allows abortions if the life of the mother is at risk. ‘Yes, I think the life of the mother stands,’ said Kleefisch, who supports keeping that exemption.” [Fox6 News Milwaukee, 5/5/22]
Kleefisch Did Not Support An Abortion Exemption For Rape And Incest. According to Fox6 News Milwaukee, “A Wisconsin law from 1849 and still on the books bans abortions, but Roe has made that unenforceable. After Roe is scrapped, the state law would be back, but likely would face legal challenges. […] FOX6's Jason Calvi asked: ‘Would you have an exemption for rape and incest as well?’ ‘No, because I don’t think it’s the baby’s fault how the baby is conceived,’ said Kleefisch.” [Fox6 News Milwaukee, 5/5/22]
Kleefisch Called For The “Support Of Mothers” And Said It Was Important To Protect The Unborn And Women Who Are “Scared And Confused, Make Sure That They Have The Resources They Need In Order To Get Rid Of That Fear.” According to Fox6 News Milwaukee, “A Wisconsin law from 1849 and still on the books bans abortions, but Roe has made that unenforceable. After Roe is scrapped, the state law would be back, but likely would face legal challenges. […] Kleefisch said the state needs to support mothers. ‘I think it’s really important that we take stock not only of protecting the next generation of women, unborn, but also protecting those women who right now are scared and confused, make sure that they have the resources they need in order to get rid of that fear.’” [Fox6 News Milwaukee, 5/5/22]
Kleefisch Said That Evers, Schumer And Pelosi Wanted To Allow Nine Month Abortions “On Demand.” According to Kleefisch’s Twitter, “Barbaric. Tony Evers is working with Chuck Schumer & Nancy Pelosi to allow ninth-month abortions on demand. wkow.com/news/evers-lea…” [Twitter, @RebeccaforReal, 5/4/22]
Kleefisch Was “Committed” To Her “100% Pro-Life Stance.” According to Kleefisch’s Twitter, “Now the abortion debate goes back to states like Wisconsin, where it always belonged. As a state we must hold firm for the voiceless and protect their right to life — and that means enforcing the laws we have on the books. I remain committed to my 100% pro-life stance.” [Twitter, @RebeccaforReal, 6/24/22]
Kleefisch Said Abortion Was “Not And Never” Health Care And Claimed That Evers “Radically Fought For Killing Babies In The Womb Without Exception — That’s Barbaric.” According to Kleefisch’s Twitter, “Abortion is not and never was health care. Tony Evers has radically fought for killing babies in the womb without exception — that's barbaric.” [Twitter, @RebeccaforReal, 6/24/22]
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Kleefisch Said She Would “Fire Any County District Attorney Or Sheriff Who Does Not Enforce” Wisconsin’s Abortion Law. According to Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, “They also suggested they would not sign legislation that provides more exceptions to the state's abortion ban, an 1849 law that is back in effect following Friday's ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade. The three candidates also said they would fire any county district attorney or sheriff who does not enforce the law, as the district attorneys in Milwaukee and Dane counties have promised not to do.” [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 6/28/22]
Kleefisch Supported Banning Abortion At Six Weeks But Did Not Support The Provision That Would Allow Private Citizens To Bring Lawsuits. According to Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, “Texas recently adopted a law that limits abortion when a fetal heartbeat can be detected, around six weeks. Prosecutors and other government officials can’t enforce the ban, but private individuals can receive bounties if they sue doctors who perform abortions and those who help women obtain them. […] Kleefisch and Nicholson said they supported banning abortion at six weeks but not the provision that allows private citizens to bring lawsuits.” [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 3/24/22]
Kleefisch Claimed That “The Party That Can’t Even Define What A Woman Is Shouldn’t Be Spreading Anti-Feminist Lies That We Need Abortions To Be Successful” After Evers Said Women Became 2nd Class Citizens After Roe V. Wade. According to Kleefisch’s Twitter, “The party that can’t even define what a woman is shouldn’t be spreading anti-feminist lies that we need abortions to be successful.” Quote Tweet Tony Evers @Tony4WI 6/25/22 “Yesterday, women in Wisconsin became second class citizens. That’s BS.” [Twitter, @RebeccaforReal, 6/26/22]
(VIDEO) Kleefisch Released Television Ad, “Always” Following Roe V. Wade Decision. According to Rebecca For Governor, “Following the monumental ruling by the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade, Wisconsin gubernatorial candidate Rebecca Kleefisch is up with a new statewide television advertisement ‘Always.’ The ad celebrates the decision and reaffirms her commitment to always stand with the pro-life movement. The ad will begin running on television and digital platforms this weekend.” [Rebecca For Governor, 6/24/22]
Kleefisch Said “Abortion Harms Both Moms And Babies” And Said The Pro-life Community Could “Promote A Culture Of Life And Success For Families” After Roe V. Wade. According to Kleefisch’s Twitter, “Abortion harms both moms and babies. After this win, the pro-life community can focus all of our efforts to supporting moms, dads, and their babies to promote a culture of life and success for families.” [Twitter, @RebeccaforReal, 6/24/22]
Kleefisch Said “It’s Easy. Enforce The Law” In Response To Kaul Saying He Would Review Roe V. Wade’s Decision And How To Move Forward. According to Kleefisch’s Twitter, “It’s easy. Enforce the law.” Quote Tweet Attorney General Josh Kaul @WISDOJ 6/24/22 “We must now turn to Congress, state courts, and state legislatures. Our office is reviewing today’s decision and will be providing further information about how we intend to move forward next week.” [Twitter, @RebeccaforReal, 6/24/22]
Kleefisch Said The Abortion Debate Belonged To States And States Must “Hold Firm For The Voiceless And Protect Their Right To Life” And Enforce Laws On The Books Then Said She Was Committed To 100% Pro-Life Stance. According to Kleefisch’s Twitter, “Now the abortion debate goes back to states like Wisconsin, where it always belonged. As a state we must hold firm for the voiceless and protect their right to life — and that means enforcing the laws we have on the books. I remain committed to my 100% pro-life stance.” [Twitter, @RebeccaforReal, 6/24/22]
Kleefisch Thought Abortion Was Not Health Care And That “Evers Has Radically Fought For Killing Babies In The Womb Without Exception — That’s Barbaric.” According to Kleefisch’s Twitter, “Abortion is not and never was health care. Tony Evers has radically fought for killing babies in the womb without exception — that's barbaric.” [Twitter, @RebeccaforReal, 6/24/22]
Kleefisch Said She Was “Overjoyed” When Hearing Roe V. Wade’s Draft Decision. According to Rebecca Kleefisch’s op-ed, “I was overjoyed to hear the Supreme Court is ready to overturn Roe v. Wade.” [Rebecca Kleefisch - Waukesha Freeman, 5/7/22]
Kleefisch Tweeted “Breaking → Scotus Will Overturn Roe V. Wade. It’s About Time!” In Response To Politico’s Tweet That Said The Supreme Court Voted To Overturn Roe V. Wade. According to Kleefisch’s Twitter, “BREAKING → SCOTUS will overturn Roe v. Wade. It’s about time!” [Twitter, @RebeccaforReal, 5/2/22]
Kleefisch Said The Abortion Debate Returned To States Like Wisconsin “Where It Always Belonged” Then Said People Must “Hold Firm For The Voiceless And Protect Their Right To Life — And That Means Enforcing The Laws We Have On The Books.” According to Kleefisch’s Twitter, “Now the abortion debate goes back to states like Wisconsin, where it always belonged. As a state we must hold firm for the voiceless and protect their right to life — and that means enforcing the laws we have on the books. I remain committed to my 100% pro-life stance.” [Twitter, @RebeccaforReal, 6/24/22]
Rebecca Kleefisch Believed That Roe V. Wade Was “One Of The U.S. Supreme Court’s Most Egregious Cases That Allowed The Killing Of More Than 60 Million Babies Over Nearly Half A Century.” According to Kleefisch’s Twitter. “One day, we will all look back on Roe v. Wade as one of the U.S. Supreme Court’s most egregious cases that allowed the killing of more than 60 million babies over nearly half a century.” [Twitter, @RebeccaforReal, 6/24/22]
Rebecca Kleefisch: “A Victory For Unborn Babies!” According to Kleefisch’s Twitter, “A victory for unborn babies!” [Twitter, @RebeccaforReal, 6/24/22]
Kleefisch Said She Was “Overjoyed And Relieved, Because I Have Fought My Entire Adult Life For This Moment To Actually Happen,” And “I Am The Only One Running For Governor Who Has Spent Her Entire Lifetime Taking Pregnancy Tests.” According to NBC 26, “‘I am overjoyed and relieved, because I have fought my entire adult life for this moment to actually happen,’ Kleefisch said. ‘I am the only one running for governor who has spent her entire lifetime taking pregnancy tests.’” [NBC 26, 6/27/22]