Voted To Require Mandatory Biased Counseling Prior To An Abortion. Durant voted for HB212, which, according to Planned Parenthood, “would have reinstated mandatory biased counseling before an abortion, interfering in the relationship between a patient and their health care provider.” [HB212, vote on passage, 2/15/22; Planned Parenthood, press release, 3/16/22]
Durant Celebrated The Supreme Court’s Decision To Overturn Roe V. Wade. According to a post on Durant’s campaign Facebook, “Today is a great day for life. While this decision does not change the law in Virginia, we know the majority of Virginians are united on the most basic principles regarding abortion: all of us want fewer abortions. As a mother to three beautiful children, I look forward to working with Governor Youngkin and fellow members of the General Assembly to affirm protections for the unborn, and supporting and caring for mothers in the Commonwealth. Please pray for peace and the safety of our justices and our nation.” [Tara Durant for Senate, 6/24/22]
Durant: “I Believe Life Begins At Conception.” According to a press release from Durant, “Where I stand: I believe life begins at conception. I will always support sound legislation that protects the rights of the unborn and look forward to continuing to work with the administration on this issue during the upcoming session.” [Tara Durant, press release, 7/18/22]
Durant Vowed To Support Anti-Choice Legislation. According to a press release from Durant, “Where I stand: I believe life begins at conception. I will always support sound legislation that protects the rights of the unborn and look forward to continuing to work with the administration on this issue during the upcoming session.” [Tara Durant, press release, 7/18/22]