Glenn Youngkin established a political action committee, Virginia Wins, to help fundraise for anti-choice, down-ballot Republicans, where he is the sole contributor. Youngkin also announced a long-term, seven-figure effort to fundraise for the PAC. So far in 2023, Virginia Wins PAC donated nearly $100,000 to far-right, down-ballot, Republican candidates: Tara Durant, Siobhan Dunnavant, Emily Brewer, Danny Diggs, Juan Pablo Segura, David Owen, Kim Taylor, John Stirrup, Karen Greenhalgh, and Baxter Ennis.
Delegate Tara Durant celebrated the overturning of Roe v. Wade and pledged to support anti-choice legislation, saying she believed life began at conception.
Senator Siobhan Dunnavant voted to implement an abortion ban that did not include exceptions for rape or incest. She also voted for legislation that would have imposed forced ultrasounds on women seeking abortions.
Delegate Emily Brewer pledged to “100 percent support pro-life policy” and claimed that life began at conception.
John Stirrup, candidate for HD-21, advocated for a total ban on abortion and spoke about his work to impose restrictions on abortion clinics.
Delegate Kim Taylor promised to be a “strong supporter of life” after the Dobbs decision that overturned Roe v. Wade and she supported mandatory counseling sessions for women seeking abortions.
Delegate Karen Greenhalgh, who has a history of volunteering at crisis pregnancy centers, advocated for passing a variety of restrictions on abortion providers and supported an abortion ban.
Danny Diggs, Juan Pablo Segura, David Owen, and Baxter Ennis, candidates for SD-24, SD-31, HD-57, and HD-89 respectively, all supported Governor Youngkin’s proposed 15-week abortion ban.
Youngkin recently emphasized the importance of down-ballot Republican candidates and claimed to have his “eye” on ten different House of Delegate races. Youngkin was also recently caught on video expressing anti-choice views. He claimed if he were to be elected governor and have a majority in the House of Delegates he would start “going on offense” on abortion issues. Youngkin claimed he was “staunchly, unabashedly pro-life” and expressed interest in banning late term abortions and stopping the use of taxpayer funding for abortion providers.
## **In 2021 Glenn Youngkin Donated $400,000 To The Virginia Wins Political Action Committee, Which Has Since Given Over $184,000 To Anti-Choice Republican Candidates**
### **Youngkin Established A Political Action Committee For Down-Ballot Republican Candidates And Large, Long-Term, Financial Commitment**
**The Virginia Wins Political Action Committee Was Created To Support Republican Candidates At Every Level Of Government.** According to the Virginia Wins website, “Virginia Wins PAC will support Republican candidates for every level of government, including local school board, Commonwealth’s attorney, county sheriff, board of supervisors, state delegate, state senator, and the U.S. Congress. The effort will help elect the next wave of Republican leaders through a broad base of campaign, media, and financial assistance.” \[VirginiaWins.com, accessed [_4/20/20_](https://virginiawins.com/)\]
- **Glenn Youngkin Announced A Long-Term, Seven-Figure Commitment To Virginia Wins PAC.** According to a press release from the Youngkin for Governor campaign, “Conservative Republican business leader and candidate for Virginia governor Glenn Youngkin today announced a long-term, seven-figure commitment and fundraising effort dedicated to electing Republicans up and down the ballot across Virginia in 2021 and future elections.”\[Youngkin for Governor – Press Release, [_3/2/21_](https://www.youngkinforgovernor.com/post/youngkin-announces-seven-figure-commitment-to-rebuild-republican-leadership-in-virginia)\]
- **Glenn Youngkin Announced His Intentions For The Virginia Wins PAC Were To Recruit Conservative Candidates So “We Can Reestablish A Real Voice In These Important Local Offices.”** According to Glenn Youngkin during an interview with Fox News, “‘It's school board races and sheriff races and city council races and supervisory board races and commonwealth attorney races and delegate races, particularly this year,’ Youngkin said in an interview with Fox News. ‘I have made a long-term commitment of seven figures. And we're going to... support Republican candidates, conservative candidates who can win. And we can reestablish a real voice in these important local offices.’” \[Fox News, [_4/9/21_](https://www.foxnews.com/politics/virginia-governor-candidate-glenn-youngkin-pac)\]
#### **_Youngkin Was The Sole Contributor To The Virginia Wins Political Action Committee_**
**April 2021: Youngkin Donated $400,000 To The Virginia Wins Political Action Committee.** According to Virginia Wins PAC’s campaign finance disclosure forms,

\[Campaign Finance Disclosure – Virginia Wins PAC, filed [_4/15/21_](https://cfreports.elections.virginia.gov/Report/ReportPDF/237705)\]
#### **_In 2023 Virginia Wins Donated Nearly $100,000 To Anti-Choice Down Ballot Republican Candidates_**
**Virginia Wins Donated $99,214 To Anti-Choice Down Ballot Republican Candidates.**
| | | |
| --- | --- | --- |
| **Date** | **Recipient** | **Amount** |
| 5/18/23 | David Owen for Delegate | $7,000 |
| 5/18/23 | Tara Durant for Senate | $7,000 |
| 5/18/23 | Danny Diggs for Senate | $7,000 |
| 5/18/23 | Baxter Ennis for Delegate | $7,000 |
| 5/18/23 | Juan Segura for Senate | $7,000 |
| 5/23/23 | Tara Durant for Senate | $10,554 |
| 6/1/23 | Tara Durant for Senate | $660 |
| 6/8/23 | Siobhan Dunnavant for Senate | $25,000 |
| 6/15/23 | Tara Durant for Senate | $3,500 |
| 6/15/23 | John Stirrup for Delegate | $3,500 |
| 6/22/23 | Tara Durant for Senate | $7,000 |
| 6/22/23 | Emily Brewer for Senate | $7,000 |
| 6/22/23 | Baxter Ennis for Delegate | $7,000 |
\[Virginia Public Access Project, viewed [_8/28/23_](https://www.vpap.org/donors/374333-spirit-of-virginia/?start_year=2022&end_year=2023&recip_type=all)\]
*Researcher’s Note: Virginia Wins has since been renamed the Spirit of Virginia, as when you view reports for Virginia Wins PAC on the Virginia State Board of Election’s* [*_website_*](https://cfreports.elections.virginia.gov/?CommitteeName=virginia+wins&CommitteeType=)*, it redirects you to the Spirit of Virginia.*
Although Youngkin’s PAC has not yet donated to Karen Greenhalgh and Kim Taylor’s 2023 electoral pursuits it is notable that in the 2021 election his PAC donated $49,000 to Greenhalgh and $8,000 to Taylor.
## **Virginia Wins Donated Thousands To Anti-Choice Candidates Across Virginia**
### **Tara Durant Celebrated The Dobbs Decision, Vowed TO Support Anti-Choice Legislation, And Said Life Began at Conception**
**Durant Celebrated The Supreme Court’s Decision To Overturn Roe V. Wade.** According to a post on Durant’s campaign Facebook, “Today is a great day for life. While this decision does not change the law in Virginia, we know the majority of Virginians are united on the most basic principles regarding abortion: all of us want fewer abortions. As a mother to three beautiful children, I look forward to working with Governor Youngkin and fellow members of the General Assembly to affirm protections for the unborn, and supporting and caring for mothers in the Commonwealth. Please pray for peace and the safety of our justices and our nation.” \[Tara Durant for Senate, [_6/24/22_](https://www.facebook.com/TaraDurantVA/posts/pfbid02E9ZWG37KGwDYYAB1AWBsbgruADCNHo3VApWuVmR6ESxGLyMp4dTaLRaF69ZK6vXzl)\]
**Durant Vowed To Support Anti-Choice Legislation.** According to a press release from Durant, “Where I stand: I believe life begins at conception. I will always support sound legislation that protects the rights of the unborn and look forward to continuing to work with the administration on this issue during the upcoming session.” \[Tara Durant, press release, [_7/18/22_](https://mailchi.mp/87c8bba24b39/for-immediate-release-tara-durant-campaign-announcement-8953861?fbclid=IwAR2sXHG5Z0jp5s_6UnysokyUI60c53vIsHYrwQVFNbAernTLmd5WNBCjVsM)\]
**Durant: “I Believe Life Begins At Conception.”** According to a press release from Durant, “Where I stand: I believe life begins at conception. I will always support sound legislation that protects the rights of the unborn and look forward to continuing to work with the administration on this issue during the upcoming session.” \[Tara Durant, press release, [_7/18/22_](https://mailchi.mp/87c8bba24b39/for-immediate-release-tara-durant-campaign-announcement-8953861?fbclid=IwAR2sXHG5Z0jp5s_6UnysokyUI60c53vIsHYrwQVFNbAernTLmd5WNBCjVsM)\]
### **Siobhan Dunnavant Voted To BAN Abortions WITH NO EXCEPTIONS FOR RAPE OR INCEST And Supported Forced Ultrasounds**
**Dunnavant Voted For A Bill To Ban Abortion After 20 Weeks With No Exceptions For Rape Or Incest.** In the Education and Health Committee, Dunnavant voted for SB710 that, according to 13 News Now, would “ban abortions once a pregnancy reaches 20 weeks. \[…\] The bill says it will only allow exceptions if the person needs an abortion to avoid death or an irreversible health problem, but it does not mention any exception for rape or incest.” \[SB710, filed [_1/21/22_](https://lis.virginia.gov/cgi-bin/legp604.exe?221+ful+SB710); 13 News Now, [_1/24/22_](https://www.13newsnow.com/article/news/politics/virginia-legislature-abortion-ban-bill/291-faf607e8-dcd8-48c9-a410-bb54306b4e3b)\]
**Dunnavant Voted Against Repealing A Law Requiring Mandatory Ultrasounds And A 24-Hour Waiting Period For Abortions.** Dunnavant voted against SB733 which, according to WHSV, repealed “Virginia’s mandatory ultrasound law and 24-hour waiting period prior to abortion. The bills also roll back restrictions on women's health centers, which Democrats said were designed to force centers that provide abortions to close.” \[SB 733, floor vote, [_3/02/20_](https://lis.virginia.gov/cgi-bin/legp604.exe?201+vot+SV1354SB0733+SB0733); WHSV, [_4/10/20_](https://www.whsv.com/content/news/Gov-Northam-signs-Virginia-Reproductive-Health-Protection-Act-569544401.html)\]
### **Emily Brewer Pledged To “100 Percent Support Pro-Life Policy” And Was “Pro-Life At THe Moment Of Conception”**
**Brewer Said She Was “Pro-Life At The Moment Of Conception.”** According to WRIC, “Delegate Emily Brewer said she is ‘pro-life at the moment of conception.’ When asked if she would support an abortion ban at conception if it’s introduced, she said she would have to see the legislation.” \[WRIC, [_9/7/22_](https://www.wric.com/news/virginia-news/advocates-rally-but-no-action-on-abortion-legislation-in-general-assembly/)\]
**2021: Brewer “Pledged To 100 Percent Support Pro-Life Policy.”** According to Students for Life Action, “Students for Life Action Congratulates the following lawmakers soon to be getting to work in the Commonwealth, all of whom pledged to 100 percent support pro-life policy, including: Les Adams, John Avoli, Jason Ballard, Amanda Batten, Emily Brewer.” \[Students for Life Action, [_11/3/21_](https://www.studentsforlifeaction.org/sflaction-celebrates-the-end-of-a-radical-abortion-trifecta-in-va-that-endangered-women-and-preborn/)\]
**Brewer Voted Against Repealing A Law Requiring Mandatory Ultrasounds And A 24-Hour Waiting Period For Abortions.** Chase voted against SB733 which, according to WHSV, repealed “Virginia’s mandatory ultrasound law and 24-hour waiting period prior to abortion. The bills also roll back restrictions on women's health centers, which Democrats said were designed to force centers that provide abortions to close.” \[SB 733, floor vote, [_3/02/20_](https://lis.virginia.gov/cgi-bin/legp604.exe?201+vot+HV1570+SB0733); WHSV, [_4/10/20_](https://www.whsv.com/content/news/Gov-Northam-signs-Virginia-Reproductive-Health-Protection-Act-569544401.html)\]
### **Danny Diggs Supported A 15 Week Abortion Ban**
**Diggs Supported A 15 Week Abortion Ban, With Exceptions For Rape, Incest, And Life Of The Mother.** According to Diggs’ website “I am pro-life and believe we must do better in cultivating a culture of life in Virginia. I will work to expand access to adoption and provide mothers the resources they need to support their children. I also support Governor Youngkin’s common sense proposal to allow abortion up to to 15 weeks while leaving in exceptions for rape, incest and to save the life of the mother.” \[Diggs For Senate, “About,” [_07/26/23_](https://www.diggsforsenate.com/platform)\]
### **Juan Pablo Segura Supported A 15 Week Abortion Ban**
**Segura Supported A 15 Week Abortion Ban, With Exceptions For Rape, Incest, And Life Of The Mother.** According to the Richmond Times-Dispatch, “The district, which includes portions of Fauquier and Loudoun counties, was once reliably Republican. Perry, a former CIA officer, will face maternal telehealth app co-founder Juan Pablo Segura in a competitive district where contention over parents’ input in schools gave Youngkin a critical issue in his successful 2021 campaign. Segura is backing Youngkin’s 15-week goal with exceptions for rape, incest, or life of the pregnant person, calling it a ‘reasoned proposal.’” \[Richmond Times-Dispatch, [_7/10/23_](https://richmond.com/news/state-regional/government-politics/abortion-virginia-democrats-republicans/article_7671a5b2-1cef-11ee-b3ed-67d2bc05b52d.html)\]
### **John Stirrup Favored A Total Abortion ban**
**Stirrup Stated He Would Fully Support An Abortion Ban**. According to The Washington Post, “I would support a 100 percent ban,’ Stirrup told a woman who had approached him after a Republican primary debate May 18, according to a recording obtained by The Washington Post. In another recordin[g](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sKWYQY5VCcU), made June 20, he told a man he met outside a polling place that ‘I’d like to see, you know, \[a\] total ban.’ \[...\] Stirrup did not dispute the authenticity of the recordings, which his campaign said he was unaware of until contacted by The Post on Wednesday. But he said in a text message to The Post that he does not expect to find support in Richmond for outlawing abortion entirely and that he would push instead to ban the procedure after 15 weeks, with some exceptions.” \[Washington Post, [8/10/23](https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2023/08/10/abortion-ban-virginia-elections-stirrup/)\]
**2011: Stirrup’s Campaign Website Stated “I Am 100% Pro-Life” And Touted Stirrup’s Role As A Founder Of An Anti-Choice PAC.** According to John Stirrup’s campaign website, “Protecting Life: I am 100% pro-life. Earlier in my career, I was a founding member of a pro-life Political Action Committee during the several years I worked for Representative (now U.S. Senator) Dr. Tom Coburn.” \[John Stirrup for Senate, [_6/10/11_](https://web.archive.org/web/20110610011626/http:/www.stirrupforstatesenate.com/issues/), Via archive.org\]
**2011: Stirrup’s Campaign Website Touted His Support Of Restrictions On Abortion Clinics While He Served On The Prince William County Board Of Supervisors.** According to John Stirrup’s campaign website, “Over the past eight years as a Prince William County Supervisor, I fought for lower taxes, tougher immigration laws and led the charge to promote responsible growth in our community. \[…\] While the Board of Supervisors rarely has abortion-related issues before it, I recently initiated a letter to Governor McDonnell supporting the regulation of abortion clinics in Virginia, which was unanimously supported by the Board’s Republicans.” \[John Stirrup for Senate, [_6/10/11_](https://web.archive.org/web/20110610011626/http:/www.stirrupforstatesenate.com/issues/), Via archive.org\]
### **kim taylor supported anti choice policies**
**Taylor Said That She “Will Always Be A Strong Supporter Of Life” After Dobbs Decision.** According to The Progress Index, “Freshman GOP Del. Kim Taylor of Dinwiddie County issued a statement recognizing the battles that could be looming, but she made it clear where she stands on the issue."The decisions that will be made are no simple task, and I fully understand the burden that comes with this ruling," Taylor said. "As a mother, my daughter is my greatest gift. Given this fact, I will always be a strong supporter of life."” \[The Progress Index, [_07/26/23_](https://www.progress-index.com/story/news/2022/06/24/va-political-reactions-to-roe-range-from-elation-to-devastation/65363416007/)\]
**Kim Taylor Voted For Anti-Abortion Bill HB 212.** According to Virginia’s Legislative Information System, “HB 212 Abortion; right to informed consent.floor: 02/15/22 House: VOTE: Passage (52-Y 48-N) YEAS--Adams, L.R., Anderson, Austin, Avoli, Ballard, Batten, Bell, Bloxom, Brewer, Byron, Campbell, J.L., Campbell, R.R., Cherry, Cordoza, Coyner, Davis, Durant, Edmunds, Fariss, Fowler, Freitas, Greenhalgh, Head, Hodges, Kilgore, Knight, LaRock, Leftwich, March, Marshall, McGuire, McNamara, Morefield, O'Quinn, Orrock, Ransone, Robinson, Runion, Scott, P.A., Tata, Taylor, Wachsmann, Walker, Wampler, Ware, Webert, Wiley, Williams, Wilt, Wright, Wyatt, Mr. Speaker--52.” \[Virginia’s Legislative Information System, [_2/15/22_](https://lis.virginia.gov/cgi-bin/legp604.exe?221+vot+HV0977+HB0212)\]
**Planned Parenthood Action: “HB212 Would Have Reinstated Mandatory Biased Counseling Before An Abortion, Interfering In The Relationship Between A Patient And Their Health Care Provider.”** According to Planned Parenthood Action, “Delegate Karen Greenhalgh’s HB212 would have reinstated mandatory biased counseling before an abortion, interfering in the relationship between a patient and their health care provider. Even Senator Dunnavant (R-Henrico) opposed HB212. During a senate subcommittee’s consideration, she said she ‘can’t support scripting that \[informed consent\] into the code.’” \[Planned Parenthood Action, [_3/16/22_](https://www.plannedparenthoodaction.org/planned-parenthood-advocates-virginia-inc/press-releases/planned-parenthood-advocates-of-virginia-spends-40-000-on-digital-program-calling-out-anti-abortion-legislators)\]
### **Karen Greenhalgh supported An Abortion Ban And Restrictions On Health Care Facilities That Provided Abortions**
**Greenhalgh Supported Glen Youngkin’s 15-Week Abortion Ban.** According to Greenhalgh’s campaign website, “I believe that all life is precious, and that is why I supported Governor Youngkin’s approach to limit elective abortion in Virginia to 15 weeks with reasonable exceptions for the horrendous crimes of rape and incest, or, to protect the life of the mother. I have worked with women and care deeply for expectant mothers. Women faced with the decision whether or not to keep their child deserve our love and support, but the Commonwealth must also do more to ensure young mothers and families have the resources they need to care for their child.” \[Karen Greenhalgh’s Campaign Website, viewed [_7/26/2023_](https://www.karengreenhalgh.com/platform.html)\]
**Greenhalgh “Called For A Broad Range Of Restrictions On Health Care Facilities That Provide Abortions.** According to Salon,“Virginia Wins has given $5,500 to support state House candidate Karen Greenhalgh, a former manager at a chain of so-called pregnancy crisis centers, which often trick women seeking abortions into going to ‘fake clinics’ where they are dissuaded from the procedure, sometimes in misleading ways. Greenhalgh has called for a broad range of restrictions on health care facilities that provide abortions.” \[Salon, [_7/24/2021_](https://www.salon.com/2021/07/24/virginia-gop-candidate-glenn-youngkin-tries-to-pivot-away-from-trump--but-theres-nowhere-to-go/)\]
**Karen Greenhalgh Tried Twice To Pass Legislation Criminalizing Healthcare Providers.** According to Planned Parenthood, “Twice tried to get signed consent between a provider and their patient. Twice tried to pass legislation to criminalize health care providers. Voted against a Constitutional Amendment to let citizens vote directly on reproductive rights. \[Planned Parenthood Action, viewed [_7/26/2023_](https://www.plannedparenthoodaction.org/planned-parenthood-advocates-virginia-inc/ppav-elections/delegate-greenhalgh-accountability)\]
**Greenhalgh Volunteered As A Counselor With Local Crisis Pregnancy Centers, And Was Later Hired As A CPC Manager.** According to WAVY, “Karen Greenhalgh founded Heritage Woodworks Inc., which lead to several growing Virginia Beach businesses. She has since sold her company and now spends her time serving the community, including as a volunteer counselor for local crisis pregnancy centers. She has since been hired by the centers as a manager, but continues to serve as a counselor. She also founded Cyber Tygr to address patient privacy and cybersecurity risks in healthcare.” \[WAVY, [_9/23/21_](https://www.wavy.com/news/politics/candidates/candidate-profile-karen-greenhalgh-district-85/)\]
### **David owen Supported A 15 week abortion ban**
**Owen Favored Fifteen Week Abortion Ban**. According to The Richmond Times-Dispatch, “David Owen, who is the GOP candidate in the 57th House District, plans to support a 15-week bill. ‘Abortion is a personal decision and there are times where this is a discussion women need to have with their doctors. This is why I support a woman’s right to choose up until 15 weeks, and will also always protect exceptions for rape, incest and life of the mother,’ he said. \[Richmond Times-Dispatch, [_7/10/23_](https://richmond.com/news/state-regional/government-politics/abortion-virginia-democrats-republicans/article_7671a5b2-1cef-11ee-b3ed-67d2bc05b52d.html)\]
### **Baxter Ennis Supported A 15 week abortion ban**
**Ennis Supported Anti Choice Measures On His Campaign Site**. According to Ennis’ Campaign Website, “Having three adult children and four grandchildren, Baxter recognizes the importance of protecting the rights of the unborn. There need to be fewer and not more abortions in Virginia. 15 weeks is an ideal limit, with fair exceptions in cases of rape, incest and life of the mother. He will support legislation that make adoption easier, such as reforming the adoption and foster care system. He also believes in ending taxpayer-funded abortions and those in the third trimester.” \[Baxter Ennis, viewed [_8/29/23_](https://baxterennis.com/)\]
## **Youngkin Donated To Down-Ballot Republicans That Support His Anti-Choice Agenda**
### **Youngkin Promised To “Happily And Gleefully” Sign New Abortion Bans Into Law**
**Youngkin Claimed He was “Staunchly, Unabashedly Pro-Life.”** According to The Washington Post, “’Listen, I am staunchly, unabashedly pro-life. And the abortion issue is an issue that the Democrats use to divide us,’ he says. ‘And, in fact, there is such common ground for us to say, wait a minute, where this crazy governor and the governor before him have taken Virginia is so out of bounds, let’s start the walk back.’” \[Washington Post, [_7/7/21_](https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/virginia-politics/glenn-youngkin-virginia-abortion-video/2021/07/07/1b551bee-df81-11eb-9f54-7eee10b5fcd2_story.html)\]
**Youngkin Worked To Gain Control Of The Virginia General Assembly In Order To Pass A Conservative Agenda, Including New Abortion Restrictions.** According to NBC News, “Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin and his political team are devoting significant resources to gaining Republican control of the General Assembly this fall, hoping to enact a conservative agenda that would include passing new abortion legislation, according to several sources familiar with the governor’s plans. Virginia is the last state in the South without significant restrictions on abortion rights, and advocates see it as the next big battleground on the issue.” \[NBC News, [_8/27/23_](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/virginia-gov-youngkin-eyes-15-week-abortion-ban-consensus-voters-will-rcna101476)\]
**Youngkin Claimed He Would “Happily And Gleefully” Sign Into Law “Any Bill That Comes To My Desk… In Order To Protect Life.”** According to the New Republic, “Youngkin has indicated that he would support restricting access to abortion should Republicans gain control of the state legislature. Having frequently referred to himself as a ‘pro-life governor,’ Youngkin supported the 15-week ban on the procedure that Republicans unsuccessfully attempted to pass this year. \[…\] But Youngkin has also publicly proclaimed that he would be willing to go much further than a 15-week ban. ‘Any bill that comes to my desk I will sign happily and gleefully in order to protect life,’ Youngkin said last June. Meanwhile, state Democrats have kicked off a turnout operation ‘to warn voters of what’s at stake if MAGA extremists take full control of Richmond, including the very real threat of an abortion ban.’” \[New Republic, [_8/25/23_](https://newrepublic.com/article/175181/2023-election-virginia-youngkin-abortion)\]
#### **_Youngkin Prioritized Winning Downballot Elections And Raised Nearly $10 Million In Order To Take Control Of The Virginia General Assembly_**
**Youngkin’s “Sole Focus And Sole Priority” Was Winning Competitive State Legislative Elections.** According to NBC News, “‘His sole focus and sole priority is on these state House and state Senate races,’ said David Rexrode, the executive director of Youngkin's state PAC, Spirit of Virginia. ‘He’s doing town halls in Fredericksburg and Prince William, Loudoun and Roanoke, not in Des Moines, Manchester and Charleston.’ Spirit of Virginia has become a financial engine the likes of which Republicans have not seen since 2011, when then-Gov. Bob McDonnell, then seen as a rising GOP star, became chair of the Republican Governors Association. Youngkin has raised $9.5 million since the beginning of the year from donors across the U.S., including recent fundraisers on Nantucket in Massachusetts and in the Hamptons in New York, a source familiar with the PAC's finances confirmed.” \[NBC News, [_8/21/23_](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/virginia-democrats-raise-alarms-gov-glenn-youngkin-building-national-b-rcna100435)\]
- **Youngkin And His Team Raised $9.5 Million For His Effort To Win Control Of The Virginia State Legislature.** According to NBC News, “‘His sole focus and sole priority is on these state House and state Senate races,’ said David Rexrode, the executive director of Youngkin's state PAC, Spirit of Virginia. \[…\] Spirit of Virginia has become a financial engine the likes of which Republicans have not seen since 2011, when then-Gov. Bob McDonnell, then seen as a rising GOP star, became chair of the Republican Governors Association. Youngkin has raised $9.5 million since the beginning of the year from donors across the U.S., including recent fundraisers on Nantucket in Massachusetts and in the Hamptons in New York, a source familiar with the PAC's finances confirmed.” \[NBC News, [_8/21/23_](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/virginia-democrats-raise-alarms-gov-glenn-youngkin-building-national-b-rcna100435)\]