Ron Johnson Said He Did “Agree With That Outcome” Of The Draft Opinion Overturning Roe. According to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, “Republican U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson who is running for a third term this fall, did not initially comment on the substance of the draft opinion and alleged the goal of its leak was to ‘intimidate’ conservative justices. ‘This is yet another example of how the radical left intends to 'fundamentally transform' America. Undermine our judicial system, open our borders, drive gasoline prices to record levels, forty year high inflation, and spark a crime wave,’ Johnson said in a statement. In a follow-up statement late Tuesday, Johnson said that if the leaked draft of a Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v. Wade becomes the ‘final decision,’ he would ‘agree with that outcome.’” [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 5/3/22]
Ron Johnson Said Roe v. Wade “Settled Nothing.” According to Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, “Johnson said the Roe v. Wade decision ‘settled nothing,’ adding, ‘we just had this issue festering, this profoundly moral issue festering in the body politic of America.’ ‘I’m comfortable that now it’s going to be put back into the democratic realm where the American people and the people of Wisconsin decide how we deal with abortion,’ he said.” [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 5/6/22]
[VIDEO] Ron Johnson Said He Believed The Supreme Court’s Leaked Opinion To Overturn Roe Was The “Correct Decision.” “‘It is a draft opinion we don’t know what the final opinion is going to be for sure, but if, even if this is the final decision from my standpoint, this is the correct decision. This will take this very divisive issue, this profound social issue, out of the hands of just nine unelected officials and put it back in the court of public opinion, in our democracy, where each individual state will decide this or themselves. Let’s face it, having the Supreme Court rule on abortion, it didn’t solve the problem, it didn’t end the debate, it probably exacerbated the debate it created greater division. So this has been a long time coming. I think people wake up after decision realizing in most states abortion will remain legal, some states, it will become illegal, but those state legislators will will handle that. It may be a messy process, but it’s the right way to decide this.’” [Newsmax: Spicer & Co, 5/3/22]
[AUDIO] Ron Johnson Said Roe Was “Poorly Decided” And That “This Is What Should Have Happened 50 Years Ago.” “Probably the person needs to be fired, disbarred, thoroughly disgraced. I mean, the damage done to the Supreme Court is is hard to overstate. But, you know, from my standpoint, I read the entire decision. I'm not an attorney myself, but it was very easy to read. I thought it was very detailed, covered. All the points showed exactly why Roe and Casey were so poorly decided of this really good decision. This is what should have happened 50 years ago. We should allow the people to decide through the democratic process, at what point do you protect life is legal rights. It's a profound moral issue. And it's so profound not, you know, nine unelected judges should not make that decision for all society, not one individual should. We all ought to collectively come to a decision on a state by state basis. Initially, that might be kind of a messy process, but we're not going back 50 years. I have faith in the American public to sort this out through the democratic process over the next couple of years.” [Clay And Buck Show, 5/5/22]
[VIDEO] Ron Johnson Celebrated The Impending Repeal Of Roe As A Success For Democracy, He Supported Legislating Abortion On A State Level Since It Was A “Profoundly Moral Issue.” “If the Supreme Court does overturn abortion rights, Senator Ron Johnson says he believes states should decide when life begins and there should be abortion restrictions. Johnson stated, ‘I’m comfortable that now it’s finally going to get put back into the democratic realm where the American people and the people of Wisconsin will decide how we deal with abortion.’ A pending decision in front of the Supreme Court could overturn nearly 50 years of protecting a woman’s right to choose after a leaked draft suggested the law was about to change. If that happens, Wisconsin lawmakers set abortion laws, creating the possibility of 50 states with 50 different abortion policies. Johnson said, ‘I believe life begins at conception, but I also understand this is a profoundly moral issue and people differ, have widely varying views, and it’s the body politic. It’s the people that need to decide at what point will society decide to protect life and I’ll accept their collective wisdom.’ Johnson says he’d rather have state lawmakers, not Supreme Court justices and members of Congress deciding when society protects an unborn child. Johnson added, ‘It will change from state to state. I mean, there will be some that will, you know, won’t protect life for quite some time. There will be others that protect it quite early.’” [WGBA (NBC), 5/9/22]
[VIDEO] Ron Johnson Said He Believed Life Began At Conception. “Johnson said, ‘I believe life begins at conception, but I also understand this is a profoundly moral issue and people differ, have widely varying views, and it’s the body politic. It’s the people that need to decide at what point will society decide to protect life and I’ll accept their collective wisdom.’ Johnson says he’d rather have state lawmakers, not Supreme Court justices and members of Congress deciding when society protects an unborn child. Johnson added, ‘It will change from state to state. I mean, there will be some that will, you know, won’t protect life for quite some time. There will be others that protect it quite early.’” [WGBA (NBC), 5/9/22]
[AUDIO] Ron Johnson Said It Was A “Very Well Written Opinion.” “What does abortion actually do and really decide? And I think this is this is the question for the people decide is at what point? Does society have responsibility to protect that life in the womb? That's that's the question. And he, as Justice Alito says and I thought it was very well written opinion, I read the full six or seven pages of it. There's more in terms of addendum in terms of what state laws are, but it's a very well written opinion. But he says abortion is a profound moral issue and it is. And that's why it's so important that the people have this discussion, this debate, and to the elected representatives at the state level, they'll make the decision 50 different outcomes. Probably. Abortion doesn't go away.” [WCLO Your Talk Show, 5/11/22]
[AUDIO] Ron Johnson Said “I’ve Always Felt Roe Was Wrongly Decided” And “I’m Totally Supportive Of People Deciding This On State By State Basis.” “My position has always been, let me just talk about my position, is that I've always felt Roe was wrongly decided. There is no constitutional right and the place this needs to be decided is in the states by the people. And so now this this debate has been delayed for 50 years. So, has resolved the issue. Now we're finally going to put it into a forum where it will be resolved in a state by state basis. And we shouldn't be even thinking about any kind of federal action which which may or may not even be constitutional, without Roe. So, again, I'm I'm totally supportive of people deciding this on state by state basis. If you take a look at what how Europe has handled this and we can take a look at those nations and assume those are states, we're going to have probably a similar” [Matt Laslo Patreon, 5/11/22]
Ron Johnson Said The Goal Of The Leaked Supreme Court Opinion That Advocated For Overturning Roe Was To Intimidate Conservative Judges. According to Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, “Johnson did not comment on the substance of the draft opinion and alleged the goal of its leak was to ‘intimidate’ conservative justices. ‘This is yet another example of how the radical left intends to ‘fundamentally transform’ America. Undermine our judicial system, open our borders, drive gasoline prices to record levels, forty year high inflation, and spark a crime wave,’ Johnson said in a statement.” [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 5/2/22]
Ron Johnson On The Leaked SCOTUS Opinion On Roe: “This Is Yet Another Example Of How The Radical Left Intends To ‘Fundamentally Transform’ America. […] They Are Fundamentally Destroying Our Country – They Must Be Stopped.” Ron Johnson tweeted, “The goal of this unprecedented breach is to intimidate sitting Supreme Court justices. This is yet another example of how the radical left intends to ‘fundamentally transform’ America. Undermine our judicial system, open our borders, drive gasoline prices to record levels, forty year high inflation, and spark a crime wave. They are fundamentally destroying our country – they must be stopped.” [Twitter, @SenRonJohnson, 5/2/22]
Ron Johnson Said The Individual Who Leaked The SCOTUS Opinion Should Be Disbarred. According to NBC News, “’Unless they lie to a federal official, it’s really not a law. It’s just a grotesque ethics violation,’ Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., told reporters as he left the lunch. ‘They certainly believe this person will be and should be disbarred.’ Other Republicans expressed cautious optimism the court would overturn the Roe decision while condemning the leak.” [NBC News, 5/3/22]
Ron Johnson On The Supreme Court’s Leaked Opinion On Roe: “Neither Personal Beliefs Nor ‘Pressure From The Radical Left To Intimidate Sitting Supreme Court Justices, Should Be The Basis On Which This Profound Moral Issue Should Be Decided For All Of Society.’” According to Associated Press, “Republican Sen. Ron Johnson, who has supported bills to limit abortion and is up for reelection in Wisconsin, said in a statement that neither personal beliefs nor ‘pressure from the radical left to intimidate sitting Supreme Court justices, should be the basis on which this profound moral issue should be decided for all of society.’” [Associated Press, 5/4/22]
Ron Johnson Said He Did Not Believe Wisconsin’s Potential Ban On Almost All Abortions Would Remain In Place For Long But Did Not Clarify What Abortion Limits He Would Like To See. According to Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, “U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson said Friday he doesn’t believe Wisconsin’s potential ban on almost all abortions would remain in place for long, distancing himself from his four fellow Republicans running for governor. Speaking to reporters, Johnson did not detail what abortion limits he would like to see but said he did not think a near-total ban would last for long if the landmark Roe v. Wade decision is overturned. Johnson suggested Wisconsin officials would set different limits — even though Republicans who control the Legislature have given no indication they would do anything other than keep the ban in place. Johnson, who is running for re-election to a third term in the Senate, made his comments after a draft of a U.S. Supreme Court ruling was leaked that showed a majority is prepared to overturn Roe v. Wade, the 1973 ruling that legalized abortion nationwide. If that happens, an 1849 ban on nearly all abortions would go back into effect in Wisconsin. ‘I don’t think that will stand for long,’ Johnson said. ‘I think the democratic process in Wisconsin will have something other than the 1849 law.’ On this issue, Johnson’s read of the politics of the state appear to be completely off. Republican lawmakers for decades have made sure to preserve the 1849 ban in hopes that Roe would someday be overturned.” [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 5/6/22]
When Asked About Specifics On State Led Abortion Legislation, Ron Johnson Touted His Earlier Support Of Abortion Restrictions Including The Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, The No Taxpayer Funding For Abortion, And Abortion Insurance Full Disclosure Act. According to Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, “Johnson offered little clarity on what law he would like to see in Wisconsin in the event Roe v. Wade is overturned. He said he believed life begins at conception but added that different states would set different policies. He noted he has supported laws that would limit abortions, including one after 20 weeks and another after 15 weeks. The bills include Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act and the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion and Abortion Insurance Full Disclosure Act. He also signed onto an amicus brief in the current case before the Supreme Court, urging the high court to upholding Mississippi’s law limiting abortions after 15 weeks.” [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 5/6/22]
[VIDEO] Ron Johnson Said Efforts To Codify Roe Would Likely Fail In The Senate. “Johnson says he’d rather have state lawmakers, not Supreme Court justices and members of Congress deciding when society protects an unborn child. Johnson added, ‘It will change from state to state. I mean, there will be some that will, you know, won’t protect life for quite some time. There will be others that protect it quite early.’ Johnson believes efforts to codify Roe v Wade would fail in the Senate. In regards to Wisconsin’s 1849 law that restricts abortions by punishing doctors who perform them, Johnson said, ‘I don’t think that will stand for long. I think there will be some, again, I think the democratic process in Wisconsin will have something other than the 1849 law.’” [WGBA (NBC), 5/9/22]
Ron Johnson Said The Ability To Access Safe Abortions Has “Just Never Been An Issue For Me In Wisconsin.” According to Politico, “Just two current Republican seats seem truly in play for Democrats at the moment — those of retiring Pennsylvania Sen. Pat Toomey and incumbent Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson. One of Johnson’s Democratic opponents, state treasurer Sarah Godlewski, filmed an ad in front of the Supreme Court arguing Johnson is getting ‘exactly what he wants’ in overturning Roe v. Wade. Johnson shot back in an interview that ‘the political ramifications of this thing are being overstated.’ ‘In Wisconsin, it’s like 50/50. It’s just never been an issue for me in Wisconsin,’ Johnson said. ‘It hasn’t even come up in debates, I’ve run twice. This will probably be the first time it will come up at all.’” [Politico, 5/6/22]
[AUDIO] Ron Johnson Said “I’ve Been In Politics Now For 11 Plus Years, And In Wisconsin, The Abortion Issue Really Never Came Up.” “Yes, you know, I've been in politics now for 11 plus years, and in Wisconsin, the abortion issue really never came up. If you were Republican, you pro-life, if you're Democrat, pro-choice and kind of end of story. Now, I realize Democrats are going to try and whip up all kinds of emotion on this. The fact of the matter is just looking at the statistics and I hope we move forward with the whole abortion discussion debate with a little bit of sympathy, a little bit of compassion. How about with, like real information? In Wisconsin, we've gone from a little under 18000 abortions per year to about 6000 of you know, to me, it's 6000 too many. Unfortunately, I've always viewed the pro-life group as the sympathetic and passionate group, trying a very sympathetic with the unplanned pregnancy, trying to help mothers educate them, provide to the resources that kind of stuff. The extremists, when it comes to the abortion issue are on the left. But look what they're doing. I mean, I'm not a lawyer, but understanding of the law is it's unlawful to intimidate judges and justices.” [Dan O’Donnell Show, 5/10/22]
Ron Johnson Said Abortion “Might Be A Little Messy For Some People” And That They Could Drive To Illinois. According to the Wall Street Journal, “Sen. Ron Johnson (R., Wis.), who is up for re-election, said he expected abortion would be a nonissue in his campaign. He said he isn’t sure that a 19th century law in his state that bans abortions except to save the life of the mother will actually go into effect if Roe falls, and that in any event people will still have options. ‘It might be a little messy for some people, but abortion is not going away,’ he said, saying that driving across state lines to Illinois would likely be an option. ‘I just don’t think this is going to be the big political issue everybody thinks it is, because it’s not going to be that big a change.’” [Wall Street Journal, 5/11/22]
[AUDIO] Ron Johnson Acknowledged That The Supreme Court’s Decision To Overturn Roe Would Return Wisconsin To Its 1849 Abortion Ban. “Host: All right, so one of the things let's go now to the issues of the race, because they are actually interesting to everyone, and that is when the Supreme Court overturned Roe versus Wade about a month ago. I guess my understanding is that it was caused quite a brouhaha in Wisconsin because that means that you resort to a bill, a law that was passed on abortion back in eighteen, whatever, 1849 that prohibits abortions and provides no exceptions for rape or incest. There are exceptions granted to save a woman's life, but only after the signature of three doctors. So, is that accurate? That's a CNN report. And they say that now the fallback position until Wisconsin assembly does something is that the law of 1849, is that true? Ron Johnson: Yes, that is true.” [Sandy Rios in the Morning, American Family Radio, 7/21/22]
[AUDIO] Ron Johnson Insisted That The Issue Of Abortion Would Not Be A Major Priority In The 2022 Election, He Claimed That Abortions Did Not Impact Most Americans And Dismissed Concerns About Seeking Abortion Care Because Abortions Were “Still Legal In Illinois.” “Well, I think the main election issue in Wisconsin is inflation and high gas prices. The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel actually wrote a pretty good article on this. I was kind of amazed, but they just laid out the facts on abortion. Wisconsin, I think, you know, I can't remember the exact time period, but over the last couple of decades, the the largest number of abortions probably peaked about 17000, the last couple of years and spend between six and seven thousand. So, if you take a look at a population about five point eight million people, again, I'm not understating, you know, how significant issue as for those six or seven thousand people, but it's affecting 6 or 7,000 people out of a population of five point eight million. Abortions are still legal in Illinois. We only had a couple abortion clinics in Wisconsin to begin with. So, know, I don't I don't think from an election standpoint, it's going to be that big an issue. Take a look at public opinion polls.” [Sandy Rios in the Morning, American Family Radio, 7/21/22]
Ron Johnson Praised Overturning Roe And Said It Was “A Victory For Life And For Those Who Have Fought For Decades To Protect The Unborn.” According to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, “In a statement, Johnson called the decision ‘a victory for life.’ ‘Today is a victory for life and for those who have fought for decades to protect the unborn. For almost fifty years the decision of nine unelected Justices have prevented a democratically derived consensus on the profound moral issue of abortion to be formed. This decision will now allow that democratic process to unfold in each state to determine at what point does society have the responsibility to protect life. Hopefully, the debate will be conducted with sincerity, compassion, and respect for the broad range of views that people hold.’” [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 6/24/22]
[AUDIO] Ron Johnson Praised The Supreme Courts Decision To Overturn Roe Because He Believed Abortion Was A Moral Choice That Should Not Be Imposed On Society. “You know, worse, worse, according to them, worse laws than Europe when Europe is actually quite restrictive abortion laws because it's gone nation by nation and they do protect life at a relatively early stage versus where America has been for the last 50 years. So, again, I'm not you know, I don't believe that I should impose my moral choice on all of society. That's society's decision making is going to take some time. I'm what I'm hoping is will be a thoughtful discussion. I hope it'll be full of compassion and sympathy for everyone involved. I think one of the reasons I've been so supportive of pro-life groups is I think in this debate over the last 50 years, they are the ones that have shown compassion for women with unplanned pregnancies, for little babies trying to find adoptive homes for them.” [WSAU Feedback, 6/29/22]
[AUDIO] Ron Johnson Said Abortion Would Not Be A Big Issue In The Primary Election Because People Were More Concerned With Gas Prices. “But I saw probably the most the largest number in this time frame of abortions in Wisconsin is about 17000. I think the last couple of years it's been somewhere around six or seven thousand abortions. So we've actually reduced the number of abortions. Most of them occur pretty early in pregnancy. So that's been the trend. So when you look at a population in excess of five million people and you have, you know, six or seven thousand abortions, you know, I'm going I'm not I'm not the minimalizing, you know, how how big an issue that is for those individuals. But, you know, for an issue to guide the election, I agree with you. I think it's really going to be more about. Record gasoline prices, high energy prices, a 20 year high inflation, the open borders I was just talking about that just resulted in the massacre of more than 50 people. I mean, this is horrific. I can't even talk about what I've read in terms of what happened there. It's just it's it's horrific. OK, so where is the outcry there?” [WSAU Feedback, 6/29/22]
Ron Johnson Said He Was “Fully Supportive” Of The Supreme Court’s Decision To Overturn Roe. According to Wisconsin State Journal, “The Democratic U.S. Senate candidates’ responses to the Supreme Court decision generally only addressed women as people who receive abortions. ‘I’m fully supportive of what the Supreme Court did,’ Johnson, who has supported 20-week federal abortion bans, said to Kilmeade in the interview. ‘I obviously confirmed the justices that handed down that correct decision.’ To that, Democratic Party of Wisconsin spokesperson Philip Shulman said, ‘Ron Johnson is bragging about his role in stripping Wisconsinites of their right to make their own medical decisions. Wisconsin voters aren’t going to forget that when it counted, Johnson not only sold them out, he bragged about doing so.’” [Wisconsin State Journal, 7/13/22]
[AUDIO] Ron Johnson Reaffirmed That He Believed The Supreme Court Was Right To Overturn Roe, He Said The Decision To Protect Life Should Not Be Up To Congress. “Well, first of all, I think the Supreme Court decision was correctly decided, I think the Roe v. Wade decision and then the follow on decisions just delayed the very necessary discussion that we needed to have for 50 years. And the discussion, I hope it can be done with sympathy and compassion. But the question that we need to decide is, is pretty basic. One, at what point does society have the responsibility to protect life? That's that's a question that's on the table. I don't think 535 members of Congress can decide that for every American either. It's not going to solve. The problem we need to do is send us back to the states and then through a democratic process.” [Jeff Wagner Show, 7/19/22]
[AUDIO] Ron Johnson Said Abortion Would Not Be A Divisive Issue If The States Got To Decide Reproductive Legislation. “So I think when people look at the facts and they take a look at, you know what, one more, you know, 15 month week old baby is what that 15 month old or 15 week old baby can feel and that type of thing. My guess is people will the consensus will be to protect life probably a little bit sooner than than later. But again, I think we have to leave that up to individuals, the American people, on a state by state basis and let this process play out. I don't want to circumvent that at this point in time by trying to pass some law here in Congress, which, by the way, not going to be possible. I don't think there's going to be any consensus here in Washington, D.C. So let's let's let the states decide that's that's that's what we should have allowed to happen, what, 50 years ago. And this would not be such a divisive issue.” [Jeff Wagner Show, 7/19/22]
[AUDIO] Ron Johnson Said The “Beauty Of Overturning Roe V. Wade” Was That It Allowed The “Democratic Process To Decide” On A State Level How To Legislate Abortions. “I think the beauty of overturning Roe v. Wade is we delayed the discussion on this profound moral issue as Judge Alito's termed it. We delayed that discussion for 50 years. I was hoping we could move forward now with a very sympathetic, very compassionate discussion, debate on this issue that takes into account the full range of people's beliefs on this and allow the democratic process to decide this answer this question, at what point does society have the responsibility to protect life. And that will be decided in 50 states, that’s the way it should be done and hopefully without a whole lot of acrimony.” [Sandy Rios in the Morning, American Family Radio, 7/21/22]
[VIDEO] Ron Johnson Said He Believed Abortion Rights Should Be Determined On A State By State Basis. “Johnson was then asked if there should be a federal ban on abortion or if he believes it’s completely a state issue. Johnson responded, ‘It should be decided by we, the people, in each individual state. I’ve said repeatedly that the decision that has to be made on a state-by-state basis is at what point does society have the responsibility to protect life? I have my views, but I don’t want, I didn’t want nine Supreme Court justices to decide that for everybody. I really don’t want 535 members of Congress to decide that for the nation. I really want the people, through their elected representatives in the state, to decide on a state-by-state basis.’” [WISN (ABC), 8/21/22]
[VIDEO] Ron Johnson Took Partial Credit For The Supreme Court Ruling Which Overturned Roe. “I absolutely confirmed the justices that handed down that correction decision [...] Here's a question that we need to decide as a society. state by state. At what point does society have the responsibility to protect life?” [WLUK (FOX), 7/13/22]
Ron Johnson Said Women Needed To Get Pregnant To Repopulate The Earth. According to Wisconsin State Journal, “Republican U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson waded into gender politics Wednesday, rejecting the notion that anyone besides women can get pregnant and adding that they need to get pregnant to ‘populate our Earth.’ In response, Johnson’s top-tier Democratic opponents declined Wednesday to answer whether they think groups besides women can become pregnant, a question that has taken on political dimensions as liberals supporting transgender rights clash with conservatives reinforcing traditional gender roles.” [Wisconsin State Journal, 7/13/22]
Ron Johnson Insisted That Only Women Could Get Pregnant, He Dismissed The Acknowledgement Of Trans Individuals As A Detachment From Reality. According to Wisconsin State Journal, “Responding to that exchange, Johnson said, ‘It’s just insane. I mean, Democrats, as I said before, (are) so detached from reality. And they’re trying to force those types of falsehoods on the rest of us. … Like, no, we should all believe that men can get pregnant, too. They can’t. I mean, women get pregnant, and God bless them for getting pregnant. We need to populate our Earth.’” [Wisconsin State Journal, 7/13/22]
Ron Johnson Says Federal Government Could Take Action Limiting Abortion Access “Maybe Congress Can Take A Look At What The States Have Done And Say ‘We Probably Ought To Place This Limit Here,’ Based On New Information Or Whatever.’” According to Washington County Daily News, “Daily News: Another one on the forefront of everyone’s mind is abortion, with the Dobbs decision sending abortion back to the states. I’m assuming you saw what happened in Kansas where they put it to a ballot measure and approved keeping it, which Kansas is obviously a pretty red state. First, what has been the Republican reaction to that on Capitol Hill? Johnson: ‘First of all, I’ve written up on, I’ve written up pretty much all I need to say on that decision. Completely agree with the decision. It’s been 50 years since the Supreme Court, nine justices, made this decision for all Americans, which of course didn’t solve the problem, it exacerbated the divide. So, I look forward to every state, the people in every state, hopefully having a serious, compassionate and sympathetic discussion to decide this question, and this is what needs to be decided. At what point does society have the responsibility to protect life? That’s the question on the table. I don’t think nine justices should decide it. I don’t think 535 members of Congress should decide it. I think it should be decided by the people, state-by-state, maybe sometime in the future. You know, maybe Congress can take a look at what the states have done and say ‘we probably ought to place this limit here,’ based on new information or whatever.’ According to Johnson, that is a long way in the future, however.” [Washington County Daily News, 8/17/22]
Ron Johnson Said He Would Support A Ballot Referendum In Wisconsin To Decide State Abortion Law. According to Washington County Daily News, “Daily News: You mention it’s a decades-old ruling that has been reversed, and Wisconsin has an almost 175-year-old law, would you support it being a ballot referendum for the people of Wisconsin to decide? Johnson: ‘Ya. I think that would probably be the best way to do this. You could either do it representative or you could throw it on as a referendum. In this case I could see, it depends on how the referendum’s crafted. And again, this is a hypothetical, so I hate answering hypotheticals, whatever is the most direct way of having the people make that decision, OK. And, this may take multiple elections. It might take a different referendum to hone in on where does Wisconsin, where do the people, believe society has the responsibility to protect life. Again, I’ve got my own views, other people have their own. Let’s find out where, where is that center.’” [Washington County Daily News, 8/17/22]
American Independent: “Ron Johnson Admits He Wants National Abortion Restrictions That Go Beyond State Laws.” According to American Independent, “Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) suggested Tuesday that after states decide what sort of abortion restrictions to adopt, Congress should add national restrictions. After a campaign appearance in Germantown, Wisconsin, the Washington County Daily News asked Johnson — who believes ‘life begins at the moment of conception’ — about the recent election in Kansas, where voters decisively rejected a proposed constitutional amendment restricting abortion rights. Rather than acknowledge the Kansas decision, however, Johnson discussed ways to further restrict abortion rights. In a somewhat self-contradictory response, Johnson praised the July Supreme Court ruling overturning Roe v. Wade and said that states should make their own laws governing abortion — while hinting that Congress could eventually override them.” [American Independent, 8/17/22]
Ron Johnson Said He Would “Have To Look” Into Legislation That Would Codify Nationwide Contraceptive Access, LGBTQ Marriage And Parenting Rights. According to Axios, “Still reeling from the Supreme Court’s decision to end Roe v. Wade, congressional Democrats are readying legislation to codify nationwide contraceptive access, LGBTQ marriage and parenting rights — and even potentially long-settled precedent on interracial marriage. The question: Will Republicans go along, or block them? Driving the news: In interviews Wednesday with Axios, more than 20 Senate Republicans — including several seen as moderates or bipartisan dealmakers — declined to commit to a position. […] Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.): ‘I’d have to look at them.’” [Axios, 7/14/22]
[AUDIO] Ron Johnson Accused Democrats Of Lying About Their Opponents Stances On Abortion To Benefit Off Of The Overturning Of Roe, Ron Johnson Said He Did Not Want To Penalize Women Seeking An Abortion And Would Oppose A Ban On Fertility Treatments. “You know, the fact that we're in America in the year 2022, we don't have enough baby formula for our infants. I mean, they can't talk about that. So, what they're going to do and they've already begun their multimillion dollar campaign to smear their opponents with a bunch of lies as relates to abortion. You know, they're going to go out there, say that, you know, Republicans want to put women in jail. No, we don't. OK, I don't know any Republican who wants to penalize any woman with an unplanned pregnancy. We have nothing but sympathy and compassion for women with unplanned pregnancies. Saying that we want to ban fertility treatments. I certainly don't. My daughter had a serious heart defect, couldn't bear children, but we have two wonderful grandchildren through surrogacy. And so obviously I completely support in vitro fertilization.” [Sandy Rios in the Morning, American Family Radio, 7/21/22]
[AUDIO] Ron Johnson Said Access To Contraception Was The “Best Way” To Family Plan. “My wife and I, we use contraception to plan our family. I completely support that's the best way to reduce abortion. All these lies, there will be, you know, to put millions of dollars behind these lies because they want to turn abortion into they want to keep it a divisive political issue.” [Sandy Rios in the Morning, American Family Radio, 7/21/22]
Cap Times Op-Ed: “To Ensure Abortion Care, Get Rid Of Ron Johnson.” According to the Cap Times, “For his part, Johnson has turned a blind eye to the reality that Wisconsin doctors and people across the state are now facing. He claims that repealing Roe v. Wade will just be ‘a little messy’ and that if people don’t like the laws in their state they ‘can move.’ He’s even gone so far as to say, ‘I don’t view that (as) such a huge threat to women’s health.’ As a medical professional who specializes in reproductive health care, I can unequivocally say Ron Johnson couldn't be more wrong. Wisconsinites’ lives are in danger because of this moment that he helped bring us to. One thing I know from my years of experience is that people will find a way to get an abortion — regardless of how dangerous it may be — if they can’t access the proper medical care they deserve. I’ve heard Johnson say, ‘Let doctors do their jobs’ — so why won’t he let us do ours?” [The Cap Times, 7/7/22]
July 23, 2022: Ron Johnson Posted A Just The Truth Blog Detailing His Position On Abortion. According to Just The Truth, “For almost 50 years, the decision of nine unelected justices in Roe v. Wade prevented a democratically derived consensus on the profound moral issue of abortion to be formed. The Dobbs v. Jackson decision will now allow that democratic process to unfold in each state to answer this fundamental question: At what point does society have the responsibility to protect life? I was hoping that the debate would be conducted with sincerity, compassion, and respect for the broad range of views that people hold. Unfortunately, Democrats and the pro-abortion movement have no intention of engaging in a honest debate. They have already begun their multi-million dollar ad campaign to smear their political opponents with lies and distortions. I will be one of their primary targets, so before their lies gain a foothold, let me state my positions for the record.” [Just The Truth, 7/23/22]
Ron Johnson Touted His History Of Voting For Restrictive Abortion Limitations And Said He Believed Life Began At The Moment Of Conception. According to Just The Truth, “1. I believe society has a responsibility to protect life at some point in the womb. As a U.S. Senator, I have voted in favor of protecting life after 20 weeks (5 months). I also signed an amicus brief supporting Dobbs in overturning Roe, and also in protecting life after 15 weeks (~4 months). I personally believe life begins at the moment of conception, but I fully support allowing the democratic process in each state to decide at what point society should protect that life. This is the profound moral question that must weigh the interests and rights of the mother against the interests and rights of the unborn child within her.” [Just The Truth, 7/23/22]
Ron Johnson Said He Absolutely Opposed “Any Penalty Being Imposed” On People Seeking Abortion And Wanted To Maintain Exceptions For Abortions In The Case Of Rape, Incest, Or The Life Of The Mother. According to Just The Truth, “2. I have the utmost sympathy and compassion for any woman facing an unplanned pregnancy. I would absolutely oppose ANY penalty being imposed on mothers. 3. I support, and will continue to support, exceptions to abortion restrictions in the case of rape, incest, or the life of the mother. […] 8. I believe the establishment of, and penalties for, most crimes should be determined at the state level. That applies to violations of abortion restrictions, although I will always oppose ANY penalty from being imposed on the mother.” [Just The Truth, 7/23/22]
Ron Johnson Said He Fully Supported In Vitro Fertilization. According to Just The Truth, “4. I fully support in vitro fertilization. Because of my daughter’s heart defect, she was not able to safely carry a pregnancy. Fortunately, in vitro fertilization was available, and two wonderful women acted as gestational surrogates and blessed her with two beautiful children.” [Just The Truth, 7/23/22]
Ron Johnson Said He Supported Access To Contraception And That It Should Be Made Free To Anyone Who Cannot Afford It, He Did Clarify That He Would Maintain Support For Religious Objections. According to Just The Truth, “5. I fully support contraception and I believe it is the best way to reduce the number of abortions. I also fully support making contraception available free of charge to anyone who cannot afford it. I would not, however, force anyone who has a moral or religious objection to contraceptives to provide them.” [Just The Truth, 7/23/22]
Ron Johnson Said He Would Not Oppose “Life-Saving” Procedures For Miscarriages Or Ectopic Pregnancies. According to Just The Truth, “6. I would never vote to prevent women from obtaining life-saving procedures or medications for miscarriages or ectopic pregnancies.” [Just The Truth, 7/23/22]
Ron Johnson Said He Did Not Support Restrictions For Crossing State Lines For Abortion Care. According to Just The Truth, “7. I would never vote to prevent a woman to cross state lines to access any medical treatment, including an abortion procedure. I believe any restriction of such travel would clearly be unconstitutional.” [Just The Truth, 7/23/22]
Ron Johnson Co-Sponsored A Resolution To Declare The Week Of The November Election “National Pregnancy Center Week.” According to American Independent, “On July 29, Johnson announced that he and 18 other Senate Republicans had signed on as original co-sponsors of a resolution sponsored by Utah Republican Sen. Mike Lee ‘[d]esignating the week beginning November 7, 2022, as ‘National Pregnancy Center Week’ to recognize the vital role that community-supported pregnancy centers play in saving lives and serving women and men faced with difficult pregnancy decisions.’ Though they present themselves as health clinics, so-called crisis pregnancy centers are not medically regulated. They engage in actions aimed at misleading patients about abortion and manipulating them into delaying their decision on how to proceed with their pregnancy until it is legally too late to terminate it. Thousands of these centers operate across the country. […] In a statement issued on July 29, Johnson’s press office touted the resolution and his work to protect crisis pregnancy centers from what he claimed were ‘violent attacks’: ‘Sen. Johnson has played a crucial role in advocating for the protection of pregnancy centers and other pro-life organizations following an increase in violent attacks after the draft opinion of Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization was leaked to the media.” [American Independent, 8/2/22]
When Asked If He Supported Graham’s Nationwide Abortion Ban, Ron Johnson Said Those Types Of Decisions Should Be Decided By “We The People” In The 50 States. According to Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, “Wisconsin Sens. Tammy Baldwin and Ron Johnson on Tuesday signaled they weren’t on board with a GOP proposal that would ban abortions nationwide after 15 weeks of pregnancy — with Johnson claiming the issue should be left to the states and Baldwin decrying the effort. When asked if he would support the bill from South Carolina Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham that would place federal restrictions on abortion, Johnson said those decisions should be decided by ‘we the people’ in the 50 states, according to CNN.” [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 9/13/22]
Ron Johnson’s Spokesperson Would Not Clarify If Johnson Was Definitively Opposed To The Bill. According to Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, “In a statement, Johnson spokeswoman Alexa Henning did not say whether Johnson definitively opposed Graham’s bill. ‘As the senator has said many times he believes this is a profound moral issue and agrees with the Dobbs decision to allow the democratic process to unfold in each state to determine at what point does society have a responsibility to protect life,’ Henning said. “ [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 9/13/22]
Ron Johnson Said He Wanted Wisconsin To Revert Back To Its 1849 Law Which Criminalized Almost All Abortions But Said A Voter Referendum Should Be Held To Modify It. According to Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, “U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson wants to see changes to Wisconsin’s 1849 law outlawing nearly all abortions, saying that voters in the state should decide how the law is modified. But the Oshkosh Republican’s suggested solution — a statewide referendum — is unlikely to have an impact on the state’s law. Voters in Wisconsin cannot change law by a statewide referendum. Rather, a constitutional amendment is required. But the Republican-controlled state Legislature is unlikely to act on such an effort, and there are no indications of any forthcoming amendment proposals. ‘I’ve said about the 1849 law, it doesn’t include the exceptions’ for rape and incest, Johnson told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel this week. ‘I would at minimum want it updated for that.’ ‘My recommendation would be a referendum,’ he said, adding: ‘But because this debate has been delayed for 50 years, people really don’t have, I think, the information they need to decide that question: At what point does society have the responsibility to protect life in the womb? Balancing the rights of a mother with the rights of an unborn child.’” [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 9/14/22]
Ron Johnson Said The 2022 Election “Shouldn’t Be About” Abortion. According to Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, “On Wednesday, Johnson said the November election ‘shouldn’t be about’ abortion, an issue Democrats have said is vital and have made central parts of their campaigns. Democratic Lt. Gov. Mandela Barnes, who is in a tight race with Johnson, has said abortion is ‘on the line’ in November and has called to protect abortion rights.” [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 9/14/22]
Ron Johnson On Graham’s Federal Abortion Ban, “At This Point In Time, I Don’t Think We Should Replace 9 Justices With 535 Members Of Congress.’ ‘We Should Let We The People In 50 States Make This Decision.” “Lawrence Andrea tweeted, “On the proposed federal abortion ban, Sen. Johnson says: ‘At this point in time, I don’t think we should replace 9 justices with 535 members of Congress.’ ‘We should let we the people in 50 states make this decision.’ “ [Twitter, @lawrencegandrea, 9/14/22]