Ramthun Said “I Hope This True, The Sanctity Of Life Should Never Be Questioned” In Response To Politico Article That Said Supreme Court Voted To Overturn Abortion Rights. According to Ramthun’s Twitter, “I hope this true, the sanctity of life should never be questioned. politico.com/news/2022/05/0…” [Twitter, @Ramthunforgov, 5/3/22]
Ramthun: “Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow! #RoeVWade #SCOTUS #RamthunforGovernor.” According to Ramthun’s Twitter, “Praise God from whom all blessings flow! #RoevWade #SCOTUS #RamthunforGovernor” [Twitter, @timothy_ramthun, 6/26/22]
Ramthun Said “The Supreme Court’s Decision To Overturn Roe V. Wade Is A Massive Victory For Life.” According to Ramthun’s Twitter, “The Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade is a massive victory for life! #RoevWade #SCOTUS #RamthunforGovernor” [Twitter, @timothy_ramthun, 6/25/22]
Ramthun: “I’m Elated Beyond Measure That The Supreme Court Of The United States Followed The Constitution And Gave The Rights Back To The State” In Response To Roe V. Wade Decision. According to NBC 26, “‘I'm elated beyond measure that the Supreme Court of the United States followed the constitution and gave the rights back to the state,’ Ramthun said.” [NBC 26, 6/27/22]
Ramthun: “The Light Is Coming In. Let Us Pull Back The Shades Entirely. Life! Protect Lives And Ballots. Cyber Checks Are The Way Forward. Timetime.” According to Ramthun’s Twitter, “The light is coming in. Let us pull back the shades entirely. Life! Protect lives and ballots. Cyber checks are the way forward. Timetime” [Twitter, @Ramthun4WI, 6/27/22]
Ramthun Said It Was “An Honor” To Have Pro-Life Wisconsin’s Endorsement. According to Ramthun’s Facebook, “It is truly an honor to receive the endorsement from Pro-Life Wisconsin!” [Facebook, Ramthun For Governor, 4/28/22]
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Ramthun Said He Would “Fire Any County District Attorney Or Sheriff Who Does Not Enforce” Wisconsin’s Abortion Law. According to Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, “They also suggested they would not sign legislation that provides more exceptions to the state's abortion ban, an 1849 law that is back in effect following Friday's ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade. The three candidates also said they would fire any county district attorney or sheriff who does not enforce the law, as the district attorneys in Milwaukee and Dane counties have promised not to do.” [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 6/28/22]
Ramthun Said “For All The Issues Statesmen And Politicians Need To Consider, That Life Begins At Conception And Is Sacred, Is Something I Never Questioned.” According to Ramthun’s Facebook, “For all the issues statesmen and politicians need to consider, that life begins at conception and is sacred, is something I never questioned.” [Facebook, Ramthun For Governor, 4/19/22]
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Ramthun Co-Sponsored “A Texas-Style Bill That Would Allow Private Citizens To Sue Doctors Who Perform Abortions After A Fetal Heartbeat Can Be Detected.” According to Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, “Ramthun in February joined about two dozen other Republican lawmakers in co-sponsoring a Texas-style bill that would allow private citizens to sue doctors who perform abortions after a fetal heartbeat can be detected. The bill never made it to the floor of the Assembly or Senate before the legislative session ended this month.” [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 3/24/22]
Ramthun Cosponsored A Heartbeat Detection Bill. According to Wisconsin Public Radio, “A Texas-style abortion bill proposed for Wisconsin has received a lot of attention and appeared to be on the fast track, getting approval from a legislative committee on Feb. 11, fewer than two weeks after being introduced. However, it's unclear whether Republicans will take up the controversial legislation before the session ends. The proposal has divided anti-abortion groups, and the issue has already come up ahead of November's gubernatorial race. […] State Rep. Timothy Ramthun, R-Campellsport, who is also running for governor, is a co-sponsor of the proposal.” [Wisconsin Public Radio, 2/21/22]
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Ramthun Did Not “Want To Create Additional Exceptions” If Wisconsin’s Abortion Ban Was Reinstated. According to Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, “The U.S. Supreme Court this summer will decide whether to keep in place the Roe v. Wade decision. A ruling overturning it could immediately reinstate Wisconsin's 19th-century law banning almost all abortions. […] Wisconsin has a law on the books from 1849 that bans abortion except to save the life of a woman. That law has been on hold since Roe was decided in 1973 but would go back into effect if the justices overturned that ruling, as attorneys for Mississippi have requested. […] The Republicans running for governor — former Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch, management consultant Kevin Nicholson and state Rep. Timothy Ramthun — don’t want to create additional exceptions if Wisconsin’s abortion ban is reinstated.” [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 3/24/22]
Ramthun: “I Am Hardcore, 100% Pro-Life Without Exceptions.” According to Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, “Ramthun in a campaign video said he opposed any exceptions to an abortion ban. ‘I am hardcore, 100% pro-life without exceptions,’ he said. ‘Every child conceived should not have to pay — should not have to pay — for the sins of their parents. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is a right we should all have from conception to the day we stop breathing and go to the lord and everywhere in between.’” [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 3/24/22]
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Ramthun Said He “Would Not Sign Legislation That Provides More Exceptions To The State’s Abortion Ban.” According to Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, “The three candidates on Monday all agreed to sign legislation that would ban transgender children and teenagers from undergoing gender reassignment surgeries, and ban employers from requiring staff to get vaccinated. They also suggested they would not sign legislation that provides more exceptions to the state's abortion ban, an 1849 law that is back in effect following Friday's ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade.” [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 6/28/22]