2017: Ron Johnson Praised The March For Life As Protecting Society’s Most Vulnerable Members: The Unborn. According to a press release from Senator Johnson via US Official News, “Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) released the following statement Friday regarding the 2017 March for Life: ‘For 44 years, Americans have followed their conscience to Washington to march in defense of the most vulnerable members of our society: the unborn. These marchers are changing hearts and minds. They are moving America to live up to its founding ideal laid out in the Declaration of Independence – that we are endowed by our Creator with the right to life. I applaud their courage and support their cause.’” [Press release from Ron Johnson, 1/27/17]
2018: Ron Johnson Thanked Everyone Who Participated At March For Life, Touting Them For “Uniting In Defense Of The Most Fundamental Right.” According to Press release from Ron Johnson, “’It is inspiring to see so many American women, men, girls and boys of all ages, races, faiths and backgrounds, uniting in defense of the most fundamental right the right to life. Our founders declared it an unalienable right endowed by our Creator highlighting its primary importance to this incredible experiment in human freedom that we call America. ‘The people walking in the March for Life today a special word of appreciation for my fellow Wisconsinites among them are defending our basic liberty. I sincerely thank them all.’” [Press release from Ron Johnson, 1/19/18]
Ron Johnson Touted His A+ Rating From Susan B. Anthony List. According to Johnson’s Twitter, "As a compassionate society we have an obligation to protect life, especially the life of the most vulnerable among us — the unborn. Proud to receive an "A" from @SBAList on its #ProLife scorecard.” [Twitter - @SenRonJohnson, 2/25/20]