Dixon Opposed Abortion, Did Not Support Exceptions For Rape And Incest. According to Detroit Free Press, “Dixon's opposition to abortion does not include exceptions for rape or incest. She supports the use of public dollars to pay private school tuition, which is banned under the state constitution and most recently rejected by voters — 69% to 31% — in a 2000 referendum. And she has made the illogical claim that Whitmer supports rapists and cartels because she allowed the federal government to temporarily house, at an Albion facility run by a nonprofit group, unaccompanied migrant children apprehended at the southern border.” [Detroit Free Press, 1/12/22]
Dixon Said She Was “A Pro-Life Candidate No Exceptions,” Would Not Support Exceptions For Rape And Incest. According to a press release from the Michigan Democratic Party, “Over the weekend on Mackinac Island, gubernatorial candidate Tudor Dixon was asked by MIRS' Kyle Melinn where she stands on Michigan's draconian abortion law from 1931 that the state would immediately revert to if Roe v. Wade were overturned. […] Full exchange below: Kyle Melinn (MIRS): So the Supreme Court is looking at possibly overturning the Roe v. Wade decision and shifting the authority of abortions back to the states. In the state of Michigan, that would mean a 1931 law that bans abortion in Michigan, is that something you're in support of? Tudor Dixon: I am a pro-life candidate no exceptions. Melinn: OK so the '31 law is fine with you? Dixon: Prolife no exceptions. Melinn: No exceptions for rape and incest, or what about health of the mother? Dixon: No exceptions” [Press Release – Michigan Democratic Party, 9/29/21]
Dixon Opposed Abortion, Did Not Support Exceptions For Rape And Incest. According to Detroit Free Press, “Dixon's opposition to abortion does not include exceptions for rape or incest. She supports the use of public dollars to pay private school tuition, which is banned under the state constitution and most recently rejected by voters — 69% to 31% — in a 2000 referendum. And she has made the illogical claim that Whitmer supports rapists and cartels because she allowed the federal government to temporarily house, at an Albion facility run by a nonprofit group, unaccompanied migrant children apprehended at the southern border.” [Detroit Free Press, 1/12/22]
Sep. 2021: Dixon Said She Was “A Pro-Life Candidate No Exceptions,” Would Not Support Exceptions For Rape And Incest. According to a press release from the Michigan Democratic Party, “Over the weekend on Mackinac Island, gubernatorial candidate Tudor Dixon was asked by MIRS' Kyle Melinn where she stands on Michigan's draconian abortion law from 1931 that the state would immediately revert to if Roe v. Wade were overturned. […] Full exchange below: Kyle Melinn (MIRS): So the Supreme Court is looking at possibly overturning the Roe v. Wade decision and shifting the authority of abortions back to the states. In the state of Michigan, that would mean a 1931 law that bans abortion in Michigan, is that something you're in support of? Tudor Dixon: I am a pro-life candidate no exceptions. Melinn: OK so the '31 law is fine with you? Dixon: Prolife no exceptions. Melinn: No exceptions for rape and incest, or what about health of the mother? Dixon: No exceptions” [Press Release – Michigan Democratic Party, 9/29/21]
Sep. 2021: When Asked If She Would Allow Exceptions To Abortion Ban In Order To Preserve Health Of The Mother, Dixon Said “No Exceptions.” According to Michigan Advance, “Among the GOP candidates seeking the gubernatorial nomination on Aug. 2, right-wing personality Tudor Dixon used the Supreme Court’s decision to fight back against accusations that she has flip-flopped on her position. In September, Dixon was asked if she supported any abortion exceptions, even for the health of the mother, to which she responded ‘no exceptions.’ However, when asked in May on the topic, she said she did believe in an exception for the life of the mother.” [Michigan Advance, 6/27/22]
Jun. 2022: Dixon Claimed The Only Exception To Her Anti-Abortion Stance Was “To Protect The Life Of The Mother.” According to Michigan Advance, “When called out on Friday by American Bridge 21st Century, a Super PAC that supports Democratic candidates, Dixon tweeted that she has not switched her position. Tudor Dixon participates in a GOP gubernatorial debate as part of the Mackinac Island Policy Conference, June 2, 2022 | Laina G. Stebbins. ‘I’m pro-Life,’ Dixon wrote. ‘My only exception is to protect the LIFE of the mother. That has never changed…I am the mother of 5 girls. We lost one of our beautiful baby girls at 18 weeks. I know what a Life is and I know it’s worth protecting.’” [Michigan Advance, 6/27/22]
Dixon Said She Would Support Reinstatement Of Michigan’s 1931 Law Banning Abortion If Roe V. Wade Was Overturned. According to a press release from the Michigan Democratic Party, “Over the weekend on Mackinac Island, gubernatorial candidate Tudor Dixon was asked by MIRS' Kyle Melinn where she stands on Michigan's draconian abortion law from 1931 that the state would immediately revert to if Roe v. Wade were overturned. […] Full exchange below: Kyle Melinn (MIRS): So the Supreme Court is looking at possibly overturning the Roe v. Wade decision and shifting the authority of abortions back to the states. In the state of Michigan, that would mean a 1931 law that bans abortion in Michigan, is that something you're in support of? Tudor Dixon: I am a pro-life candidate no exceptions. Melinn: OK so the '31 law is fine with you? Dixon: Prolife no exceptions. Melinn: No exceptions for rape and incest, or what about health of the mother? Dixon: No exceptions” [Press Release – Michigan Democratic Party, 9/29/21]
May 2022: Dixon Said She Supported Michigan’s 1931 Abortion Ban With An Exception For Life Of The Mother. According to Detroit News, “But they differed on exceptions to the ban, with Dixon, Johnson, Soldano and Kelley supporting the state's 1931 ban with an exception for the life of the mother.” [Detroit News, 5/12/22]
Dixon Called Michigan’s 1931 Abortion Ban A “Good Law.” According to Bridge Michigan, “‘It’s very important to me to protect life,’ governor candidate Tudor Dixon of Norton Shores said last month in a debate. The conservative media personality and businesswoman called Michigan’s 1931 abortion ban a ‘good law.’ Right to Life of Michigan, a powerful advocacy group that opposes legal abortion, endorsed Dixon on Thursday, saying her ‘leadership will be absolutely essential in restoring the basic right to life to the most helpless members of our human family.’” [Bridge Michigan, 6/2/22]
Dixon Said She Was “Proudly Pro-Life” And Proud To Have Interviewed Abby Johnson. According to Dixon’s Facebook page,
[Facebook.com/DixonForGovernor, 10/3/21]
Dixon Said She Was “Pro-Life,” “Pro-Mother,” And “Pro-Woman.” According to a press release from Dixon’s campaign, “Today is not just a day for celebration as it is an affirmation that life is precious, but it is a day for action. As I said when a draft opinion from the case was first leaked in May, we have come a long way since the Roe v. Wade decision. Technology allows us to see our baby before birth. Miraculous medical developments now make it possible for babies to survive outside the womb far earlier than when the Roe decision was made. Truly, so much has changed. But what has never changed is the preciousness of life. I am pro-life. I am pro-family. I am pro-mother. I am pro-woman.” [Press Release – Tudor Dixon For Governor, 6/24/22]
Dixon Said Politicians And Pundits Would “Weaponize The Topic Of Abortion To Further Divide Us.” According to a press release from Dixon’s campaign, “In the coming days, weeks, and months we will hear politicians and pundits weaponize the topic of abortion to further divide us. But make no mistake, they care nothing about the women now or in the future facing the enormous life changes and challenges that motherhood brings.” [Press Release – Tudor Dixon For Governor, 6/24/22]
Dixon Told Expecting Mothers, “You Will Find A Way To Do It All Because You Are Strong, Capable Women.” According to a press release from Dixon’s campaign, “For those women, I share this: We are with you. You can do it. You can have a brilliant and distinguished career and be a wonderful mother. You can support your children. You will find a way to do it all because you are strong, capable women. An unmatchable inner strength inside you will be unleashed the moment you hold that baby in your arms for the very first time. It may be hard. It may even be an awful circumstance. But I promise you this, the deepest love you have ever felt will come over you when that baby wraps its little hand around your finger, knowing you are mom.” [Press Release – Tudor Dixon For Governor, 6/24/22]
Dixon Told Expecting Mothers, “An Unmatchable Inner Strength Inside You Will Be Unleashed The Moment You Hold That Baby In Your Arms For The Very First Time.” According to a press release from Dixon’s campaign, “For those women, I share this: We are with you. You can do it. You can have a brilliant and distinguished career and be a wonderful mother. You can support your children. You will find a way to do it all because you are strong, capable women. An unmatchable inner strength inside you will be unleashed the moment you hold that baby in your arms for the very first time. It may be hard. It may even be an awful circumstance. But I promise you this, the deepest love you have ever felt will come over you when that baby wraps its little hand around your finger, knowing you are mom.” [Press Release – Tudor Dixon For Governor, 6/24/22]
Dixon Said Motherhood Could Be “Hard” Or “An Awful Circumstance,” But Said It Would Provide “The Deepest Love You Have Ever Felt.” According to a press release from Dixon’s campaign, “For those women, I share this: We are with you. You can do it. You can have a brilliant and distinguished career and be a wonderful mother. You can support your children. You will find a way to do it all because you are strong, capable women. An unmatchable inner strength inside you will be unleashed the moment you hold that baby in your arms for the very first time. It may be hard. It may even be an awful circumstance. But I promise you this, the deepest love you have ever felt will come over you when that baby wraps its little hand around your finger, knowing you are mom.” [Press Release – Tudor Dixon For Governor, 6/24/22]
Dixon Told Expecting Mothers Not To “Listen To The Poisonous People That Want You To Believe You Have To Pick And Choose.” According to a press release from Dixon’s campaign, “Do not listen to the poisonous people that want you to believe you have to pick and choose. You don't. That is glass-ceiling thinking. Do not let anyone tell you that you can't do it. You can. It may not be easy, but we will support you.” [Press Release – Tudor Dixon For Governor, 6/24/22]
Dixon Said, “Every Facet Of America's Public Policy And Society Should Reflect An Unflinching Commitment To Supporting American Families.” According to a press release from Dixon’s campaign, “As Governor, I will support and enact policies that lift up mothers and children. Every facet of America's public policy and society should reflect an unflinching commitment to supporting American families. Our vision for a just America is one that fosters a culture of life, from womb to grave. One where families can have children--and afford them. We should make it easier to have and raise a family by creating policies that afford parents quality time with their children and make it easier to adopt.” [Press Release – Tudor Dixon For Governor, 6/24/22]
Dixon Said, “We Should Make It Easier To Have And Raise A Family By Creating Policies That Afford Parents Quality Time With Their Children And Make It Easier To Adopt.” According to a press release from Dixon’s campaign, “As Governor, I will support and enact policies that lift up mothers and children. Every facet of America's public policy and society should reflect an unflinching commitment to supporting American families. Our vision for a just America is one that fosters a culture of life, from womb to grave. One where families can have children--and afford them. We should make it easier to have and raise a family by creating policies that afford parents quality time with their children and make it easier to adopt.” [Press Release – Tudor Dixon For Governor, 6/24/22]
Dixon Said She Lost “One Of Our Beautiful Baby Girls At 18 Weeks,” So She Knew Life Was “Worth Protecting.” According to Dixon’s Twitter, “I’m pro-Life. My only exception is to protect the LIFE of the mother. That has never changed as your video so nicely demonstrates. I am the mother of 5 girls. We lost one of our beautiful baby girls at 18 weeks. I know what a Life is and I know it’s worth protecting.” Quote Tweet American Bridge 21st Century @American_Bridge, 6/24/22 “MAGA Republicans know that #SCOTUS overturning #RoeVsWade and the GOP’s abortion bans are extremely unpopular. That's why Republicans like #MIGov candidate @TudorDixon are now hiding their agendas from voters. #MIPol https://twitter.com/i/status/1540425786016112640 ” [Twitter, @TudorDixon, 6/24/22]
Dixon Said, “Our Vision For A Just America Is One That Fosters A Culture Of Life, From Womb To Grave.” According to Detroit News, “Another Republican gubernatorial hopeful, Tudor Dixon of Norton Shores, labeled Friday a ‘day for celebration’ and ‘a day for action.’ She has been endorsed by Right to Life of Michigan, the state's largest anti-abortion organization. ‘Our vision for a just America is one that fosters a culture of life, from womb to grave. One where families can have children — and afford them,’ Dixon said.” [Detroit News, 6/24/22]
Following Leak Of Supreme Court Draft Opinion On Roe, Dixon Told Expecting Mothers That Even In “An Awful Circumstance,” Motherhood Would Provide “The Deepest Love You Have Ever Felt.” According to Bridge Michigan, “In a statement issued following the release of the Supreme Court draft opinion, the former sales executive and conservative media personality said she supports the 1931 abortion law. She claimed advocates for abortion access will ‘weaponize the topic of abortion to further divide us,’ and offered a message to women facing motherhood. ‘We are with you. You can do it,’ her statement read. ‘It may be hard. It may even be an awful circumstance. But I promise you this, the deepest love you have ever felt will come over you when that baby wraps its little hand around your finger, knowing you are mom.’” [Bridge Michigan, 5/3/22]
Dixon Supported Supreme Court’s Draft Opinion Decision To Overturn Roe V. Wade, Responded With Statement On “Preciousness Of Life.” According to POLITICO, “Do you support the draft opinion’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade? […] Tudor Dixon (R): Yes. In a statement about the Supreme Court’s draft opinion, she talked about the ‘preciousness of life’ and the need to support women who are pregnant.” [POLITICO, 6/8/22]
Dixon Celebrated Supreme Court Decision To Overturn Roe v. Wade, Said It Was “An Affirmation That Life Is Precious.” According to a press release from Dixon’s campaign, “Today is not just a day for celebration as it is an affirmation that life is precious, but it is a day for action. As I said when a draft opinion from the case was first leaked in May, we have come a long way since the Roe v. Wade decision. Technology allows us to see our baby before birth. Miraculous medical developments now make it possible for babies to survive outside the womb far earlier than when the Roe decision was made. Truly, so much has changed. But what has never changed is the preciousness of life. I am pro-life. I am pro-family. I am pro-mother. I am pro-woman.” [Press Release – Tudor Dixon For Governor, 6/24/22]
Dixon Said She Was “Pro-Life,” “Pro-Mother,” And “Pro-Woman.” According to a press release from Dixon’s campaign, “Today is not just a day for celebration as it is an affirmation that life is precious, but it is a day for action. As I said when a draft opinion from the case was first leaked in May, we have come a long way since the Roe v. Wade decision. Technology allows us to see our baby before birth. Miraculous medical developments now make it possible for babies to survive outside the womb far earlier than when the Roe decision was made. Truly, so much has changed. But what has never changed is the preciousness of life. I am pro-life. I am pro-family. I am pro-mother. I am pro-woman.” [Press Release – Tudor Dixon For Governor, 6/24/22]
Dixon Said Politicians And Pundits Would “Weaponize The Topic Of Abortion To Further Divide Us.” According to a press release from Dixon’s campaign, “In the coming days, weeks, and months we will hear politicians and pundits weaponize the topic of abortion to further divide us. But make no mistake, they care nothing about the women now or in the future facing the enormous life changes and challenges that motherhood brings.” [Press Release – Tudor Dixon For Governor, 6/24/22]
Dixon Told Expecting Mothers, “You Will Find A Way To Do It All Because You Are Strong, Capable Women.” According to a press release from Dixon’s campaign, “For those women, I share this: We are with you. You can do it. You can have a brilliant and distinguished career and be a wonderful mother. You can support your children. You will find a way to do it all because you are strong, capable women. An unmatchable inner strength inside you will be unleashed the moment you hold that baby in your arms for the very first time. It may be hard. It may even be an awful circumstance. But I promise you this, the deepest love you have ever felt will come over you when that baby wraps its little hand around your finger, knowing you are mom.” [Press Release – Tudor Dixon For Governor, 6/24/22]
Dixon Told Expecting Mothers, “An Unmatchable Inner Strength Inside You Will Be Unleashed The Moment You Hold That Baby In Your Arms For The Very First Time.” According to a press release from Dixon’s campaign, “For those women, I share this: We are with you. You can do it. You can have a brilliant and distinguished career and be a wonderful mother. You can support your children. You will find a way to do it all because you are strong, capable women. An unmatchable inner strength inside you will be unleashed the moment you hold that baby in your arms for the very first time. It may be hard. It may even be an awful circumstance. But I promise you this, the deepest love you have ever felt will come over you when that baby wraps its little hand around your finger, knowing you are mom.” [Press Release – Tudor Dixon For Governor, 6/24/22]
Dixon Said Motherhood Could Be “Hard” Or “An Awful Circumstance,” But Said It Would Provide “The Deepest Love You Have Ever Felt.” According to a press release from Dixon’s campaign, “For those women, I share this: We are with you. You can do it. You can have a brilliant and distinguished career and be a wonderful mother. You can support your children. You will find a way to do it all because you are strong, capable women. An unmatchable inner strength inside you will be unleashed the moment you hold that baby in your arms for the very first time. It may be hard. It may even be an awful circumstance. But I promise you this, the deepest love you have ever felt will come over you when that baby wraps its little hand around your finger, knowing you are mom.” [Press Release – Tudor Dixon For Governor, 6/24/22]
Dixon Told Expecting Mothers Not To “Listen To The Poisonous People That Want You To Believe You Have To Pick And Choose.” According to a press release from Dixon’s campaign, “Do not listen to the poisonous people that want you to believe you have to pick and choose. You don't. That is glass-ceiling thinking. Do not let anyone tell you that you can't do it. You can. It may not be easy, but we will support you.” [Press Release – Tudor Dixon For Governor, 6/24/22]
Dixon Said, “Every Facet Of America's Public Policy And Society Should Reflect An Unflinching Commitment To Supporting American Families.” According to a press release from Dixon’s campaign, “As Governor, I will support and enact policies that lift up mothers and children. Every facet of America's public policy and society should reflect an unflinching commitment to supporting American families. Our vision for a just America is one that fosters a culture of life, from womb to grave. One where families can have children--and afford them. We should make it easier to have and raise a family by creating policies that afford parents quality time with their children and make it easier to adopt.” [Press Release – Tudor Dixon For Governor, 6/24/22]
Dixon Said, “We Should Make It Easier To Have And Raise A Family By Creating Policies That Afford Parents Quality Time With Their Children And Make It Easier To Adopt.” According to a press release from Dixon’s campaign, “As Governor, I will support and enact policies that lift up mothers and children. Every facet of America's public policy and society should reflect an unflinching commitment to supporting American families. Our vision for a just America is one that fosters a culture of life, from womb to grave. One where families can have children--and afford them. We should make it easier to have and raise a family by creating policies that afford parents quality time with their children and make it easier to adopt.” [Press Release – Tudor Dixon For Governor, 6/24/22]
Dixon Celebrated Supreme Court Decision To Overturn Roe v. Wade, Said It Was “An Affirmation That Life Is Precious.” According to a press release from Dixon’s campaign, “Today is not just a day for celebration as it is an affirmation that life is precious, but it is a day for action. As I said when a draft opinion from the case was first leaked in May, we have come a long way since the Roe v. Wade decision. Technology allows us to see our baby before birth. Miraculous medical developments now make it possible for babies to survive outside the womb far earlier than when the Roe decision was made. Truly, so much has changed. But what has never changed is the preciousness of life. I am pro-life. I am pro-family. I am pro-mother. I am pro-woman.” [Press Release – Tudor Dixon For Governor, 6/24/22]
Dixon Was Endorsed By Right To Life Of Michigan. According to Detroit News, “Right to Life of Michigan, the state's most prominent anti-abortion group, is endorsing conservative commentator and businesswoman Tudor Dixon in the Republican primary race for governor. The endorsement was another sign of momentum for Dixon, who's recently received the backing of west Michigan's powerful DeVos family.” [Detroit News, 6/2/22]
Right To Life Of Michigan Said Dixon’s “Leadership [Would] Be Absolutely Essential In Restoring The Basic Right To Life To The Most Helpless Members Of Our Human Family.” According to Bridge Michigan, “‘It’s very important to me to protect life,’ governor candidate Tudor Dixon of Norton Shores said last month in a debate. The conservative media personality and businesswoman called Michigan’s 1931 abortion ban a ‘good law.’ Right to Life of Michigan, a powerful advocacy group that opposes legal abortion, endorsed Dixon on Thursday, saying her ‘leadership will be absolutely essential in restoring the basic right to life to the most helpless members of our human family.’” [Bridge Michigan, 6/2/22]
Right To Life Of Michigan Chairman Paul Miller Said Dixon Was “A Strong Pro-Life Leader Who Possess[ed] The Ability To Lead Michigan Towards Being A Life-Affirming State.” According to Detroit News, “‘Tudor Dixon is a strong pro-life leader who possesses the ability to lead Michigan towards being a life-affirming state,’ said Paul Miller, chairman of Right to Life of Michigan's PAC board. ‘Right to Life of MI PAC is excited to work towards the election of Tudor Dixon as Michigan’s next governor.’” [Detroit News, 6/2/22]