2019: Ron Johnson Effectively Voted For The Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. In February 2019, Johnson effectively voted for a bill that would have, according to Congressional Quarterly, “require health care practitioners to provide medical care to any infant that survives an abortion procedure, to the extent legally required for any infant born at the same gestational age.” The vote was on a motion to invoke cloture, which required 60 affirmative votes. The Senate rejected the motion by a vote of 53 to 44. [Senate Vote 27, 2/25/19; Congressional Quarterly, 2/25/19; Congressional Actions, S. 311]
Ron Johnson Touted His Vote For The Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. According to Johnson’s Twitter, More than a million Americans have fought and died for our inalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Today’s vote to protect a baby born alive is an unfortunate reminder that we will need to keep fighting for the most basic of those rights, life.” [Twitter - @SenRonJohnson 2/26/19]
February 2020: Ron Johnson Voted To Advance Bills Restricting Abortion Rights As “Bills That Promote That Primary Mission Of Our Country.” According to a press release from Ron Johnson, “U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) said this Tuesday after voting to advance two bills that protect the right to life -- specifically, in the case of babies who survive failed attempts at abortion and in that of babies far along enough toward birth that they are capable of feeling pain: ‘As a compassionate society we have an obligation to protect life, especially the life of the most vulnerable among us -- the unborn, and those babies born alive despite an abortionist's attempt to kill them,’ said Johnson. ‘America is an incredible experiment in human freedom, founded by leaders who understood that the most basic right, the right to life, is unalienable. I am proud to support these bills that promote that primary mission of our country.’” [Press release from Ron Johnson, 02/25/20]
Ron Johnson Announced Pro-Life Stance Through His Support For Legislation To Protect Newborns That Are Born Alive Even After “Botched Abortions.” According to a press release from Senator Ron Johnson, “U.S Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) said the following Monday after voting in favor of the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, legislation to protect newborns that are born alive after botched abortions: ‘More than a million Americans have fought and died for our inalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Today’s vote to protect a baby born alive is an unfortunate reminder that we will need to keep fighting for those rights, and in this case, for the most basic of those rights, life.’” [Press Release – Senator Ron Johnson, 2/26/19]
Ron Johnson Stated That “Born Alive” Legislation “Energized” Republicans. According to Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, “Johnson said ‘born alive’ legislation in New York, Virginia and in Congress that requires doctors to keep babies alive if they're born after a failed abortion ‘energized’ Republicans. The Wisconsin Assembly passed a "born alive" bill Thursday.” [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 5/18/19]