Zinke Was Anti-Choice And Supported Congress Legislating On The Issue Of Abortion. According to press release from Rep. Zinke, “‘I believe in the sanctity of life, and I believe Congress has a responsibility to give a voice to those who are voiceless,’ said Zinke.” [Press Release - Rep. Zinke, 5/14/15]
Zinke Stated That He Agreed With The Draft Opinion Leaked From The Supreme Court “That There Is No Constitutional Right To Murder An Unborn Child.” According to Montana Free Press, “I agree with the draft opinion leaked from the Supreme Court that there is no constitutional right to murder an unborn child.” [Montana Free Press, 9/1/22]
Zinke Celebrated The Overturning Of Roe V. Wade. Zinke tweeted, “I applaud the courage of the Supreme Court in its decision that there is no constitutional right to abortion. The ruling is a victory for life, the integrity of the Constitution, and our American values.” [Twitter, @RyanZinke, 6/24/22]
Zinke Celebrated His Endorsement From The National Right To Life Committee During His 2014 Congressional Campaign. Zinke tweeted, “I'm thankful for the endorsement of the National Right to Life Committee. I will continue to focus on protecting Montana values #mtal #mtpol” [Twitter, @RyanZinke, 9/18/14]
Zinke Co-Sponsored Legislation That Banned Elective Abortion After 20 Weeks Of Pregnancy. According to press release from Rep. Zinke, “Today, a bipartisan majority of the U.S. House of Representatives voted to protect innocent life by approving legislation that would outlaw elective abortions after five months. The Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act (H.R. 36), which Congressman Ryan Zinke co-sponsored, passed the House 242-184.” [Press Release - Rep. Zinke, 5/14/15]
2016: Zinke Voted For A Bill That Defunded Planned Parenthood. In January 2016, Zinke voted for a bill that according to Congressional Quarterly, would have “scrap[ed] in 2018 the law's Medicaid expansion, as well as subsidies to help individuals buy coverage through the insurance exchanges.” Additionally, according to Congressional Quarterly the bill would have “repeal[ed] portions of the 2010 health care law and block[ed] federal funding for Planned Parenthood for one year. As amended, the bill would zero-out the law’s penalties for noncompliance with the law’s requirements for most individuals to obtain health coverage and employers to offer health insurance.” The vote was on a motion to concur with the Senate amendment, which indicated final passage. The House approved the bill by a vote of 240 to 181. The Senate had already passed the measure. President Obama vetoed the legislation, which the House failed to override. [House Vote 6, 1/8/16; Congressional Quarterly, 12/3/15; Real Clear Politics, 12/4/15; NBC News, 1/8/15; Congressional Actions, H.R. 3762]