Following The Supreme Court Dobbs Ruling Which Overturned Roe v. Wade, Scott Said “The Court Correctly Interpreted The Constitution.” “Senator Rick Scott said, ‘The importance of today’s decision by the Supreme Court cannot be overstated. For nearly 50 years, our country endured flawed legal reasoning that invented an implied constitutional right to abortion while stripping authority from lawmakers according to the will of the people. Today, the Court correctly interpreted the Constitution, defended human dignity and the foundational principle of federalism, and rightly declared that there is no constitutional right to end the life of an unborn child.’” [Sen. Rick Scott Press Release, 6/24/22]
Scott Said He “Firmly Believes That Life Begins At Conception,” And “The Fight To Protect The Sanctity Of Life Is Not Over.” According to Scott’s official press release, “‘I firmly believe that life begins at conception and that every child deserves to be welcomed into this world with open and loving arms. Abortion ends a life. It is abhorrent and has no place in our society. While we celebrate the Court’s latest ruling, the fight to protect the sanctity of life is not over. Lawmakers and the pro-life movement have the responsibility to make adoption more accessible and affordable, and do everything in our power to meet the needs of struggling women and their families so they can choose life. We cannot stop fighting until every life, born and unborn, is valued.’” [Sen. Rick Scott Press Release, 6/24/22]
Responding To SCOTUS Decision, Scott Said “Today Life Wins!” According to Scott’s campaign Twitter, “Today #LifeWins!”
Scott’s account was responding to a Fox News tweet, “BREAKING NEWS: Supreme Court releases final ruling on high-stakes abortion case” [Twitter, @ScottforFlorida, 6/24/22 ; Twitter, @FoxNews, 6/24/22]
Rick Scott: “I Believe That Abortion Is Wrong And Roe Versus Wade Should Be Overturned.” According to the Rick Scott for Florida FAQ page, “I believe that abortion is wrong and Roe versus Wade should be overturned.” [FAQ Page – Rick Scott For Florida, 10/21/10]
Scott Was In-Favor Of Upholding Mississippi Law Posing A Challenge To Roe v. Wade
Scott On Supreme Court Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization: “I Pray That The Court Will Make The Right Decision In This Case By Upholding Mississippi’s Law.” According to Scott’s official press release, “Today, Senator Rick Scott released the following statement as the United States Supreme Court hears oral arguments in the case of Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization. Earlier this year, Senator Scott joined more than 200 of his colleagues in Congress in an amicus brief asking the Court to uphold Mississippi’s law restricting elective abortions of unborn children after 15 weeks. Senator Rick Scott said, ‘I firmly believe that life begins at conception and every child deserves to be welcomed with open and loving arms. That shouldn’t be a controversial statement to make, and it shouldn’t be hard to agree that inflicting pain on and taking the life of an unborn child is abhorrent and has no place in our society. A bipartisan majority of Mississippi legislators passed a law to protect unborn babies after 15 weeks, a law nearly four dozen European nations already have in place to protect basic human rights and human dignity. Today the U.S. Supreme Court has an enormously important opportunity to restore constitutionally-protected legislative sovereignty of the individual states and protect innocent life. ‘For more than four decades, our nation’s laws to protect the lives of vulnerable unborn children have been stifled by activist judges and a misguided reading of the Constitution. I pray that the Court will make the right decision in this case by upholding Mississippi’s law, protecting life and delivering a clear message that legislating belongs to the people’s elected representatives, not the courts.’” [Sen. Rick Scott Press Release, 12/1/21]
Mississippi Law In Question Posed A Direct Challenge To Roe v. Wade
NPR: The Dobbs Case “Has The Potential To Pose A Serious Challenge To Roe v. Wade.” According to NPR, “The Supreme Court will hear arguments Dec. 1 in a case from Mississippi that tests whether all state laws that ban pre-viability abortions are unconstitutional. The case, Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, has the potential to pose a serious challenge to Roe v. Wade. That’s the 1973 ruling that declared that a woman has a constitutional right to terminate a pregnancy in the first six months of her pregnancy, when the fetus is incapable of surviving outside the womb.” [NPR, 9/20/21]
Rick Scott For WSJ: Scott Asked Democrats When Do They Believe Life Begins, Noted Republicans Point To The “Fundamental Belief” That Life Begins At Conception. According to an op-ed by Scott in the Wall Street Journal, “I have a simple question for Democrats: When do you believe life begins? The Republican position on abortion is based on a fundamental belief that life begins at conception. It’s a conclusion grounded in faith and values, but also in science. We know that unborn babies can feel pain very early. We know that after six weeks a baby’s heartbeat can be heard in the womb. Modern sonograms show unborn babies smiling, yawning and sucking their thumbs. Put simply, science has revealed that an unborn baby is a human being, and voters agree. According to recent polling conducted by the National Republican Senatorial Committee, 73% of voters agree that an unborn baby is a human being. […] Meanwhile, Republicans are happy to answer the question of when life begins: We believe life begins at conception because we believe in science and place value in every life, born and unborn. Once Democrats have an answer, we can have a legitimate debate on the issue.” [Wall Street Journal – Rick Scott, 5/9/22]
Scott: “Life Begins At Conception”
2022: Scott Said “Life Begins At Conception” Ahead Of March For Life. According to a Press Release via Senator Rick Scott, “Senator Rick Scott said, ‘I am proud to be unapologetically pro-life. We should all be able to agree that life begins at conception, every child deserves to be welcomed with open and loving arms and that inflicting pain on and taking the life of an unborn child is abhorrent, and has no place in our society. Today, in the annual March for Life, we celebrate the sanctity of life and reaffirm our commitment to make sure every child’s life is valued.’” [Senator Rick Scott Press Release, 1/21/22]
Scott Supported Exceptions For Rape And Incest. According to the Palm Beach Post, “Scott and McCollum are both anti-abortion. But Scott supports abortions for victims of rape and incest while McCollum does not. Scott’s campaign complained the note was unfair -- only a small fraction of abortions happen in hospitals -- and said individuals tied to at least two of the organizations that approved the guide are McCollum supporters.” [Palm Beach Post, 8/23/10]
Scott Reportedly Said He Supported Legislation That Would Make Abortion Illegal In Florida In Nearly All Instances, Including Rape And Incest. According to the Tampa Bay Times, “A state legislator claims in a new message to supporters that Republican gubernatorial candidate Rick Scott has pledged, if elected, to throw his support behind a bill that would make abortion illegal in Florida in nearly all instances, including rape and incest. An e-mail sent out by Rep. Charles Van Zant this week urges his supporters to vote for Scott because he personally promised to sign into law the ‘Florida Right to Life Act.’ Van Zant, R-Keystone Heights, added that ‘Scott pledged that he would assist in advancing the Florida for Life Act through both Florida’s House and Senate.’ ------------ Van Zant, a minister and an architect, added in his e-mail that he had a follow-up conversation with Scott about whether the Naples businessman would make abortion illegal in Florida: ‘He immediately said ‘Yes, that’s what I believe and that’s what I will do.’ He telephoned me last week to assure me that he would keep this issue before our state government,’ Van Zant added. Asked directly whether Van Zant’s e-mail was accurate, Scott campaign spokesman Travis Burk said that ‘Rick Scott’s pro-life position has not changed.’ Scott has in the past said he is opposed to abortion but does support it for the life of the mother as well as victims of rape and incest.” [Tampa Bay Times, 10/15/10]
Scott Spokesman Said Abortion Should Be Available In Cases Of Rape Or Incest. According to the Associated Press State & Local Wire, “That would have been a change from previous statements, but Scott’s campaign said Friday he hasn’t re-evaluated his position. The Ledger of Lakeland reported Rep. Charles Van Zant told supporters in an e-mail endorsement of Scott the gubernatorial candidate repeatedly promised to support a bill banning abortion unless the pregnancy threatens the life of the woman. However, a Scott spokesman said Friday he also believed the procedure should still be available in cases of rape or incest. Van Zant did not immediately returned messages left Thursday by The Associated Press.” [Associated Press State & Local Wire, 10/15/10]
Scott Spokesman Said He Opposed Abortion Except In The Cases Of Rape, Incest Or When The Woman’s Life Was In Danger. According to the Sarasota Herald Tribune, “Republican gubernatorial candidate Rick Scott’s campaign said Friday that Scott would not support a proposed law to make abortion illegal in nearly all instances in Florida. A state legislator earlier this week sent out a message telling supporters that Scott pledged, if elected, to throw his support behind the bill that would make abortion illegal in Florida in nearly all instances, including rape and incest. Chad Colby, a spokesman for Scott’s campaign, said that Scott’s position on abortion has been ‘consistent’ and that Scott opposes abortion except when the woman’s life in danger, or if she has been a victim of rape or incest.” [Sarasota Herald Tribune, 10/16/10]
Scott: “I’m Pro-Life With The Exceptions Of Rape, Incest, And The Life Of The Mother.” According to a CNN transcript of the Florida gubernatorial debate, “SCOTT: With regard to abortion, I am pro-life. I’m pro-life with the exceptions of rape, incest, and the life of the mother.” [CNN – Florida Gubernatorial Debate, 10/25/10]
Scott’s “Rescue America” Agenda: “Abortion Kills Human Children, To Deny That Is To Deny Science.”, “Men and women are biologically different, ‘male and female He created them.’ Modern technology has confirmed that abortion takes a human life. Facts are facts, the earth is round, the sun is hot, there are two genders, and abortion stops a beating heart. To say otherwise is to deny science. Abortion kills human children. To deny that is to deny science.” [, accessed 5/3/22]
Under Scott’s Plan: “All Government Policies Will Favor Having More Babies Adopted, Not Aborted.” According to, “Whether you believe in God or not, as a civilized people who accept science, we must protect babies, born and unborn, from all acts of violence. All government policies will favor having more babies adopted, not aborted.” [, accessed 5/3/22]
Scott Called For More Support For People Seeking Abortions To Focus On Adoption. According to, “Abortions are a tragedy. We must make adoption accessible and affordable. We currently make it very expensive for prospective parents to adopt, even though many kids desperately need families. This is insane and we will change it. We will help low-income single women who are considering abortion choose life instead, by paying all costs associated with carrying the child to term and placing the child for adoption.” [, accessed 5/3/22]
Scott Called To “Utilize And Empower” Faith-Based Adoption Agencies. According to, “We will STOP Democrat Party efforts to discriminate against faith-based adoption agencies. We will do just the opposite. Most faith-based groups provide far superior service than government agencies do. We will utilize and empower them.” [, accessed 5/3/22]
Scott: “Congress Should Not Throw Away The Hyde Amendment And Force American Taxpayers To Fund The Widespread Destruction Of Innocent Life.” According to an op-ed by Scott the National Review, “That’s why, as governor of Florida, I signed legislation to authorize permanent funding for crisis pregnancy centers, which support mothers and fathers every step of the way. It’s why I signed legislation to limit state funding for abortion clinics, such as Planned Parenthood, which do not share the common belief that all life is valuable. And it’s why I required physicians who perform abortions to have admitting privileges at nearby hospitals – a reasonable standard to protect health and safety. Congress should not throw away the Hyde Amendment and force American taxpayers to fund the widespread destruction of innocent life. Congress should instead find ways to cut taxes, cut spending, and support priorities important to all American families — and that certainly doesn’t include requiring every American to fund abortions.” [National Review – Rick Scott, 10/6/20]
Scott Supported Legislation To Require Medically Unnecessary Ultrasounds Before Abortions
2022: Scott Joined Senators In Introducing Legislation Which Would Require Ultrasounds Before Abortions. According to the Washington Examiner, “Kansas GOP Sen. Roger Marshall, a medical doctor, is reportedly set to introduce a bill Thursday that would require abortion providers to perform ultrasounds before proceeding with the abortion. The Ultrasound Informed Consent Act, the text of which was obtained by National Review, stipulates that ‘prior to a woman giving informed consent to having any part of an abortion performed, the abortion provider who is to perform the abortion, or an agent under the supervision of the provider, shall perform an obstetric ultrasound on the pregnant woman.’ […] The measure further requires a provider to explain what is apparent on the ultrasound to the woman. The bill would not force a woman to look at the ultrasound image. According to the text, ‘Nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent a pregnant woman from turning her eyes away from the ultrasound images required to be displayed and described to her.’ It also adds that ‘neither the abortion provider nor the pregnant woman shall be subject to any penalty under this title if the pregnant woman declines to look at the displayed ultrasound images.’ Co-sponsors of the measure include Sens. Marsha Blackburn, Mike Braun, Bill Cassidy, Ted Cruz, Steve Daines, Cindy Hyde-Smith, Jim Inhofe, Cynthia Lummis, Mike Rounds, Rick Scott, and James Lankford.” [Washington Examiner, 3/9/22]
Scott Supported Legislation That Would Have Required Women Seeking Abortions To Pay For Ultrasounds Before Undergoing The Procedure. According to the Orlando Sentinel, “Gov. Charlie Crist on Friday vetoed a highly controversial bill that would have required women seeking abortions to pay for ultrasounds before undergoing the procedure, saying it ‘presents an inappropriate burden on women seeking to terminate a pregnancy.’ […] Supporters vowed Friday to bring the ultrasound bill back next year -- when a new figure is in the Governor’s Mansion. Whether it’s successful in 2011 will likely hinge on who wins the governor’s race this fall. Presumptive Democratic nominee Alex Sink opposes the ultrasound requirement, while Republican candidates McCollum and Rick Scott support it.” [Orlando Sentinel, 6/12/10]
Scott Supported Legislation That Required Physicians Performing Abortions To Perform An Ultrasound. According to a press release from Rick Scott for Florida, “Rick Scott released the following statement regarding Governor Crist’s veto of HB 1143: ‘I am disappointed that Governor Crist put politics before life and vetoed HB 1143. As someone who is pro-life and who spent a significant amount of my own money successfully defeating the golden ring of Obamacare, the public option, I believe that Governor Crist should have signed the pro-life ultrasound bill. This bill not only demonstrates that abortion is the taking of an innocent human life, it also prevents taxpayer funded abortions, as mandated by the federal government under President Obama’s government run health care program.’” [Press Release – Rick Scott For Florida, 6/11/10]
Scott: “I’m Pro-Life. I Believe If They See The Sonogram, They Won’t Have The Abortion.” According to the Ledger, “During that meeting, he again was asked about House Bill 1143, referred to by many as the ‘anti-abortion bill.’ The bill would require a woman seeking an abortion to have an ultrasound of her fetus and to be required to pay for it. Scott was asked how he could reconcile his call for less government intervention and regulation and support the bill requiring women to look at the ultrasound. ‘I’m pro-life [#xfffd] I believe if they see the sonogram, they won’t have the abortion,’ he said.” [Ledger, 6/15/10]
Rick Scott Signed Legislation Requiring Women To Undergo Ultrasounds Before Getting An Abortion
Scott Signed Legislation Requiring Women To Undergo Ultrasounds Before Getting An Abortion. According to the Associated Press, “Gov. Rick Scott has signed two abortion bills into law. One of them (HB 1127) requires women to undergo ultrasounds before getting an abortion. The other (HB 1247) makes it more difficult for minors to get court waivers from Florida’s parental notification law.” [Associated Press, 6/24/11]
Under The Legislation, Women Were Required To Sign Forms If They Do Not Want To See The Fetal Images Or Hear Descriptions. According to the Orlando Sentinel, “HB 1127 will require ultrasounds before women can have first-trimester abortions, a requirement already in place for later-term abortions. Women will have to sign forms if they do not want to see the fetal images or hear descriptions. Supporters said the bill will ensure that women get needed information -- and may lead some to forgo abortions. Foes said the law is government interference between doctors and patients.” [Orlando Sentinel, 6/26/11]
Scott Said The Legislation Is “The Right Thing To Be Doing.” According to the Palm Beach Post, “Scott, whose daughter Allison Guimard is five months’ pregnant with what will be his first grandchild, highlighted a controversial law requiring women to have ultrasounds and opt out of hearing the procedure’s details before getting an abortion. Scott’s predecessor, Charlie Crist, vetoed a similar bill last year. ‘These bills are historic,’ Scott told a crowd that included leaders from the Florida Baptist Convention, the Florida Catholic Conference and the Florida Family Policy Council. ‘It’s the right thing to be doing.’” [Palm Beach Post, 7/31/11]
Scott: “You Should Have The Opportunity To See An Ultrasound Of Your Child. It’s Your Choice. You Don’t Have To. This Creates Choice. I Think It’s Very Positive.” According to the Miami Herald, “Asked what his response it to those who say the laws limit choice for women, Gov. Scott referred to the ultrasound bill, passed by a previous Legislature but vetoed by then Gov. Charlie Crist. ‘You should have the opportunity to see see an ultrasound of your child,’ Scott said. ‘It’s your choice. You don’t have to. This creates choice. I think it’s very positive.’” [Miami Herald, 7/30/11]
Scott Supported Legislation To Restrict Federal Funds From Going To Abortion Providers
2021: Scott Joined Senate Republicans In Re-Introducing The Protecting Life And Taxpayer Act. According to Senator Marsha Blackburn press release, “U.S. Senators Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.), James Lankford (R-Okla.), Mike Braun (R-Ind.), Steve Daines (R-Mont.), Roger Wicker (R-Miss.), Thom Tillis (R-N.C.), Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), Mike Rounds (R-S.D.), Kevin Cramer (R-N.D.), Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.), James Inhofe (R-Okla.), Rick Scott (R-Fla.), and Tim Scott (R-S.C.) reintroduced the Protecting Life and Taxpayers Act to help end taxpayer support for the abortion industry. [...] ‘As a father and a grandfather, I value all life, including the unborn, and believe every child deserves to be welcomed with open and loving arms,’ said Senator Rick Scott. ‘It’s wrong for Congress to force Americans to fund the widespread destruction of innocent life. That’s why I’m proud to join Senator Blackburn to introduce the Protecting Life and Taxpayers Act to prevent American taxpayer dollars from being used to fund abortions.’” [Sen. Marsha Blackburn Press Release, 7/1/21]
Scott Backed Legislation To Ban Abortion At 20 Weeks Of Pregnancy
2021: Scott Supported To Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, Which Would Ban Abortion After 20 Weeks Of Pregnancy. According to Florida Daily, “Florida’s two U.S. senators–Marco Rubio and Rick Scott–joined more than 40 of their Republican colleagues in the U.S. Senate to back U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham’s, R-SC, ‘Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act’ which would offer ‘protections for unborn children at 20 weeks after fertilization, a point at which there is significant scientific evidence that abortion inflicts tremendous pain on the unborn.’ […] ‘In the United States, we believe in the sanctity of life and the value that each child brings into this world. Although not yet born, these babies are capable of feeling pain, and we must work to protect their lives just the same. I hope all my colleagues join me in protecting life and pass this legislation quickly,’ Scott said.” [Florida Daily, 1/29/21]
Rick Scott Said “Yes” He Would Sign A Law Banning Abortion After 20 Weeks. According to a CNN transcript of the Florida gubernatorial debate, “KING: And would you sign a law that said the standard should be after 20 weeks, when the Nebraska law supporters say they have researched that fetus can feel the pain, would you sign that? Essentially under current law in most states it is 23 weeks or so most research shows when a fetus can live outside the womb. So it takes about three weeks to a month sliding back the line. Would you sign a law that said at 20 weeks, after 20 weeks no abortions? SCOTT: Yes.” [CNN – Florida Gubernatorial Debate, 10/25/10]
Scott Supported So-Called “Born Alive” Legislation
2019: Scott Sponsored The Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. According to Scott’s official press release, “Today, Senator Rick Scott announced that he will co-sponsor S.130, the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. Senator Scott signed similar legislation into law as Governor of Florida in 2013. Senator Rick Scott said, ‘I’m proud to support the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act and will always fight to protect children. The recent embrace of late-term abortion by the New York State Legislature and infanticide by Virginia Governor Ralph Northam is shocking, and exactly why we must take action to protect the most vulnerable among us. ‘As a father and grandfather, every child is a special gift who deserves to be welcomed into the world with open and loving arms. This should not be a political fight and all my colleagues should support this important legislation to make sure all babies are valued.” [Sen. Rick Scott Press Release, 2/7/19]
Scott Attacked Democrats Twice For Blocking Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act
2020: Scott Attacked Democrats For Blocking Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. According to Scott’s official press release, “Senator Rick Scott said, ‘Today’s votes should have been common sense – the unborn and newly-born infants are the most vulnerable among us and deserve to be welcomed with open arms. By voting against these two bills, Democrats showed how far they have shifted in their stance on abortion. Today, Democrats stood for radical, late-term abortion and infanticide, rather than to preserve the right to life for defenseless children. Their decision is horrific and shameful. I will always stand for the unborn and oppose the radical abortion agenda of today’s Democrat Party.’” [Sen. Rick Scott Press Release, 2/25/20]
2019: Scott Said Democrats Were “Beholden To The Extremist Views Of Their Party” After Blocking The Born-Alive Survivors Protection Act. According to Scott’s official press release, “Senator Rick Scott said, ‘Democrats once again decided to put politics above the safety of newborn babies and voted to block a common sense bill that simply requires doctors to provide medical care to all babies born alive. It is shocking that anyone would refuse to take action to protect the most vulnerable among us – and while I’m disappointed, it’s now more clear than ever that Democrats are beholden to the extremists in their party. Voting against this bill is tantamount to supporting infanticide. It’s extraordinarily sad to see members of the United States Senate take this position.’” [Sen. Rick Scott Press Release, 2/25/19]
Scott Signed Similar Legislation While Governor Of Florida
2013: Scott Signed HB 1129, Which Stated If An Infant Was Born During An Attempted Abortion The Child Was Entitled To The Same Rights As Any Other Child Born Alive. According to the Tampa Bay Times, “Gov. Rick Scott signed a bill into law on Wednesday requiring that doctors performing an abortion offer emergency medical care if the baby is somehow born alive. Scott was joined by his wife Ann and antiabortion activists from around the state as he signed HB 1129 at the Florida Baptist Children's Home's Pensacola campus in Cantonment, a nonprofit organization that supports pregnancy resource centers and provides services for children who are neglected, abused or abandoned. […] The new law, which takes effect July 1, calls for care ‘appropriate for the gestational age of the infant.’ It states that an infant born alive ‘during or immediately after attempted abortion is entitled to the same rights, powers, and privileges as any other child born alive in course of natural birth’ and ensures an infant is ‘transported to a hospital.’ A violation of the law is a first-degree misdemeanor punishable by a year in jail, a $1,000 fine or both. Health care practitioners, as well as employees of hospitals, physicians' offices and abortion clinics, must report all known violations to the Department of Health.” [Tampa Bay Tribune, 6/5/13]
Scott Signed Into Law Legislation Permanently Funding ANti-Abortion Crisis Pregnancy Centers In Florida
2018: Scott Signed A Bill Which Would Help Permanently Fund Ant-Abortion Centers In Florida. According to the Associated Press, “Florida will permanently fund anti-abortion pregnancy centers. Gov. Rick Scott signed the bill (HB 41) on Monday. It was heavily favored by Republicans and opposed by Democrats. Florida legislators have set aside money for the pregnancy centers since 2006, but the $4 million had to be renewed each year in the annual budget. Democrats argued that the state shouldn’t fund religious organizations or pregnancy centers that don’t provide a full range of services. Republicans said that the state would simply be helping to care for women who chose to go through with their pregnancies. Service providers can include faith-based organizations, but they can’t promote religious content nor use state money on other religious messages.” [Associated Press, 3/19/18]
Scott Signed Legislation Directing Proceeds From “Choose Life” License Plates To Crisis Pregnancy Centers
Scott Signed Legislation Changing The Way Funds Are Distributed From The Sales Of “Choose Life” Auto Tags. According to the Associated Press, “The measure was among 46 bills Scott signed into law including a measure that reduces penalties for minors caught ‘sexting’ explicit images. Some of the other bills will make fighting dogs more adoptable, crack down on credit and debit card theft and change the way funds are distributed from the sale of ‘Choose Life’ auto tags that are popular among abortion opponents.” [Associated Press, 6/21/11]
Scott Signed Legislation Requiring Women To Have A Doctor Determine Whether A Fetus Is Viable Before Having An Abortion
Scott Signed Legislation Requiring Women To Have A Doctor Determine Whether A Fetus Is Viable Before Having An Abortion. According to the Associated Press, “Under a new law, abortions will be illegal in Florida at any point in a woman’s pregnancy if her doctor determines that the fetus could survive outside the womb. Gov. Rick Scott signed a bill Friday that redefines that state’s current third trimester abortion ban. Current law prohibits abortions after 24 weeks of pregnancy unless the mother’s life is at risk. The new law will require women to have a doctor determine whether a fetus is viable before having an abortion. It also removes the exception of psychological trouble as an exception. The law takes effect July 1. It keeps an exception if a mother’s life is at risk or to prevent irreversible physical impairment of a mother’s major bodily function. The measure passed the House 70-45 and the Senate 24-15.” [Associated Press, 6/13/14]
Legislation Eliminated The Exception To Protect The Mother’s Emotional Health. According to the Tampa Bay Times, “The new proposal allows exceptions, only with written certification by two physicians, if abortion is needed to save the mother’s life or prevent serious physical injury to her. Current law also allows third-trimester abortions to protect the mother’s emotional health, which the new plan does not permit.” [Tampa Bay Times, 4/26/14]
Scott Signed Legislation Prohibiting Abortion Coverage Sold Through Health Insurance Exchanges
Scott Signed Legislation That Prohibits Health Care Plans Created Through The Federal Health Care Law From Covering Abortions. According to the Bradenton Herald, “Scott also signed off on HB 97, a bill that prohibits health care plans created through the federal health care law from covering abortions, and HB 411, which exempts photos, videos and recordings depicting deaths from public records. Rep. Rachel Burgin, R-Riverview, introduced that bill after the deaths of two Tampa police officers were captured on a dashboard camera.” [Bradenton Herald, 6/3/11]
Legislation Banned Abortion Coverage From Policies Sold Through Health Insurance Exchanges. According to the Sarasota Herald Tribune, “In other bill action on Thursday, Scott approved: […] HB 97, banning abortion coverage from policies sold through health insurance exchanges -- a type of insurance marketplace that is scheduled to start operating in 2014 as part of last year’s federal health law.” [Sarasota Herald Tribune, 6/3/11]
Scott Signed Legislation Tightening Florida’s Parental Notification Law
Scott Signed Legislation Making It More Difficult For Minors To Get Court Waivers From Florida’s Parental Notification Law. According to the Associated Press, “Gov. Rick Scott has signed two abortion bills into law. One of them (HB 1127) requires women to undergo ultrasounds before getting an abortion. The other (HB 1247) makes it more difficult for minors to get court waivers from Florida’s parental notification law.” [Associated Press, 6/24/11]
Legislation Required Minors Seeking A Judicial Waiver For Parental Notification Of An Abortion To Get The Waiver In District Court Rather Than A Wider-Reaching Appeals Court. According to the Miami Herald, “ABORTION -- PARENTAL NOTIFICATION (Passed) Requires minors seeking a judicial waiver for parental notification of an abortion to get the waiver in district court rather than a wider-reaching appeals court. (SB 1770/HB 1247)” [Miami Herald, 5/8/11]
Scott Signed Legislation Requiring Women Wait At Least 24 Hours Before Having An Abortion, And To Have Two Face-to-Face Visits With Doctors
Scott Signed Legislation Requiring Women Visit A Doctor And Wait At Least 24 Hours Before Having An Abortion. According to the Miami Herald, “Diving into an issue that continues to polarize the country, Gov. Rick Scott signed into law a requirement that Florida women visit a doctor and wait at least 24 hours before having an abortion. Though it won widespread support in the Republican-controlled Legislature, the issue was one of the most emotionally-charged questions tackled in the spring session. Word of its passage was quick to trigger passionate defense among pro-life supporters along with raising the ire of pro-choice activists.” [Miami Herald, 6/10/15]
Scott: “This 24 Hour Waiting Period Is An Important Step To Protecting Life While Ensuring There Is More Time To Make A Life-Changing Decision.” According to the Associated Press, “Scott defended the law. ‘As a parent and a grandparent, the sanctity of life is important to me. This 24 hour waiting period is an important step to protecting life while ensuring there is more time to make a life-changing decision,’ Scott said through a spokeswoman.” [Associated Press, 6/11/15]
Scott: “I Signed The Bill Because I Believe In What The Bill Stands For. And I’m Going To Continue To Believe That. ... I’m A Father And A Grandfather, And I Care About The Sanctity Of Life.” According to the Orlando Sentinel, “Asked about the lawsuit during a jobs-announcement event he attended in Ocoee, Scott defended the measure. ‘I signed the bill because I believe in what the bill stands for,’ he said. ‘And I’m going to continue to believe that. ... I’m a father and a grandfather, and I care about the sanctity of life.’” [Orlando Sentinel, 6/12/15]
24-Hour Waiting Period Law Went Through The Courts And Was Struck Down By The Florida Supreme Court
June 2015: ACLU Of Florida And The Center For Reproductive Rights Filed A Lawsuit One Day After Scott Signed The Waiting Period Bill, Arguing The Law Violates The Right To Privacy Guaranteed In The State Constitution. According to the Associated Press, “Two groups sued the state of Florida on Thursday seeking to stop a 24-hour waiting period for abortions from taking effect, arguing that it imposes an unnecessary burden on women seeking to end their pregnancies. The American Civil Liberties Union of Florida and the Center for Reproductive Rights filed the suit one day after Republican Gov. Rick Scott signed the bill into law. They argue that the law, which is to take effect July 1, violates the right to privacy guaranteed in the state constitution by interfering with their right to undergo the procedure.” [Associated Press, 6/11/15]
Leon County Judge Issued An Injunction To Stop The Implementation Of A Mandatory, 24-Hour Waiting Period Before A Woman Can Get An Abortion. According to the Tampa Bay Times, “A Leon County judge has issued an injunction to stop the implementation of a mandatory, 24-hour waiting period before a woman can get an abortion. The law, passed by the Legislature and signed by Gov. Rick Scott, was supposed to go into effect on Wednesday. The injunction by Chief Judge Charles Francis of Florida’s 2nd Circuit means the law won’t be enforced while a lawsuit brought by the American Civil Liberties Union on behalf of a Gainesville abortion clinic works its way through the courts. The lawsuit claims that the law is unconstitutional under Florida’s strict privacy standards. An injunction has no bearing on the final outcome of the suit.” [Tampa Bay Times, 6/30/15]
State Officials Appeals The Decision To Grant An Injunction Stopping Implementation Of The 24-Hour Waiting Period. According to the Associated Press State & Local, “Florida’s 24-hour waiting period for abortions is in legal limbo. A Florida judge blocked the new law a day before it was scheduled to take effect on Wednesday. But state officials then quickly appealed the decision. That action stayed the ruling by Judge Charles Francis. Attorneys for the American Civil Liberties Union of Florida then asked Francis on Tuesday evening to reinstate his injunction while the appeal moves forward. But there’s been no ruling so far. The case was transferred to a new judge on Wednesday as part of an annual rotation of judges.” [Associated Press State & Local, 7/1/15]
July 2015: Despite The Injunction, The 24-Hour Waiting Period Went Into Effect Because Of The Appeal From The State. According to the Palm Beach Post, “After a flurry of legal action Tuesday afternoon, Florida’s newest abortion law appears to be going into effect today as planned despite an emergency injunction blocking the law issued by a Tallahassee judge. At 2 p.m. Tuesday, Leon County Circuit Judge Charles Francis issued an 11-page order granting a temporary injunction to abortion-rights activists who filed a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of the new law. That law requires women to wait at least 24 hours after meeting in person with her doctor before she can have an abortion. With an injunction in force, the law would have remained in limbo while the lawsuit proceeded. However, later Tuesday afternoon Attorney General Pam Bondi’s office filed notice that it would appeal the temporary injunction. That move stayed the temporary injunction -- meaning the new law does go into effect.” [Palm Beach Post, 7/1/15]
Tallahassee Circuit Judge Blocked The 24-Hour Waiting Period, Reinstating The Injunction Against The Law. According to the Associated Press State & Local, “A Florida judge once again blocked the state’s new 24-hour waiting period for abortions on Thursday, ended two days of legal limbo. The new law, pushed by Republican legislators who said they wanted women to have a reflective period before an abortion, was signed by Gov. Rick Scott earlier this year and took effect Wednesday. Earlier in the week, a judge had agreed to put the law on hold pending a lawsuit filed by a Gainesville clinic and other groups. But the state quickly appealed the decision, leading to a 40-minute emergency hearing in the chambers of Judge Charles Dodson. Dodson, a judge in the circuit based in Tallahassee, decided after the hearing to reinstate the injunction against the law. He agreed with lawyers representing the clinic that if left intact the law would cause ‘irreparable harm.’ He also said in his two-page order that he found it unlikely the state would be successful in overturning the injunction on appeal.” [Associated Press State & Local, 7/2/15]
February 2016: Florida’s 1st District Court Of Appeal Lifted An Injunction That Blocked The 24-Hour Waiting Period From Taking Effect. According to the Associated Press, “Abortion opponents hailed an appeals court decision Friday that allows the state to begin enforcing a law requiring women to wait 24 hours before getting an abortion, while a group suing to overturn the law vowed to keep fighting. Florida’s 1st District Court of Appeal lifted an injunction that blocked the waiting period from taking effect. The three-judge panel said opponents failed to prove the law would create irreparable harm or that the lawsuit filed by the American Civil Liberties Union of Florida on behalf of a Gainesville abortion provider is likely to succeed.” [Associated Press, 2/26/16]
April 2016: Florida Supreme Court Suspended The 24-Hour Waiting Period For Abortions Until It Decided Whether To Hear A Lawsuit Claiming The Law Is Unconstitutional. According to the Associated Press, “The Florida Supreme Court suspended the state’s 24-hour waiting period for abortions on Friday until it decides whether to hear a lawsuit claiming the law is unconstitutional. The 5-2 decision comes two months after an appeals court allowed the law to go into effect. It was immediately praised by the American Civil Liberties Union of Florida, which is suing on behalf of a Gainesville clinic to block the law. ‘Women should not suffer this burden while there is an ongoing challenge to this unconstitutional law. Forcing women seeking an abortion to make multiple visits that are medically unnecessary especially burdens poor and working women, and is potentially dangerous,’ said Nancy Abudu, legal director of the ACLU of Florida. ‘This law was about the legislature creating needless burdens to limit a woman’s access to reproductive care.’” [Associated Press, 4/22/16]
February 2017: Florida Supreme Court Blocked The 24-Hour Waiting Period. According to the St. Augustine Record, “In another in a string of rulings siding with abortion-rights advocates, the Florida Supreme Court on Thursday blocked a 2015 law that would have required women to wait 24 hours before having abortions. Thursday’s 4-2 decision was the second time the state high court kept the law, approved by the Republican-dominated Legislature and signed by Gov. Rick Scott, from taking effect.” [St. Augustine Record, 2/16/17]
2022: Florida Judge Upheld Scott’s 24-Hour Waiting Period Legislation
Associated Press Headline: Judge Upholds Florida’s 24-Hour Wait Period For Abortion. According to the Associated Press, “Women will have to wait 24 hours before getting an abortion under a ruling by a Florida judge in a nearly seven-year battle over the waiting period. Circuit Judge Angela Dempsey in Tallahassee tossed out a lawsuit filed on behalf of a Gainesville women’s clinic, saying other medical procedures have similar waiting periods and other important decisions like getting married, getting divorced and buying a gun have longer waiting periods. ‘Twenty-four hours is the minimum time needed to sleep on such an important decision,’ Judge Dempsey wrote. The waiting period goes into effect once Dempsey signs one additional piece of paperwork. Dempsey also added that exceptions for the life of a mother, documented cases of rape and incest, and victims of domestic violence and human traffic support the constitutionality of the law. […] Former governor and current U.S. Sen. Rick Scott signed the bill into law in June 2015. The ACLU of Florida and the Center for Reproductive Rights filed the suit the next day on behalf of the Bread and Roses Women’s Health Center in Gainesville. The lawsuit argued that many women will have a difficult time scheduling appointments on two consecutive days because of work or school schedules, child care availability and the need to travel, especially if they have a low income.” [Associated Press, 4/12/22]
Scott Said He Was Glad To See His Abortion Law Upheld In Court. According to Scott’s official Twitter, “I was proud to sign this important bill into law as governor of Florida and I’m glad to see it upheld by the court. Life begins at conception and every child, including the vulnerable unborn, must be protected.” [Twitter, @SenRickScott, 4/13/22]
2016: Scott Signed Legislation Prohibiting Any State Funds From Going To Any Service By An Organization That Also provides Abortions
Scott Signed Legislation Prohibiting Any State Funds From Going To Any Service By An Organization That Also Provides Abortions. According to the Associated Press, “The abortion bill (HB 1411) is similar to legislation being challenged in court in other states, including Texas. State and federal laws already prohibit public money for abortion but this goes a step further by preventing any state funds from going to any service by an organization that also provides abortions.” [Associated Press, 3/25/16]
April 2016: Federal Health Officials Said Florida Cannot Block Medicaid Money From Abortion Clinics
April 2016: Center For Medicaid And CHIP Services Said That States Like Florida Cannot Block Medicaid Money From Abortion Clinics. According to the Tampa Bay Times, “States like Florida can’t block Medicaid money from abortion clinics, federal officials said in a letter to state health officials Tuesday. ‘Providing the full range of women’s health services neither disqualifies a provider from participating in the Medicaid program, nor is the provision of such services inconsistent with the best interests of the beneficiary and shall not be grounds for a state’s action against a provider,’ Vikki Wachino, director of the Center for Medicaid and CHIP Services, wrote in the letter, which was also sent to groups representing the nation’s governors, state lawmakers and public health officials. Translation: You can’t exempt Planned Parenthood or any other abortion clinic from Medicaid just for being an abortion clinic.” [Tampa Bay Times, 4/19/16]
June – August 2016: Federal Judge Blocked Florida Law Barring Money From Going To Abortion Clinic
June 2016: Federal Judge Issued An Injunction Ordering The State To Maintain Contracts For Preventive Care With Abortion Clinics Including Planned Parenthood. According to the Tampa Bay Times, “A federal judge late Thursday night blocked parts of a controversial abortion law within hours of it going into effect. The injunction, written by U.S. District Court Judge Robert Hinkle, orders the state to maintain contracts for preventive care with abortion clinics including Planned Parenthood and prevents a new rule that would require 50 percent of all abortion clinic records to be reviewed by the state each year. Hinkle’s ruling simply blocks these parts of the law from going into effect while the case is argued or unless a higher court overturns his decision. He wrote in the opinion that he expects the defunding and record inspection provisions will likely be ruled unconstitional.” [Tampa Bay Times, 6/30/16]
Federal Judge Made Permanent The Earlier Decision To Order The State To Maintain Contracts For Preventive Care With Abortion Clinics. According to the Tampa Bay Times, “A federal judge on Thursday threw out key parts of an abortion restriction law that would have blocked all state funding to clinics such as Planned Parenthood and required the inspection of as many as 35,000 women’s health records. U.S. District Judge Robert Hinkle made permanent an earlier decision to temporarily halt those portions of the law from going into effect while a lawsuit filed against the state by Planned Parenthood was ongoing. Earlier this month, the two parties reached an agreement to end the suit. In it, health officials agreed to the terms of Hinkle’s earlier ruling. […] In his earlier ruling, Hinkle said that portion of the law discouraged clinics from performing abortions, which he said is unconstitutional. ‘You can’t defund based on exercising a constitutional right,’ he told lawyers for the state during a court hearing in June He also threw out a requirement that the state review records for half of the abortions performed each year, which generally exceeds 70,000.” [Tampa Bay Times, 8/18/16]
Scott Signed A TRAP Law, With Several Restrictions On Abortion
Scott Signed Legislation Adding New Restrictions On Abortion And Prohibiting State Money From Going To Planned Parenthood. According to the Associated Press State & Local, “Florida Gov. Rick Scott signed a bill Friday that adds new restrictions on abortion and prohibits state money from going to Planned Parenthood. The measure was among 68 bills he signed into law, including one that would expand the use of medical marijuana to terminal patients.” [Associated Press State & Local, 3/25/16]
Legislation Required Doctors Who Perform Abortions Have Admitting Privileges At A Nearby Hospital, Or That The Clinic Have A Patient Transfer Agreement. According to the Associated Press State & Local, “The bill also requires doctors who perform abortions have admitting privileges at a nearby hospital, or that the clinic have a patient transfer agreement. ‘Abortionists will finally be held to the same standard as all other physicians who perform invasive procedures in a nonhospital setting by the requirement to have admitting privileges or a transfer agreement with a nearby hospital,’ said Ingrid Delgado, associate for social concerns/respect life for the Florida Conference of Catholic Bishops.” [Associated Press State & Local, 3/25/16]
Legislation Required Clinics To Face Annual Inspections. According to the Miami Herald, “Abortion clinics will face tougher rules and terminal patients will be able to use full-strength medical marijuana under new state laws. The measures -- among the legislative session’s most contentious -- were two of 68 bills Gov. Rick Scott signed into law Friday afternoon. He also issued his first veto of the session, blocking a referendum to create a utility board in Gainesville. Starting July 1, abortion clinics will be required to have admitting privileges or transfer agreements with a nearby hospital. They also will face annual inspections by the state as part of a law that sponsor Sen. Kelli Stargel, R-Lakeland, said is about ensuring women’s safety.” [Miami Herald, 3/25/16]
Annual Inspections Mandated A Review Of At Least Half Of The Patient Records Generated Since The Last Inspection. According to the News-Journal, “Abortion clinics in Florida will also face other requirements in the new law, including annual inspections by the state that mandate a review of at least half of the patient records generated since the last inspection.” [News-Journal, 3/25/16]
Under The Legislation, Abortion Clinics Would Have To Meet Regulatory Standards Similar To Those Used For “Ambulatory Surgical Centers.” According to the Sarasota Herald Tribune, “Under the new law, abortion clinics would have to meet regulatory standards similar to those used for ‘ambulatory surgical centers’ and doctors who perform abortions would have to have admitting privileges at a nearby hospital or the clinic would have to have a patient transfer agreement in place.” [Sarasota Herald Tribune, 3/26/16]
Legislation Prohibited Clinics From Selling, Donating Or Transferring Any Fetal Remains. According to the News-Journal, “The law also specifically prohibits clinics from selling, donating or transferring any fetal remains. The law will have a major financial impact on the clinics that use public money for non-abortion services.” [News-Journal, 3/25/16]
Legislation Defined The Trimesters Of A Pregnancy. According to the Tampa Bay Times, “At issue are three provisions of the legislation signed into law by Gov. Rick Scott this spring: […] - Defining the trimesters of a pregnancy, which Planned Parenthood says could limit some of their clinics by shortening the time period when they are allowed to provide abortions. Deputy Solicitor General Denise Harle said the Agency for Health Care Administration does not interpret the law in that way.” [Tampa Bay Times, 6/30/16]
Legislation Required Anyone Who Counsels Women About Abortions To Provide An Explanation About The Procedure, Including Alternatives, Before Making Referrals Or Assisting In Obtaining Abortions. According to the Ledger, “The law, approved by the Republican-controlled Legislature and signed by Gov. Rick Scott, requires anyone who counsels women about abortions to provide an explanation about the procedure, including alternatives, before making referrals or assisting in obtaining abortions. People or groups who provide information about abortions -- considered ‘referral or counseling’ agencies under the law -- would have to register with the Agency for Health Care Administration, pay a $200 fee and could be charged with a felony for violating the statute.” [Ledger, 1/27/17]
Federal Judge Blocked The Provision Requiring That The State Inspect Patient Records
Federal Judge Blocked A Provision Requiring The State Inspect Patient Records. According to the Tampa Bay Times, “A federal judge late Thursday night blocked parts of a controversial law that would have eliminated taxpayer funding of preventive care at abortion clinics and required the state to inspect patient records of as many as 35,000 women. U.S. District Judge Robert Hinkle sided with Planned Parenthood when he ordered the state to restore contracts with abortion clinics and to halt plans to inspect abortion records for half of the more than 70,000 patients a year who have the procedure done in Florida.” [Tampa Bay Times, 7/2/16]
Federal Judge Definitively Blocked The Florida Abortion Law To Prevent State Funds From Going To Organizations That Provide Abortions. According to the Associated Press, “A federal judge on Thursday definitively blocked a Florida abortion law to prevent state funds from going to organizations that provide abortions - after the administration of Gov. Rick Scott made the unusual decision to drop further legal action. U.S. District Judge Robert Hinkle had placed a temporary hold on the challenged portions of the law hours before the law took effect last June. The sweeping law also was designed to greatly increase inspection requirements for abortion clinics. Planned Parenthood challenged three parts of the law. But instead of taking the case to trial and offering additional evidence or legal arguments, attorneys for the Scott administration agreed to forgo further legal action. They filed a joint motion with the plaintiffs earlier this month agreeing to end the litigation. Hinkle held a brief hearing to discuss the move and issued his final ruling hours later.” [Associated Press, 8/19/16]
Scott Signed Legislation Increasing Penalties For Harming A Fetus While Committing A Crime
Scott Signed Legislation Increasing Penalties For Harming A Fetus While Committing A Crime. According to the Miami Herald, “Scott also signed into law increased penalties for harming a fetus while committing a crime, a response to the case of a Tampa man who tricked his girlfriend into taking an abortion drug that resulted in a miscarriage. Florida joins 23 other states that allow offenders to be charged separately for causing the death of a fetus at any stage of development.” [Miami Herald, 6/20/14]
2022: Scott Called The Women’s Health Protection Act “The Most Dangerous And Radical Pro-Abortion Legislation Considered In Congress.” According to a press release via Senator Rick Scott, “Senator Rick Scott said, “Today, Senate Democrats are going to try to advance some of the most dangerous and radical pro-abortion legislation considered in Congress. It really should be called the Abortion On Demand Until Birth Act because this bill will allow unborn babies to be killed at any time for any reason, and will make it impossible for any legislature to pass laws that protect the sanctity of life and help unborn children. As Governor of Florida, I was proud to sign pro-life legislation and protect the unborn, but now radical leftists are leading an assault on human dignity and on pro-life state laws, and are trying to force their evil and inhumane agenda on the entire country. Here is an indisputable fact: abortion kills innocent children. To deny that is to deny science. Every child is created in the image of God and deserves to be welcomed with open and loving arms. The Senate must defeat this and every other attack on the unborn.” [Sen. Rick Scott Press Release, 2/28/22]
Scott Opposed Contraception Mandate
Scott Opposed A Compromise That If A Religious Employer Objected To Providing Birth Control In Its Health Plan, The Employer Would Not Have To Pay For It But The Insurance Company Would Pay. According to PolitiFact, “On Feb. 10, 2012, the White House announced a compromise: If a religious employer objected to providing birth control in its health plan, the employer would not have to pay for it, but the insurance company would pay. The next day, Newsmax TV asked Scott his thoughts about that decision while he attended the Conservative Political Action Conference. Scott said: ‘This week what they did with regard to the Catholic Church and the contraceptives, it’s an example [of] when government gets more involved in something they take away your rights. And this is, they are telling the Catholic Church what they have to buy. The government should not be telling us what type of insurance we should buy with our own money. The change they made makes no sense -- saying the insurance company is going to pay for it? That makes no sense. Money is going to be coming out of the Catholic institutions’ pocket to buy that insurance, so they are paying for it.’” [PolitiFact, 9/11/14]
Scott On Hobby Lobby Decision: Supreme Court “Upheld Our Freedom Of Religion Again.” According to WUWF, “Saying the Supreme Court ‘upheld our freedom of religion again this week’, Scott made it clear how he stood on the recent Supreme Court decision on the Hobby Lobby case. The Governor was at the national Guard Armory handing out the Governor’s Veterans Service Award, which honors Floridians who have served in the U.S. Military. Well over 100 vets of all ages were awarded the medal. Don Gilford, an Air Force Veteran who served in Viet Nam appreciated the recognition, saying they didn’t ‘get much fanfare’ when they returned from Viet Nam.” [WUWF, 7/3/14]
Scott Penned Op-Ed Attacking Democrats On Abortion
Scott Questioned Why Reporters Were Not Asking Democrats When They Believe Life Begins, Said Since The Leaked Draft Opinion, That Democrats Have Come Out As “Abortion Extremists.” According to an op-ed by Scott in the Wall Street Journal, “So that raises the question: When do Democrats believe life begins? At conception? At viability? At birth? After birth? They won’t say. Even more disconcerting, reporters won’t ask them. It’s a dereliction of duty by the mainstream media not to push the question, and it’s an abdication of their responsibility to inform the American people and spur legitimate debate. Since the leaked draft opinion in the case of Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, Democrats have come out as the abortion extremists we’ve always known they are. They’ve staked out a position that is simply outside the mainstream of where average American voters are.” [Wall Street Journal – Rick Scott, 5/9/22]
Scott Attacked Democrats And Said Democratic Senate Candidates Have “Embraced” Legalizing Abortion Until The Moment Of Birth, Noted A Strong Response By Democrats On Pro-Choice Legislation And Views. According to an op-ed by Scott in the Wall Street Journal, “Democratic U.S. Senate candidates in swing states such as Pennsylvania, North Carolina and Wisconsin embraced legalizing abortion up until the moment of birth. Some, such as Ohio Rep. Tim Ryan, are refusing to say if there should be any restrictions on abortion whatever. In response to the leaked Supreme Court opinion, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer announced plans to move forward on yet another vote on the Women’s Health Protection Act, which would legalize abortion up until the moment of birth. Since taking majorities in both houses of Congress, Democrats have also rejected the longstanding bipartisan tradition of including the Hyde and Helms amendments in spending bills, which prevent taxpayer funding of abortions, including abortions overseas.” [Wall Street Journal – Rick Scott, 5/9/22]
Scott Said Pro-Choice Positions Were “Well Outside The Mainstream” And Quoted Recent NRSC Polling On Abortion. According to an op-ed by Scott in the Wall Street Journal, “All of these positions are well outside the mainstream of where American voters are. According to recent National Republican Senatorial Committee polling, 65% of Americans agree that taxpayer money shouldn’t be used to pay for abortions, while only 30% disagree. Only 30% of Americans agree that abortion should be legal any time, on demand and without apology, while 61% of voters disagree. Fifty-seven percent of Americans would be less likely to support abortion laws if the U.S. allows for abortion to be performed for any reason up until the moment of birth, which is the new Democratic Party line.” [Wall Street Journal – Rick Scott, 5/9/22]
Scott Ordered State Health Officials To Inspect Planned Parenthood Offices That Inspect Abortions. According to the Associated Press, “Florida Gov. Rick Scott ordered state health officials to inspect Planned Parenthood offices that perform abortions, saying he is troubled by videos describing the organization’s procedures for providing tissue from aborted fetuses for research. The Republican governor said Wednesday the state will take quick legal and regulatory action if any of the 16 facilities in Florida are found in violation of the law.” [Associated Press, 7/29/15]
Scott Broke Established Procedures By Announcing The Inspections Before They Happened
In Publicly Declaring His Investigations, Scott Broke With Established Procedures By Announcing The Inspections Before They Happened. According to the Miami Herald, “But investigations into Planned Parenthood in Florida have a distinctly political whiff. In publicly declaring his investigation, Scott broke with established AHCA procedures by announcing the inspections before they happened. ‘The preference is for us to just show up there unannounced,’ Coleman said. Normally, AHCA inspects healthcare facilities it licenses on an annual or biannual basis and after a complaint is filed. Most information about inspections is kept under wraps until after inquiries have been completed. Prior to Wednesday’s announcement, Coleman could not confirm when they would take place or even if they’d been completed yet.” [Miami Herald, 8/5/15]
Scott: “We Did The Right Thing, We Said We’re Going To Make Sure That The Planned Parenthood Facilities In Florida Are Compliant With The Law, So AHCA Went In To Do That. They’re Working To Make Sure That They’re Compliant With The Law, And They’ll Continue To Do That.” According to the Tampa Bay Times, “The state Agency for Health Care Administration cited clinics in St. Petersburg, Naples and Fort Myers for performing second-trimester abortions without a license, but the abortions in question are by most doctors’ standards first-trimester procedures, Planned Parenthood contends in a lawsuit filed Monday. Further, the organization frequently reports information about its abortions to the state, and it has had no pushback on similar procedures since an AHCA rule defining the first and second trimester was passed in 2006. Asked about why the state has waited until now to go after the abortions, Scott pivoted to the videos, a hot political issue, which spurred him to order inspections by AHCA. ‘As anybody that saw those videos regarding Planned Parenthood, it was very disturbing and troubling,’ he said at an event Tuesday morning in Gibsonton, Fla. ‘So, we did the right thing, we said we’re going to make sure that the Planned Parenthood facilities in Florida are compliant with the law, so AHCA went in to do that. They’re working to make sure that they’re compliant with the law, and they’ll continue to do that. I know they’re, right now, it looks like there’s going to be litigation, and AHCA will be responsible for that.’” [Tampa Bay Times, 8/18/15]
Florida’s Health Agency Said Three Planned Parenthood Clinics Performed Abortions In The SEcond Trimester Without A License
AHCA Reported That Planned Parenthood Reported Unlawful Abortions, But They Were Never A Violation Before; AHCA Said It Looked “Forward To Litigating” The Matter. According to the Miami Herald, “At issue are the details of a 2006 regulation by AHCA, which defines the first trimester as the first 12 weeks after egg fertilization, or the first 14 weeks after the pregnant woman’s last menstrual period. Acting on orders from Scott to investigate every Planned Parenthood location in Florida, AHCA found cases where mothers received abortions 13 weeks after their last menstrual period. AHCA spokeswoman Katherine Riveire said in a statement Monday that Planned Parenthood reported the unlawful abortions. But the organization has not admitted to any wrongdoing. The organization routinely reports the length of pregnancies it aborts to the state, according to Second Judicial Circuit Court filings by Planned Parenthood. This reporting hasn’t resulted in violations before. Still, AHCA stands by its decision, and two weeks ago said it has not changed its definition of the first trimester. ‘The Agency looks forward to litigating this matter,’ Riviere said.” [Miami Herald, 8/17/15]
Planned Parenthood In Florida Asked A Judge For An Emergency Ruling To Allow Them To Continue Performing Abortions At 12 And 13 Weeks After State Health Officials Inspected 16 Planned Parenthood Facilities And Said Three Were Performing Second-Trimester Abortions When They Licensed To Perform First-Trimester Abortions. According to the Associated Press, “Planned Parenthood in Florida asked a judge Monday for an emergency ruling to allow them to continue performing abortions at 12 and 13 weeks after a discrepancy with the state about what constitutes first and second-trimester abortions. The request comes after state health officials recently inspected 16 Planned Parenthood facilities and said three were performing second-trimester abortions when they licensed to perform first-trimester abortions. Executive Director Laura Goodhue says the Agency for Health Care Administration changed its definitions of gestational periods and that the centers were operating in compliance with Florida law. But they’ve stopped providing abortions on women between 12 and 13 weeks and six days until a judge decides. They’ve referred about 10 patients to other medical providers in the meantime.” [Associated Press, 8/17/15]
Florida’s Health Agency Simultaneously said Planned Parenthood Clinics Did Nothing Wrong, And That They Would Continue Investigating
AHCA Backed Down From Its Allegations Against Planned Parenthood, Saying The Abortions Were Allowed Under State Regulations. According to the Bradenton Herald, “Gov. Rick Scott’s health care agency is backing down from a legal fight with Planned Parenthood over allegations that three clinics were performing abortions not allowed by their license. In a letter to Planned Parenthood’s lawyers, Agency for Health Care Administration general counsel Stuart Williams writes that the allegedly unlawful abortions at clinics in St. Petersburg, Naples and Fort Myers are actually allowed under state regulations. AHCA had said that Planned Parenthood was conducting second-trimester abortions at clinics licensed to perform only first-trimester procedures. Under a 2006 rule, the first trimester of a pregnancy is defined as the 12 weeks after fertilization, or the 14 weeks after the pregnant woman’s last menstrual period.” [Bradenton Herald, 8/19/15]
AHCA Said They Were Not Backing Down From Investigating Planned Parenthood, Despite Also Sending A Letter Saying The Abortions Performed Were Allowed. According to the Miami Herald, “State health officials say they aren’t backing down from their investigations of abortions at three Planned Parenthood clinics despite previous instructions from the Agency for Health Care Administration that the procedures in question could resume. In a letter Wednesday, AHCA general counsel Stuart Williams wrote that the agency still believes Planned Parenthood clinics in St. Petersburg, Fort Myers and Naples performed second-trimester abortions for which they were not licensed. ‘Your client, Planned Parenthood, continues to misrepresent to the media that AHCA has changed its position, and Planned Parenthood clinics in Florida may now provide unauthorized second-trimester abortions. This is false,’ the letter says. It came just hours after another letter surfaced in news reports that Williams had sent Tuesday. The earlier letter says AHCA stands by a rule passed by the agency in 2006 defining the first trimester of pregnancy as the first 14 weeks after a pregnant woman’s last menstrual period, or 12 weeks after fertilization. A spokeswoman for AHCA had no immediate comment about the discrepancy between the letters.” [Miami Herald, 8/19/15]
Scott’s Office Directed The Health Care Agency To Edit The Press Release And Continued To Be Involved In The Investigation Even After It Had Concluded Planned Parenthood Did Nothing Wrong
Scott’s Office Scrubbed A Press Release Written By His Own Regulators That Found That There Was No “Mishandling Of Fetal Remains” At Clinics Run By Planned Parenthood, And, At The Same Time, Said It Would Refer Doctors Who Worked At Those Clinics To The State Board Of Medicine For Possible Disciplinary Action. According to Politico, “Gov. Rick Scott’s office scrubbed a press release written by his own regulators that found there was no ‘mishandling of fetal remains’ at clinics run by Planned Parenthood and, at the same time, said it would refer doctors who worked at those clinics to the state Board of Medicine for possible disciplinary action. Amid an outcry over a series of videos filmed at Planned Parenthood clinics outside Florida, Scott ordered health care regulators to inspect 16 Florida clinics run by the organization. The regulators reported that three clinics performed unlicensed abortions and that one did not follow its own guidelines for disposing of fetal remains.” [Politico, 9/2/15]
Nearly Every On-The-Record Statement Given By The Agency For Health Care Administration To Reporters And The Public Was First Approved By A Member Of Scott’s Communications Team. According to the Miami Herald, “When state health officials released the results of an investigation into Planned Parenthood clinics last month, Gov. Rick Scott’s office was whispering in their ears. Aides to the governor were intimately involved in crafting the message when the agency announced allegations that three Florida Planned Parenthood clinics had violated their licenses. Nearly every on-the-record statement given by the Agency for Health Care Administration to reporters and the public was first approved by a member of Scott’s communications team, emails obtained by the Herald/Times show.” [Miami Herald, 9/9/15]
After Results Of The Investigation Were Made Public, Scott’s Staff Continued Its Involvement By Orchestrating Attempts By AHCA Staffers To Persuade Reporters To Change Parts Of Their Stories. According to the Miami Herald, “After results of the investigation were made public, the emails show, Scott’s staff continued its involvement by orchestrating attempts by AHCA staffers to persuade reporters to change parts of their stories. Politico first reported the involvement of the governor’s office in a story last week. Scott’s office wasn’t involved in investigating Planned Parenthood beyond the public statements, AHCA spokeswoman Shelisha Coleman said.” [Miami Herald, 9/9/15]
State Regulators Fined Three Planned Parenthood Clinics And Two Other Abortion Cl47inics For Saying They Performed Abortions That Exceeded Their First-Trimester License
State Regulators Fined Planned Parenthood Officials In Florida $5,500 After Regulators Said That Clinics In Naples, Fort Myers and St. Petersburg Were Performing Abortions That Exceeded Their First-Trimester License. According to the Naples Daily News, “Planned Parenthood officials in Florida will fight $5,500 in fines and complaints from state regulators that argue clinics in Naples, Fort Myers and St. Petersburg were performing abortions that exceeded their first-trimester licenses. […] Planned Parenthood has 21 days to decide how to respond to the Sept. 3 complaints and fines, which includes requesting a formal hearing. The state’s action is the latest since Scott in July ordered inspections of all 16 Planned Parenthood clinics in the state that perform abortions.” [Naples Daily News, 9/12/15]
Scott: “We Took Aggressive, Immediate Action To Investigate Planned Parenthood Offices In Florida When The Horrific Videos Were Released. When We Found That Some Of Their Facilities Were Not Complying With State Law, We Held Them Accountable.” According to the Associated Press State & Local, “The outcry against Planned Parenthood heated up after secretly taped videos were released showing the organization’s officials discussing the harvesting fetal tissue for research. ‘As someone who is pro-life and a father and a grandfather, I believe we must not tolerate any gross disregard for human life. We took aggressive, immediate action to investigate Planned Parenthood offices in Florida when the horrific videos were released. When we found that some of their facilities were not complying with state law, we held them accountable,’ Scott said in a statement released by his office.” [Associated Press State & Local, 10/1/15]
Planned Parenthood Fought State Complaints That Clinics In Naples, Fort Myers And St. Petersburg Performed Unauthorized Abortions. According to the Naples Daily News, “Planned Parenthood is fighting state complaints that clinics in Naples, Fort Myers and St. Petersburg perform second-trimester abortions in violation of their licenses. The clinics have requested administrative hearings to fight citations issued in late July, which came after Gov. Rick Scott ordered inspections of 16 Planned Parenthood clinics statewide that perform abortions. Scott’s directive was prompted by undercover videos that surfaced outside of Florida from a pro-life group that show Planned Parenthood directors talking about the sale of fetal tissue for research.” [Naples Daily News, 10/3/15]
State Eventually Dropped Their Push To Fine Planned Parenthood Clinics
Florida Health Regulators Dropped Their Push To Fine Three Planned Parenthood Centers. According to the Associated Press, “Florida health regulators are dropping their push to fine three Planned Parenthood centers, saying such action would be redundant now that the governor has signed a law that puts new restrictions on abortions and prohibits any state money from going to the clinics. Court documents show the Agency for Health Care Administration last Friday asked an administrative judge to dismiss complaints first filed last year against clinics located in St. Petersburg, Naples and Fort Myers. The state alleged that the clinics had performed second-trimester abortions that violated their licenses. Planned Parenthood representatives have maintained that abortions were performed during the first trimester and that regulators tried to change the definition to justify an investigation ordered by Gov. Rick Scott.” [Associated Press, 3/28/16]
Scott Continued To Go After Bread & Roses Women’s Health Center, But A Judge Rejected The Claim
Scott’s Administration Continued To Pursue Their Complaint Against Bread & Roses Women’s Health Center. According to the Gainesville Sun, “Gov. Rick Scott’s administration will continue to pursue their complaint against a Gainesville abortion clinic despite dropping similar cases against three Planned Parenthood clinics. The cases involved Agency for Health Care Administration allegations that Gainesville’s Bread & Roses women’s Health Center and three Planned Parenthood clinics in southwest Florida were performing second trimester abortions when the centers were only licensed to perform first trimester abortions.” [Gainesville Sun, 3/29/16]
Scott Wanted To “Sign A Lifetime Ban On Embryonic Stem Cell Research.” According to the Tampa Bay Times, “Scott Spokewoman Jennifer Baker: So Bill McCollum takes campaign contributions from lobbyists for Planned Parenthood yet now attacks about abortion. What hypocrisy. The truth is, Rick is 100% pro-life and supports overturning of Roe v. Wade. Unlike Bill McCollum, Rick would sign a lifetime ban on embryonic stem cell research. No true defender of the unborn believes in discarding human embryos yet this is Mr. McCollum’s position. HCA abided by all conscience clauses including with hospitals that had Catholic, Baptist and other religious affiliations. HCA even lost a $43 million judgment when our doctors successfully fought to save the life of a special needs child even though the parents wanted the child to die. When a company is willing to lose that amount of money to save human life its position on life issues is clear and self-evident.” [Tampa Bay Times, 6/10/10]
Scott Supported A Ruling Against An Executive Order Aimed At The Expansion Of Federal Funding For Embryonic Stem Cell Research. According to a press release from Rick Scott for Florida, “A Federal judge today issued a temporary ban on the Obama Administration’s executive order aimed at the expansion of federal funding for embryonic stem-cell research. ‘We applaud the court’s decision to halt the Obama Administration’s attempt to expand federal funding of embryonic stem-cell research, this is a good result for those on side of life,’ said Scott campaign spokesman Jennifer Baker. ‘Voters should consider that just a few years ago, Bill McCollum went on the record saying this kind of destruction of life is ‘a pro-life position.’ We look forward to taking on Alex Sink as she tries to push Obama’s liberal pro-abortion agenda on Florida.’” [Press Release – Rick Scott For Florida, 8/24/10]