Ron Johnson Said He Would Like To See Roe V. Wade Be Overturned. According to Associated Press, Johnson says he would like to see the Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion overturned, but he’s not going to use Kavanaugh’s position on that as a litmus test for confirmation. Johnson says, ‘My only litmus test is someone as a judge apply the law, not alter it.’” [Associated Press, 7/10/18]
Ron Johnson Believed Abortion Rights Should Be Up To The State Instead Of “Nine Unelected Judges.” According to Beloit Daily News, “In terms of Roe v. Wade, Johnson said he would be surprised if it were overturned, but he’s hopeful ‘reasonable limits’ could be found. ‘At some point in time, I think the rights enumerated in our Declaration of Independence – the life, liberty and pursuit of happiness – ought to cover a child in the womb,’ Johnson said. He believes abortion laws should have been left for the states to decide instead of nine unelected judges. ‘This has been a wound to our body politic for decades as a result,’ Johnson said. He believes if Roe v. Wade were to be overturned, leaving abortion rights to the states also wouldn’t be a threat to women’s health.” [Beloit Daily News, 7/27/18]
Ron Johnson Said The Declaration Of Independence Protects A Child In The Womb. According to Beloit Daily News, “In terms of Roe v. Wade, Johnson said he would be surprised if it were overturned, but he’s hopeful ‘reasonable limits’ could be found. ‘At some point in time, I think the rights enumerated in our Declaration of Independence – the life, liberty and pursuit of happiness – ought to cover a child in the womb,’ Johnson said.” [Beloit Daily News, 7/27/18]
[AUDIO] Ron Johnson On Overturning Roe V. Wade: “Yeah, I Think It’s Time To Re-Examine It.” According to transcript, “Well, I think, you know, there are certainly some pretty bad Supreme Court decisions that we're glad were overturned and Supreme Court didn't, you know, support precedent. Again, I don't think if the Supreme Court rules in favor of Mississippi that abortion goes away, but that's not what's going to happen. I know that's the fear tactic used by the left. What would happen is each state would start deciding for themselves at what point are we going to protect life? I mean, some may not protect at all and allow the horrific partial birth abortions, but I think many states would be very reasonable to say, well, at what point is A is a baby viable outside the womb? Maybe that's a lot of times the bills we're talking about 20, 20 week timeframe where babies who are, you know, born early can survive. That's the debate we should have democratically through votes, as opposed to having nine unelected justices decide this for all society. And they didn't really solve the problem, did they? This has been a divisive issue since Roe v. Wade was decided. Yeah, I think it's time to re-examine it.” [Brian Kilmeade Podcast, 12/01/21]; 211201_EAO_277_A
Jan 2020: Johnson Signed Amicus Brief Asking The Supreme Court To Revisit And Overturn Roe V. Wade Calling The Standards Unworkable. According to Axios, “39 Republican senators and 168 representatives signed an amicus brief on Thursday asking the Supreme Court to revisit and potentially overturn Roe v. Wade, which protects the right for women to seek an abortion. The big picture: Roe v. Wade has, since the Supreme Court’s landmark decision in 1973, served as a barrier against Republicans who have sought to restrict reproductive rights. But with the court’s conservative majority and Trump in the Oval Office, right-leaning lawmakers have been testing the limits of the law. […] Details... The following Republican senators signed the brief, which calls Roe v. Wade’s standards unworkable:[…] Sen. Ron Johnson (Wisc.)” [Axios, 1/2/20]